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Confused About His Question

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    Confused About His Question

    Hello All,

    This morning my man asked me this question:

    What is the best way to know that a person loves you?

    I was at a loss on how to answer, so I rambled on for about 6 texts.

    Does anyone have a good answer?


    So he's asking you what makes you feel loved. That's a very personal "thing" as each person probably feels loved differently. I have a guy friend that shows his love through buying things for people. He does it simply because he cares for friends or his girlfriend and he feels love in return by people be gracious and saying "Thank You!"

    I personally feel loved when my SO pays attention to me, spends time with me, does things for me and is generally just present and knows what's going on in my day to day life. Him being supportive and encouraging is VERY MUCH part of why I know he loves me. He literally put me on a plane so that I'd go to Graduate School and even though I miss him to bits I know he's totally supportive and will help me in any way possible.


      I'd say you have a right to ramble for 6 texts, if not more.
      That's a real tough question to answer considering it varies from person to person.

      A good one though is showing how much they love you, the things they do for you, the compromises, the time they spend etc.
      Might be slightly more difficult to show in a LD relationship, but the extra work they then do to prove such things, means they love you that little bit more!

      I'll stop there or I'll ramble on forever too!


        Baha, I'd probably be just as clueless as you. Hmm, love is such a weird unexplainable thing. I could go on about all these mushy lovey-dovey descriptions of love but love is not always that. In fact, it's very rarely that. Sometimes it's angry, sometimes it's really quiet and subtle. I guess you can say you truly love someone when you can accept them for all of their flaws (and even adore some of them).


          I think that's a terrible conversation to try having over text There are so many ways to use your voice to help explain your point.

          I think you should tell him you need time to think about your answer, and to let you answer him a bit later. Then think about what it is that makes you feel loved.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            The best way to know is through their actions. A person can tell you all the time that they love you, but if they don't show you then is it really true? I've thought about this within my own life. I dated a few guys before my current boyfriend, and they always would tell me all the time "I love you" and yet they would treat me like crap and just use me. My current boyfriend, he doesn't say I love you all the time, but he shows me in the way he will hug me from behind, open doors for me, kiss me on the cheek or forehead, send me a gift I had briefly mentioned at some point not even remembering I said it, taking me out to dinner and paying, the way he holds me close when we cuddle, how he looks at me, just the way he interacts with me SHOWS me he loves me and proves that he does. Hope that makes sense lol

