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Im lost

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    Im lost

    Hello everyone. I have been in a long distance relationship for a year now. We met online. Im not sure what to do anymore. The relationship started out great. We would talk every night (we still do), always wanted to be with each other. I will admit that in the beginning, I wasn't the best person. I at times made her feel unwanted. She would always call me and sometimes i barely spoke. Now the shoe is on the other foot. I am now feeling what she felt. We were supposed to meet before christmas of last year, but it didnt happen. She stated that it was because of how I was acting. I cant say that I blame her. I was in a bad way in my life when we first met. Now that my situations are different, im not the same person I was. I will admit that she had put up with a lot. Now all I want to do is be closer to her, and its like she's not there anymore. Its like now shes trying everything in her power to avoid me. Do her and I speak on a daily basis, yes. Does she tell me that shes still in love with me , yes. But for some strange reason I feel like somethings not right. I try asking her how she feels and it starts a fight. I tell her everyday that I love her. She says it back. She says to me now that I have become to pushy and direct with my feelings. I don't know how to take that. I don't know what else I need to do. Has anyone else faced this?
    Last edited by MR J; August 26, 2013, 04:15 PM.

    What I don't get is she wanted you to talk to her more in the beginning and then when you changed and became more open she finds it pushy and to direct?

    From what you are saying, not that I know. To me it sounds like she liked the relationship more when you were in a bad time, maybe she liked the drama? Some people are like that, they like "toxic" relationships.

    I'm not saying your relationship was toxic at all, but you did state you were going through a bad time. I don't really know and do not want to assume anything. ^^

