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LDR Problems...

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    LDR Problems...

    My boyfriend and I have been dating since December or 2012. He lives in Mass and I live in Maine, we met through a dating website. Lately, things have been getting pretty rough, I am really insecure about myself and its hard for me to trust him because he's been lying to me about where he has been lately. He will tell me he is at work when really he is with his friends or lies about watching porn. (Which I know, every guy does, but it still bothers me.) ((Welcome to my insecurities)) He is not as sweet as he use to be or he gets mad at me over the smallest things lately. He wants me to move back in with him to Mass yet I am content here in Maine and would prefer him to move here. He gets very irritated at me because I have no way of transportation to Mass unless I take the AmTrak (which when I get out of work they are closed) my mothers car is broken and cannot be taken on long distance trips. I just don't know what to do anymore, i love him more than life itself, but is all this hurt worth the trouble we're having? I don't want another boyfriend or to find someone else, I just want him to love me and show me whether there is distance or not. His excuse for not being sweet or loving to me is because of the distance and he doesnt want to be sweet to me if there is no for sure day he is going to see me. (Basically blaming it on the distance) Can someone give me some sort of advice, before I end up even more heartbroken?

    In some ways I can relate to you. Especially about the insecurities part--I'm a very insecure person lol. It's not a good thing in any relationship, so I know I need to work on that. You should try that too. As for the fighting, it's up for you to decide if you think the relationship is worth it or not. Does the good outweigh the bad? If so and if you still want to keep trying, then maybe the two of ya'll just need to sit down and really talk things through and lay everything out on the table. Tell him what's bothering you and what you're feeling, and what you wish he would change. If he's not willing to change (especially about the lying), then you need to consider if it's really worth it or not. Best of luck to you, I hope ya'll work everything out

