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Ever wonder...

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    Ever wonder...

    Just wondering if anyone else ever feels like they are waiting around for something that may not work out in the end ....Do you ever wonder if there is someone you are more compatible with closer to you?

    There are days I do wonder if anything will become of this since I'm still fairly new to the idea that people who do online relationships actually meet/end up living with the person. It makes me curious to see if actually being there in person would ruin the relationship.

    As for the being compatible with someone closer... honestly I never gave it thought. I make guy friends easily because I'm a bit off the wall and not very feminine but none of them are on the same level with me enough to be romantic and really I have no interest in finding out. I held a flame for this man for 7 years even when I had no interest in dating, I can't say I'd ever explore the option of someone in a decent physical vicinity for whatever reason I might have such as finding the distance hard or wanting the novelty of touch.


      Earlier in my relationship, I did think that. But we've been together for almost 2 years now and I don't think like that at all anymore. I know the distance can be hard at times, but me and my boyfriend have plans worked out for relocating.


        I've only known my SO for a month and a's a crazy short time, I know. But I can just tell that there's something different about him. I can't imagine anyone more compatible with me than him. There are just no words to describe it. It helps that we spent a few days together when we met, I'm sure. I don't know if I'd be strong enough to commit to someone I'd never met in person. I'm a really affection person and physical chemistry is honestly very important to me. But I don't mind having to wait for him because, the short time I got to spend with him was so much more fulfilling and comfortable than anything I've ever had with anyone else. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

        So what I'm saying is, I can't imagine anyone, anywhere, that I would rather be with. I don't even care to look


          I'm going to go ahead and say that I do think about that some times. Likely when I feel the distance the most or he and I are not seeing eye to eye. I don't think it makes my love for him something lesser, it's just something I think about (and also, maybe a bit of a bug has been put in my ear from my family. Thinking about something occasionally, though, is a lot different than acting on it, thank goodness!). For me, maybe it comes to mind because he has put out these great ideas for a possible future, but when I try and talk about things more seriously (not like I am thinking we should get married yet or anything, but more about talking more concretely about who, when, and if we are going to end the distance), he clams up. Right now, it's hard for him to think beyond finishing his last term of school, but yeah...let's be real...I can't sit here for 50 years saving up money for visits every 4 months. On one hand, the message I get from him is commitment, love, admiration...the whole gambit, but, on the other hand, I still see that commitment-phobe, little boy, bachelor wriggling somewhere.

          What often gets me off this path of thinking is to remind myself that relationships really are about taking chances. If I was seeing someone close by, there is no guarantee that all the dates we would go on and time spent together would or wouldn't end in a messy break-up.

          (Oops! Sent that off too quickly, so here is a bit more.)

          Very occasionally do I wonder about a real possibility with someone close by. I love my SO and if I encounter any potential close by suitors, then they always fall short of who my SO is to me.
          Last edited by Lunar Snow; August 18, 2010, 01:53 AM.


            Nope. I was never interested in a relationship until I met her. We have plans to close the distance as soon as possible ;]


              I never thought of that either. Because we have straight plans at the moment and are at the time, to move in together soon (like one year, it is soon...) i really don't want to give up. I also have a big ego, what means that i would never give up anyway. And i think, when we live together, our bond will be as strong as before, no... even stronger because finally we have each other and because of the long time with distance we appreciate each other more than other couples. Sure, there will be difficulties, we will fight and such, but i really believe in the end it will work out. <3

              If other guys are interested in me i ignore them like hell or just scare them away xD *strict*


                Originally posted by Kirschlein View Post
                I never thought of that either. Because we have straight plans at the moment and are at the time, to move in together soon (like one year, it is soon...) i really don't want to give up. I also have a big ego, what means that i would never give up anyway. And i think, when we live together, our bond will be as strong as before, no... even stronger because finally we have each other and because of the long time with distance we appreciate each other more than other couples. Sure, there will be difficulties, we will fight and such, but i really believe in the end it will work out. <3

                If other guys are interested in me i ignore them like hell or just scare them away xD *strict*
                I feel the same way about the bond being stronger, I know for a fact I will never take my SO for granted. Before I met my SO, I was the typical college student, not really bothered about a relationship, just having fun. Everything changed when I met him. I couldn't imagine having the connection I have with him with anyone else. When I look to the future, he is the one thing I am sure of. We already have plans for moving in together when I go back as a student and a puppy once we're settled. and yesterday when I was talking about I didn't know how about applying for citizenship after my visa ran out, he said that would probably already have been sorted by then, so I know we're both on the same page that we have every intention of this being permanent.

                and other men just get spectacularly shot down, sometimes without me knowing. My boss told me one of the customers had being trying to flirt with me and I was completely oblivious- he said it was hilarious lol

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                  With my low self esteem, I didn't worry there was somebody better for me closer by. I worried he would find somebody better closer by him.
                  That he would realize that I wasn't worth traveling across the globe for.
                  But we talked about this, I wanted some more solid plans for our future. Knowing we even had one together, every time I was to wait for him.
                  That where he asked if we should get engaged.

                  That helped a bit on my fears.
                  I do feel that there's no one better for me than him.
                  Sometimes I just wonder if I can handle the pressure of being in a LDR.
                  Always worrying about, if his schedule will change and etc.
                  But what can I do... I love him too much.
                  Last edited by milaya; August 18, 2010, 04:51 AM.


                    Originally posted by milaya View Post
                    With my low self esteem, I didn't worry there was somebody better for me closer by. I worried he would find somebody better closer by him.
                    That he would realize that I wasn't worth traveling across the globe for.
                    But we talked about this, I wanted some more solid plans for our future. Knowing we even had one together, every time I was to wait for him.
                    That where he asked if we should get engaged.

                    That helped a bit on my fears.
                    I do feel that there's no one better for me than him.
                    Sometimes I just wonder if I can handle the pressure of being in a LDR.
                    Always worrying about, if his schedule will change and etc.
                    But what can I do... I love him too much.
                    I felt the same way for a while until he began telling me with as much disgust as I express towards people coming on to me that every girl near him was a brainless bottle blonde Barbie wannabe. Which is fine if you want a pretty face and nothing more.

                    But agree, love pretty much locks us in and we end up with Stockholm Syndrome instead of wanting out.


                      Originally posted by milaya View Post
                      With my low self esteem, I didn't worry there was somebody better for me closer by. I worried he would find somebody better closer by him.
                      That he would realize that I wasn't worth traveling across the globe for.
                      But we talked about this, I wanted some more solid plans for our future. Knowing we even had one together, every time I was to wait for him.
                      That where he asked if we should get engaged.

                      That helped a bit on my fears.
                      I do feel that there's no one better for me than him.
                      Sometimes I just wonder if I can handle the pressure of being in a LDR.
                      Always worrying about, if his schedule will change and etc.
                      But what can I do... I love him too much.
                      I felt the same way for a while until he began telling me with as much disgust as I express towards people coming on to me that every girl near him was a brainless bottle blonde Barbie wannabe. Which is fine if you want a pretty face and nothing more.

                      But agree, love pretty much locks us in and we end up with Stockholm Syndrome instead of wanting out.


                        No, i haven't really wondered about it. Before i met her i wasn't interested in relationships and i wasn't looking for anything in that field.
                        But i met her and it progressed in a natural way and she has had my heart since the first time i stayed up all night talking to her on xbl. I can wait for her because she is worth it.


                          To be honest, it's never even crossed my mind. From the moment we became "us" (and a while before that too I think) I was sure that he's the one for me. No matter how long I'll have to wait, he's the one and I'd be an idiot to let him go. Being apart sucks so much.. and obviously I miss the closeness and all that, I love being with him and in his arms more than anything but that's what gets me through all the waiting.. in the end, the time we have together is so worth all the pain we have to go through when we're apart. I couldn't possibly find a more perfect boyfriend for me than he is. He's my soulmate.
                          And if there happened to be someone trying to hit on me, I'd just kick their ass and say that I belong to someone else *smug*


                            I never made my mind wonder if there was someone closer to me that I can be in a relationship with. A matter of fact, I never want to think like that either. He might get on my nervous or he can do "stupid" things that get me upset but that never changes my mind on how much I love him. I'm not prefect, hes not perfect; so there's no reason or excuse why we should break up on silly imperfections and distances. In other words, I have no intentions to wander my eyes on someone else. End of story for me! lol
                            Last edited by alise120; August 18, 2010, 10:56 AM.

                            ♥Now on we go♥
                            ♥To where no one knows♥
                            ♥But I know, that I love you even more♥
                            ♥Tears we cry♥
                            ♥Asking myself why♥
                            ♥Did I let the only one that I love go♥
                            ♥You were meant for me♥
                            ♥Darling can't you see♥
                            ♥This is your song♥
                            Your song (For you) By Glenn Lewis

                            You'll be my hubby and I'll be your wifey, so let's be together in bliss for "lifey" lol
                            (I know it's cheesy, just bare with the siggy XP)


                              I've never thought that maybe there was somebody more compatible, but I do worry that we may not stand the test of time. The military gets in the way of our relationship. Although we have somewhat of a plan to close the distance in two years, we know that could change and become a longer wait.
                              Just recently I really had doubts, he was supposed to be home on leave a week ago, then he supposed to be home today, but he has an inspection tomorrow so he may be coming home tomorrow or Friday. A whole week after he was supposed to, I already took this whole week off work and now I had to call work and take off another week, which is going to prove difficult because they already made the schedule.
                              It can be hard thinking that our relationship will last when there are bumps in the road, but so far we've been working through those bumps for two years and hopefully we can continue to work on them.

