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Bummed out :/

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    Bummed out :/

    I am leaving to Florida in 16 days, which is amazing and I feel extremely lucky knowing I will be in my boyfriends arms soon.

    I have a twin sister that has been dating this guy named Rob. I think he is okay but that's not the point. Every Friday me and some of my family go out to this resteraunt to eat and it is usually boring but my sister would keep me company. Now she is always with Rob or he is there and I'm left out.

    He sleeps over for a few days in the weekend, he does not work yet so its not a problem for him. I honestly love privacy so it annoys me but I try not to whine about it to her. I can tell my mum hates it too.

    Well he was supposed to leave today, he was here for 3 days and I thought well yay. Lol and my aunt wanted to take us to this water park. I was like "hey this may be fun with jay" then I found out she wont go. She is going to his house. (He lives with his mom, like us)

    I feel upset, I don't know if I am over reacting but I feel like she doesnt care to ever hang out with me. :/

    I understand I am leaving but my relationship is longdistance so I believe it is a lot different. I'm not saying she cant see her bf but when she spends a week with him and barely talks to me it becomes a problem. When I am with my boyfriend in Florida I plan to call/skype her whenever I can.

    Even if I tried to talk to her about it she just won't listen, I tried once and instead she brought her bf along saying we could all hang out together when I wanted alone time with her. Its like she does not understand my feelings. I don't know what I am asking for, guess I wanted to see if this was me over reacting or not?


    I don't think you are over-reacting at all. To be honest, it sounds very selfish of your sister to just completely ignore you and hang out with him or insist that he be with you whenever you spend time with her. My husband spends a lot of time with my sister and I, but I still respect whenever she wants to spend time with just me. It would be a completely different story if you were comfortable with spending time with him, too... but that doesn't sound like it's entirely the case.

    It's also unfair that she seems to believe she can leave whenever she wants because you're going to Florida to visit your boyfriend, because that is a very different situation. *sigh*

    I guess all you can do is try to talk to her about it, but you said that you have and she wouldn't listen. I am really sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that being with him will make you feel better and that while you are gone, your sister will learn to appreciate you a little more.


      Thanks, I just hope she grows up a little more. I do honestly feel a little weird around him. I just dont entirely like him. I'm really glad I will be able to have some time to myself. I do want to hang out with her but when she acts like this I just feel like I want to be away from her.


        This is completely normal between siblings (or it always has been in my experience), but I would say give it time. It will wear off. I get why it's upsetting, because you're leaving for another state soon, but sometimes you have to let siblings be siblings. She'll eventually get her priorities back in order.


          I can understand why you're upset. I hope she gets out of this soon and starts to try and divide her time; you're her sister after all. Her TWIN. Is this a new relationship? If so maybe it's just the air of being in a new relationship, wanting to be with that person all the time. But even then you need some sort of space. And if you're going to be leaving soon to go spend time with your boyfriend, then she needs to realize that you need girl time and need to just spend time with HER and not her + her boyfriend.

          She needs to learn to divide her time between all important members of her life. I hope things get better for you both soon. Maybe your time apart with you in a different state will clear things out for her and she'll miss you so much that she'll realize that you both haven't been spending time together like you should and she'll start trying to spend more time with you and not just with him all the time.

          Also, I forgot to add, congrats on going to see your SO soon! That's exciting!


            It is actually a pretty new relationship, they have been dating for around 4 months or less. I was never like that though, but then again I'm not her..

            Things have been a bit tense lately around me and my sister, something happened a little bit ago that she never got over even though my so did apologize.



              No one else replied but I just feel like adding more because I am very pissed off.

              We went out to the resteraunt lastnight and everyone thought I was selfish for not letting my sisters bf come because I wanted to spend time with her,

              My sister is talking to her bf calling me a bitch because I didnt allow him to come and how she already misses him and I am the bad

              Her bf is all like "its going to get worse when she comes from florida" they both hate my so.

              Im so annoyed, why am I the bitch?

              Gah she was with him for like 8 days, I dont understand.

