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Share that ONE memory

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    Share that ONE memory

    I got to thinking the other day about my SO and all the blissfully wonderful things we did together while he visited me. Not purely physical either, just being with him, him making me laugh, going out to breakfast with him. Just all these happy memories came flooding back and I just lost it. The more I thought about it, the happier yet sadder I got cause I miss him.

    I think the memory that does that the most for me is when I went to pick him up from the airport and I happened to fall asleep in my chair waiting for him (I had a long drive that started at around 4 in the morning).
    The next thing I know, there's a gentle touch on my shoulder and I hear my name. I open my eyes and there he is, kneeling down in front of me. I literally tackled him out of half-sleep/half-jolted/awake/surprise/happiness/fatigued/utterly-in-love emotions. He just laughed and hugged me back while trying to prop us both off the floor. I noticed a group of security guards chuckling at us

    So that's probably the one memory that really makes me emotional. So what's yours?
    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

    Awwww haha. I think so far one of my favorite memories was actually when he left and during his connection he sent me a text saying "i love you more than ever". I think it meant so much because i was still insecure about him leaving and him telling me he didnt love me anymore.

    I cried tears of joy when i got that text. Right then i knew we'd make it. And we did
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
      Awwww haha. I think so far one of my favorite memories was actually when he left and during his connection he sent me a text saying "i love you more than ever". I think it meant so much because i was still insecure about him leaving and him telling me he didnt love me anymore.

      I cried tears of joy when i got that text. Right then i knew we'd make it. And we did
      B'awww, i can understand how you feel. that's so sweet
      And every breath we drew was Hallelujah


        There are so many memories to choose from! <3 I think my favorite memory is the moment I saw him at the airport for the first time. I had to take 2 flights out to Dallas (where my SO lives). I was expecting to see him right away when I got off the plane. He called me and let me know he was at the baggage claim. I walked (ok, almost sprinted haha) to the baggage claim. He called me and said he could see me but I couldn't see him. Then I looked and saw him! He had a huge smile on his face! I walked up to him, dropped my bags and grabbed him! <3

        I still remember that like it was yesterday. Makes me smile and brings tears to my eyes <3


          ah it's hard to choose...

          One of my favorite memories would probably be when my mums boyfriend was driving us to the airport for when Mike left, it was sad but we were really tired from waking up early and not getting much sleep. He just rested his head against my shoulder and fell asleep, I just gently rubbed his arm and felt extremely sad but so in love. I was trying not to fall asleep because I wanted to spend every second I had left just looking at him.

          I cried for hours when I got home wrapped up in the shirt he left me breathing in his scent and fell asleep. Gah this is making me sad.


            Mine would be a few nights after I had arrived for our first meeting....he had made dinner and we were drinking champagne listening to music in the kitchen, he stood up and turned my chair around for a cuddle then pulled me up and we danced was all so perfect and makes me tear up when I think of it and how much I miss him
            ​Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever


              The night before he left after our first visit together. We were laying there, and I was in a mood because of course I didn't want him to leave and he had tears in his eyes, telling me how much he didn't want to leave and how we would find a way to keep it together. This from the most unemotional man in the world


                My favourite memory I think was the road trip we took when I went to visit his hometown. We drove from Santa Barbara, to Santa Clarita and went to six flags. Then that night we drove into LA, slept at a motel, and went to Disneyland the next morning. The next day we headed for the interstate and drove to Las Vegas and stayed there for 2 days. That was probably the most fun I've ever had in my life and I got to share that with him. I can't wait to do it again.


                  For me it would probably be the first time we've met. We took a long walk in a park and there were some cherry trees blooming, with nice pink blooms, and I was like "ah that's cute, I want one to put it in my hair", so he somehow managed to climb the big tree and get one for me It was very romantic


                    I'd have to say the first hour of our first visit together is one of my most treasured memories... I had built up so much previsit uncertainty, and I remember pacing my hotel room while swells of knots, unrelenting, swallowed each other in my stomach... Like magic, when he arrived and I opened the door... I know it's incredibly silly, and I didn't think I was capable of feeling what I did then ever, but any kind of doubts, insecurities, everything, vanished, as soon as I saw his face. A sense of belonging encompassed my being. Shortly after that we were lying down, mostly in a quiet shock, I think. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my hair and said, "I don't know how you did it... I didn't think it was even possible... But I have fallen even more in love with you."


                      Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                      The night before he left after our first visit together. We were laying there, and I was in a mood because of course I didn't want him to leave and he had tears in his eyes, telling me how much he didn't want to leave and how we would find a way to keep it together. This from the most unemotional man in the world
                      That is precious! The night or 2 days before I had to leave after our first visit was similar. And so sweet. We were laying in bed and I was saying how I didn't want to leave etc. He said I don't cry that often and then he started crying. When a guy cries because he dosen't want you to leave, you know he loves you <3


                        There are SO SO SO many perfect memories to pick from but two stick out in my mind.

                        The first one, I'm sure we all have memories or doing..
                        Just laying in bed next to him and cuddled up. My face against his. Just listening to him breathe and fall asleep brought a huge smile to my face every night. There's honestly nothing more beautiful than falling asleep in each other's arms knowing you're safe and sound.

                        The second one is a little more personal.
                        Every year, my SO goes on a beach trip to Alabama with his family and I was lucky enough to be invited this year. On our of our last nights there, we decided to just spend some time alone and away from his family. We decided to take a stroll along the water while it was pitch black out. We held hands and listened to the waves. We discussed everythingggg we could possibly think of, including our future and how we would bring our kids to that beach one day. it was absolutely perfecttt. We even stopped somewhere in between and he just held me for a couple minutes. ^_^

                        first met: ~10.03
                        became official: 28.03.11
                        first meeting: 08.06.12 - 24.06.12 (jason in vancouver)
                        second meeting: 18.07.13 - 30.07.13 (jason in vancouver)
                        our first vacation together: 30.07.13 - 20.08.13 (cynthia in new orleans)
                        third meeting: 14.12.13 - 03.01.14 (cynthia in new orleans)
                        fourth meeting: 21.05.14-02.06.14 (jason in vancouver)
                        surprise! 13.08.14-27.08.14 (cynthia surprises jason in new orleans)
                        viva las vegas: 21.12.14 - 24.12.14 (c+j vacation together in vegas!)
                        jason's 1st canadian christmas: 24.12.14-02.01.15
                        my first mardi gras: 12.02.15-20.02.15


                          Oh, this is so stupid. Not your thread, my answering it I'm not an emotional, romantic woman, I despise RomComs, Lifetime network, and romance novels. Chick flicks and chick lit are my enemy As for my guy, well, Finns aren't exactly known for their romantic capabilities! That said, the summer before last, we were taking a long walk through the woods, and we were finally almost home when the skies opened up and we were in one of the most intense rainstorms I've ever seen. We ran under a huge tree, that looked like it could at least give a little shelter. The next 20 minutes were spent giggling, making out, and trying to keep each other dry, it was exactly like a scene out of a cheesy romance movie By the time the storm passed, we were just-outta-the-shower soaked, but we barely noticed.
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            The one moment I'll remember for the rest of my life was when I went to the airport to meet my SO last February. It was the first time he came to visit me after becoming a couple, so as I stood there waiting at the terminal, time was majorly dragging by. It seemed like I was waiting forever, when finally, I saw him walk up the ramp and into the terminal.
                            At the moment, it seemed like time stopped, and nothing else in the world mattered. As soon as he saw me, a huge smile spread across his face..I thought my heart was going to burst! I ran into his arms and we gave each other the biggest hug possible.
                            The best part: As soon as we embraced, everyone around us in the terminal (about 50 people) started clapping and cheering for us <3
                            Definitely one of the best moments of my life!


                              I remember one memory that will stick with me forever. On my last day visiting my SO, we were driving to the town where the airport was. My So decides to pull off onto this dirt road about halfway, surrounded by a tobacco field. He parks his truck and turns on his IPhone and starts playing his country songs. I walk around to the other side of the truck to meet him and he grabs my hand and starts to slow dance with me. No one else around, just us outside in the blistering heat in the middle of a dirt road, slow dancing. I never felt more in love with him than I did at that moment because it felt like we were the only two people on the planet.

