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Best Relationship Advice

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    Best Relationship Advice

    What's the best relationship you've ever received? Or what's good relationship advice you can give to others?
    My relationship advice is

    "Don't count the time count the moments" <-- this means don't worry about how long you've been in the relationship worry about the moments and being grateful that your partner is here to celebrate and support you right now
    "Keep your relationship problems between the ones in it" <--- Don't tell others about your relationship problems keep it private!

    (Been with my first boyfriend for about 6 1/2 years long distance too. This is what I learned from experience!)

    That*s such a useful thread! I have been in an LDR for only 4 months (and I am meeting him for the first time tomorrow!!!! and I feel so excited/ anxious at the same time!!!) but, here is what I have learned:
    - the quality of the communication matters not the quantity
    - life goes on for you and your SO and you should not let go of the things you did until you met him/ her
    - don*t suffocate you SO, checking up on him/ her every moment of the day!!!!
    Your advice is great too and as I see them now I will keep them in mind!!! As for the problems, we did not have any yet (hopefully not in the future), because I think we are 2 mature persons with a lot of understanding of each other and I am also a person who tries to see things from his point of view (that can also be a lesson !!!!) and that*s why I try to see things more freely and openly!!!


      Glad you appreciate it! This is from my experience and it's very true! Any relationship is hard long distance or not but as long as you have that respect and chemistry it's all gravy baby


        Yes, it*s my first experience too!!! In fact, as I said, tomorrow I will meet my SO for the first time and I am hoping so much that our relationship will increase and blossom with our first physical encounter!!!! I am committed and I feel he is too (in his own little strange way!!!) but I KNOW WE CAN MAKE THIS WORK!!!!
        I am just so stressed right now and it feels like I am on a different planet ... I never experienced that .... I feel like crying/ laughing at the same time ....


          My advice is: If you are angry or upset, don't go screaming at your SO but sleep over it. You ll be more relaxed and clear.
          "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


            My advice is compromise.
            All relationships need it, whether it be big or small, stay open minded but keep it fair between the two of you.
            If it can't be done, it's time to rethink the relationship!


              The best relationship advice I ever received was from my best guy friend and it was: "When guy isn't in the mood for talking, it doesn't necessarily have something to do with you - maybe just his dog died or something." It means that you don't have to worry everytime your SO isn't as nice and talkative as always, maybe he has his own little problems that he's upset about.


                My advice is don't sweat the small stuff.

                Especially in a long-distance relationship, nit-picking at EVERY SINGLE THING just puts a strain on the relationship and builds tension and bitterness. Pick your battles. Does it REALLY matter that this one time your boyfriend called you an hour later than he said he would? Does it REALLY matter if your girlfriend, who usually pays full attention to you, was distracted by other things during your last phonecall? Are you going to remember all of that in a week? a month? then let it go
                So, here you are
                too foreign for home
                too foreign for here.
                Never enough for both.

                Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                  Pick your battles.

                  Let it go.

                  Some stuff just isn't worth it. Don't waste your time and energy.


                    Originally posted by Karoshi View Post
                    The best relationship advice I ever received was from my best guy friend and it was: "When guy isn't in the mood for talking, it doesn't necessarily have something to do with you - maybe just his dog died or something." It means that you don't have to worry everytime your SO isn't as nice and talkative as always, maybe he has his own little problems that he's upset about.
                    I can totally relate to that! Sometimes, when I talk to my SO he seems so distant, bored and I just have the feeling that he is talking to me because he has to, not because he feels it!!!! But sometimes he seems so happy, present and that*s when the conversation flows ... at first I thought it was something to do with me, but just noticing these mood swings (maybe he*s sad, or tired, or just wants to sleep) I realised it had nothing to do with me, but with his way of being!
                    I only hope he is not like that when we meet in person, and that is tomorrow!!!!


                      Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                      My advice is don't sweat the small stuff.
                      Couldn't agree more! Even though common opinion here is that you have to talk about every little issue, I don't think it's necessary and sometimes it's just better to let something go instead of pulling it out every time. I used to do that and my SO was even more bothered by it.

                      Originally posted by alizee
                      I only hope he is not like that when we meet in person, and that is tomorrow!!!!
                      Ah, I'm so excited for you! From my experience, my SO is much more calm, nice, talkative when we are together in person. Don't worry about that


                        I just remembered I recently read an article in which a couple who had been together for XX years told their relationship secret and it was
                        '' You should both think the relationship is 60/40''
                        "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"

