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Disappointed :/

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    I think different people have different expectations and you both need to just let the other one know what you need or want. You might not always be able to meet those needs but there is no way to meet them if the other person doesn't know what they are.

    I am not a needy person but since I met my SO over a year ago not a day has passed that we don't talk. When I go on vacation or he goes we still make time for each other. It is just important to both of us. He went to cabin for a week over the summer that had no cell phone service but still took the time 3 times or more a day to drive down the mountain to where he had service to call me for about 15 minutes to see how I was doing and chat. On typical days, we text all throughout the day and talk on the phone 3-4 times a day. There rarely is an hour that goes by unless we are asleep that we don't text at least one time.

    Him and I are happy with this arrangement. I don't expect him to text me that much nor does he expect it from me but it is important to us and it is what keeps both of us happy. I went out with my friends Saturday night. I texted him once every hour or to just let him know I was having a good time or tell him something funny that happened. He worries when I am not drinking as do I when he is out with his friends so I think that little bit of contact is reassuring that things are okay.


      He apologized about this. So I'm guessing he understands what He did and how it affected you right?
      Every relationship is different. Even though it's unfair the way he treated you, it sounded like he did need a break though. as others said, people do need a break once in a while.
      As long as he knows what the problem was and how it affected the relationship, it's okay to move on and you both know not to make this same mistake again right?

