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The start of a possibly LDR (US-UK)

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    The start of a possibly LDR (US-UK)

    I'm talking with this guy from Manchester, UK. We recently started instant messaging each other. We've been talking for a day. He's originally from IL (born) but grew up in Manchester, UK. He's an independent contractor. Like I said it's fairly recent so I don't know where it will lead, we shall see. I'm nervous, yet excited to see where God takes this if anywhere. I'm trusting God with everything.

    Exciting! My advice would be to take it slow.. enjoy talking to him. Though if he was born in the USA then it'll make closing the distance so much easier for you both, if he decides to move back to the USA.. but you probably don't have to think about that yet if you just started talking for a day. Enjoy this initial talking and having fun getting to know each other stage, and see where it leads!

    I've been to Manchester, it's where I always fly into and fly out of when I visit my boyfriend.. except for my first visit when I flew into London Gatwick.. never again, because it is about double the distance from my boyfriend as Manchester! lol


      Well, it looks like he is moving back to the US, he told me tonight. I'm happy that he's excited to move back, I'm kinda bummed though about him leaving the UK. But he said he would like to take a holiday with me there, but we will see, we are still in the beginning stages. I'm excited & nervous all at the same time. I'm going to keep praying though, that's my main thing is to pray for our possible relationship.


        Woo another near snap. I'm in a LDR from Maryland to UK. I've never met my Boyfriend in person though we skype all the time, But that doesn't mean our relationship is any different. I've found that LDR are the best, though tougher and more straining, LDR eliminate the Physical amour of a person, so instead of only wanting them for their appearence you get to know them on the inside and out, you learn more about them then you would in a standard relationship.

        The best thing to do is definitely take it slowly. It's so easy to immerse yourself in a person that you forget the rest of the world around you. I'll put my hands up and admit to this, But i've learned from my mistakes.

        Luckly the UK and USA ain't that far apart and connections are quite well with flights and manchester has direct flights in and out. One thing that is sometimes a problem is the time zone difference -/+ 5 hours might not seem alot but at times it is. Thankfully I'm a night owl so me and my boyfriend can talk for hours but once I'm asleep he'll be awake for hours still and when I wake up for college he's still awake. But that's about 2AM which for anyone is a push. A thing to really do is if you can both set aside time to skype call, just talk which will ease up the tension on distance.

        I don't know what this guy is like in terms of going out on weekends, but Manchester is a party capital. So if you are gonna set aside time to spend together I recommend maybe once every 2 weeks is sitting down together order or cook a meal and watch a movie or talk (If you get more serious), But definitely talk alot cos you don't want to be wasting your time on someones who's not prepared to pull their own weight in the relationship.

