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How long apart can you handle?

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    Hmm well.. I have the deepest respect for all of you doing the longer time apart!
    With the time difference and super busy school schedule with my SO she easily gets sucked into her life there. Which is good of course, but it does make here 'forget' about us more easily.
    I don't think we could do 4 months or so, just because she would sort of forget about us and might be tempted ("I am still young").. Sucks to realize this :/


      We did 8 months before and over 6 was too much, this time it's 4 months and i can handle that time



        We've been LD from the start.
        We didn't meet until 10 months after we started dating.
        After that, the longest we'd stayed apart was almost 9 months, and that just happened once.
        The average between visits is four to five months.

        To answer the question, I can very easily handle two months. After that, it goes downhill. Very soon I started noticing the pattern that after a couple of months, the quality of our communication deteriorates. We fight more often (or rather, I fight him) and I have less patience with pretty much everything. So it gets very difficult, but it's impossible to make our visits more frequent.

        I'm in that phase right now. Thankfully I don't have too long to wait until I see him again :/
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          Our longest time apart was 8 months and we're currently apart for about 8 again. 5 months left.. it's driving me insane !
          I find it a lot harder than the last time because our relationship was still so new then. We took the time to get to know each other properly. It was good in a way.
          I sure hope, we don't have to do that again though. 4 or 5 months would be ideal (realistically in our situation)


            We went 7 years without meeting as friends. Once we decided to give the relationship a try, it took us about 6 weeks to meet. The longest we have had in-between visits since then was 4 months. 4 months was hard for me. I can handle 2-3 months like a champ, but I get needy with time after that. We both get easily upset with each other, and it makes the distance really difficult for us.

            I'm confident in our ability to go without seeing each other for long periods of time if necessary. I would do it if I had no other choice. I really hope we never have to though.


              My SO and I drift apart when we're LD as well. We are both not the super chatty type, and I guess that's why. When we're together in person our communication is nothing less than amazing because a lot of times we don't even have to communicate with words to convey our feelings so that the other understands. It works out perfectly for us. Using text and phone calls often leads to arguments or just this ghostly feeling of them being "almost there" but not quite there at all. We both hate it. Fortunately my SO and I haven't had to go LD for more than 5 months at a time. If we absolutely HAD to be LD for an extremely long period of time, my SO has said several times that he is willing to wait years for me. As much as I'd like to believe the both of us could handle that, I am almost 100% positive we would both lose our minds.


                When me and my SO started talking a lot more in Febuary we met up in may so we only had to realisted do 4 months even though we had been talking for 5 years but i choose not to count that.

                When i left him in June we knew we had 6 months before we would be together again, Too easy i thought. Well how wrong was i. We are 3 months into this 6 month seperation and im getting more bad days than i am good! But its still mangable.

                If i dont get to see hes face or hear hes voice atleast 3-4 times a week i start getting really upset and angry with him and snappy. And then we start arguing!

                Thankfully our next trip after december will be between January and June so its a maximum of 6 months of being apart TOPS!! However that visit will be the last one for anything between 9-12 months as my SO is being deployed! .. WELCOME TO THE MILITATY MAAM!!!!


                  So far we have done 3 months apart, then 2 months, then 6 months. Now this time (since the end of July) it will hopefully only be 3 months then either 2 months after that or like 9 months so we are hoping that doesn't happen! I get sad after about 3 months, the 4th month was easier and then the 5th and 6th were down right painful!


                    The longest time between visits was almost 7 months and I won't do that again. It was difficult trying to make it through to the next visit without breaking down a lot. We were both on edge that long apart. I'm not saying I couldn't do it if we had to, but I will find a way to see him before we go that long again.


                      I've yet to actually meet my SO in the flesh, despite knowing him for years as a friend. Our relationship as a couple is still very new but I'm willing to wait as long as I have to, as long as he is equally as willing. But to be honest, a long distance relationship is the only thing we've known... after I meet him (and if things continue to go well), I imagine it being much more difficult between visits.


                        I'll let you know. So far it's been a year and a few weeks since we were last together.

                        We've talked about closing the distance and stuff, but that won't be for another year (provided he gets into grad school). I'm not sure when I'll be able to see him again (might not be until July next year).
                        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                        Engaged: 09/26/2020


                          The longest my SO and I have spent apart is almost 4 months. Since then it's been 2 or 3 months in between, although I luckily get to see him in less than three weeks even though I just saw him two weekends ago!

                          I don't know how long necessarily I could go... But I also never thought I could be in a LDR at all, so I believe I could do anything for him if I had to.


                            We went 6 months, 3 months, 3 months, and now it'll be 4 months until we're together. By the end of the first 6 months, I was a mess! But it was all worth it. I feel like the 4 months is hard mainly because the last time we saw each other was for almost 2 months. We had our little routine and got used to each other and now we are getting back in our old routine. After our Christmas visit, we're hoping to close the distance.

                            a gente se completa neste abraço


                              When she lived in Georgia we would see each other every 6 months. Now that she's MUCH closer we go about 2 months. I would never ever go back to 6 months, my heart would break. If it wasn't for money and vacation time, I would go see her every weekend! lol

                              "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                              Married April 18th, 2015!!
                              Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                                7 months was (and will be our longest ever) gap. The other was only 3 months. Three months was easy, it just flew by. The 7 months.... As someone above said it was getting long and painful!

