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Your thoughts on what to do?

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    Your thoughts on what to do?

    So my girlfriend's birthday is coming up on the 11th of September. I have been racking my brain with what to do but haven't come up with anything...obviously I wouldn't be with her. And then on the 23rd of September is our 1 year anniversary. I am coming out to see her for that and plane tickets themselves are going to be super expensive. Her best friend lives with her and is willing to help me out if I need her so I have that option too.

    So I don't want to break the bank with these 2 big dates but I want to do something good.

    Any thoughts or ideas?

    Last edited by Marty; August 31, 2013, 09:15 AM.

    Can you set up a skype date for her birthday and do something like send a small cake (via a website that does that kind of thing) or a small gift and get her to open it while on skype? You could even write her an extra special email, or send a really nice special letter for her to open on birthday. Some of the nicest things are free, I find.

    As for anniversary, I'd take her for a special picnic, make her dinner or download her favourite movie and watch it when you get there. Even set up a treasure hunt with lots of little pieces of paper with your favourite memories on them, or hide lots of her favourite chocolates with clues to where they are?


      I'm sure your girlfriend will understand if you don't break the bank, as plane tickets are expensive! I know when my boyfriend came to visit me for my birthday I didn't think he would get me a gift, because seeing him was a gift in itself.

      For her birthday, can you get the best friend to buy a bouquet of flowers and maybe her favorite candy/chocolate (you'd pay the best friend back) and leave it in your girlfriend's room (or somewhere else) when she's gone so that she gets a surprise when she walks in? You could even see if a handwritten card from you would make it in time for her birthday, address it to the best friend, and have the best friend include your card in the arrangement so that it brings that little bit of personal touch from you.
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        Originally posted by Marty View Post
        So my girlfriend's birthday is coming up on the 11th of September. I have been racking my brain with what to do but haven't come up with anything...obviously I wouldn't be with her. And then on the 23rd of September is our 1 year anniversary. I am coming out to see her for that and plane tickets themselves are going to be super expensive. Her best friend lives with her and is willing to help me out if I need her so I have that option too.

        So I don't want to break the bank with these 2 big dates but I want to do something good.

        Any thoughts or ideas?

        I think she should understand that you don't want to break the bank to buy her a gift or anything. I think the most precious and cheapest gift would be your time.. make time to skype/video call with her on her birthday, you can buy her a present/card that you can afford if you like, maybe think of something you can do together over the internet if you are into doing something for her birthday. Or just have an extra awesome anniversary when you are there and do the bigger date then.


          A small arangement of flowers would be cute
          Made it official: 12-01-10
          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
          Closed the distance: 07-31-13


            Wow crazy my birthday is september 11th too! Just wanted to say that I honestly thought this post was from my so and he came on the site but then I read more. Haha

