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So hard to say goodbye

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    So hard to say goodbye

    Well I got to have my guy here for 4 short days and now hes back home

    Does anyone agree with me that it gets harder each time you have to tell your S.O. goodbye? I mean, you know you'll see them again but its so hard to go back home alone without them. That gets me every time.

    It seems like it would, I am seeing my so again for the second time really soon and I am getting scared of saying goodbye already. It takes me a long time to get over it and the only way I really can is knowing I will see them again.


      I think it gets harder, and then it gets easier once you've settled into a routine of seeing each other.


        Ive done it 7 times in the past year and it is harder every time. I will never get used to it. I am going to see him in three weeks and I am very excited but I am also dreading the good bye. The weeks following our visits are so so hard for me. I am doing good right now of course I miss him like crazy but it is nothing compared to those couple of weeks after a visit.


          Originally posted by srtd35 View Post
          Ive done it 7 times in the past year and it is harder every time. I will never get used to it. I am going to see him in three weeks and I am very excited but I am also dreading the good bye. The weeks following our visits are so so hard for me. I am doing good right now of course I miss him like crazy but it is nothing compared to those couple of weeks after a visit.
          ^ I agree with this. The first couple weeks after leaving are the toughest. It does get harder every time. Just try to think about when ya'll will see each other again


            I agree that it gets harder, but I think it also gets easier because you know what to expect. Like, I know my SO is going to get withdrawn right after the visit, and he knows it takes me a few days until it really hits me and I start withdrawing. Knowing that we do this puts a lot less stress in our relationship, because we can recognize what's going on.
            So, here you are
            too foreign for home
            too foreign for here.
            Never enough for both.

            Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


              I'd definitely agree that it gets harder. I tend to think that it's because the longer you've been with them, the more you know them and the more you love them ... and so the harder it is to let them go. >_< Even if you know exactly what's going to happen from previous experience, and you think you're prepared for it, the moment they leave is still a little shock to the system and hurts no matter how prepared you think you are. T_T But the good thing is, you know that you'll see them again. ^_^


                My SO seems to take it harder than ever every time but I have started to cope with it a bit better, might be because I spent long living with his family and not only him the last two times and I needed to get away from them as well. They're all really nice and all, but it's still challenging living with them for more than a fortnight... I'm sure it'll be hell when he leaves in November again, though... Still, I agree with Ejoriah, it puts less strain on our relationship knowing what's coming.
                We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                  It definitely gets harder for me.
                  My SO left at the start of this month, and I broke down crying while leaving him to the airport.
                  That'd never happened before. Usually I wait until im safely in doors before that happens.

                  The goodbyes have gotten harder, the moping period afterwards has gotten longer and the missing him is stronger than ever.

                  and now tears are bubbling up just thinking about it...
                  aaaaaaaaai >.<


                    Ive only had the one visit and that was a strange feeling when i said goodbye. Apart from crying the night before and walking way ok the day off .. 1-2 weeks after i was terribly sad and missed him like crazy!

                    We have a visit in December coming up and when he leaves in january i know it will kill me. Preparing myself for that one. But i need to remind myself it wont be long after until i am with him again for our 3rd Visit. and THAT one will possibly crush me .. the last visit before 9-12 month deployment!


                      I always feel really sad and lonely when he leaves for at least a week. But then we start talking and planning our next visit and it gives me something to look forward to and the sadness goes away. The hardest part is going to sleep alone, because when hes here Im used to him being next to me but when he leaves it feels so lonely. But I know it wont always be this way with the distance between us, and no matter how hard it is sometimes I wouldnt trade my relationship with him for anything. He's it for me I get to go down to see him next month and were going to Kings Island and I cant wait

