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    So what makes you're LDR so difficult to handle?

    For Mic and I, it's the time difference.

    It's 9:43 Pm Wednesday, August 18 in Idaho, USA (where I am). And it's 1:43Pm Thursday, August 19 in Guam, USA (where he is). Our work schedule's conflict during these times as well. He works 7am-4pm, I work 5am-4pm. So one of us is working while the other's sleeping for most of the work day, or we're not off at the same time. So this obviously makes it difficult to talk to each other for more than a few minutes.

    It's also not having a set date to join him. We're both working to get me there, but we don't have a ticket or anything ordered yet.
    Last edited by TristenLove; August 18, 2010, 11:13 PM.
    "God I'm evil!" ~Me
    "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

    Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.

    The most difficult thing in our relationship is when he get's busy. My SO has a hard time with time management. So he gets busy and doesn't text me for hours.


      Let's see...

      -His job. He's been working dawn to midnight hours for roughly 4 months now because he works in Disney World's park. Even before then he worked 7 days a week and gets 1 day off every 6 weeks. It's cut communication pretty badly and we've both had moments where we lose our minds from the loneliness

      -Age difference. Not quite 7 year gap but I do get some looks when I speak his age.

      -Race. I live in the south, he lives in the south, this general area of the globe breeds racism like water does mosquitos.

      -The way we are. I know that sounds silly but since we're both fairly off we don't act like a traditional couple a good 86% of the time and I can't ever tell people about it because what we find funny or intriguing, people find sick. Also our individual mental problems cause some moments because we're both used to secrecy and handling them on our own that the other gets hurt when they find out they were hurting and didn't come to them.

      Pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head.


        I think that the biggest problem in our relationship is the fact that he's not very technologically savvy and he doesn't have unlimited texting. So, our only options are video chatting when he can figure out what he's doing, text convos which consist of 3 texts each and phone convos which is difficult because he's an early bird and I'm a night owl.


          Definitely the lack of avenues for communication. His skype is sketchy and facebook is censored in china. and he doesn't have a phone there and even if he did, the international phone calls would be the death of both of us. Also the time difference, it's a 12 hour difference between me here in Ohio and him in China. Basically the only times that we can catch each other is early in the morning for me and late at night for him. For instance with the skype thing, I have sent him messages through the chat, and it has been pending for hours. Since we have such a small window of time where I'm awake and he's awake, it makes it difficult when Skype isn't cooperating.



            There were two major ones. The lesser one would be my drug addiction. I've been sober over a year now though, longest I've ever been clean. It's all for him and it's been worth it. The bigger one would be our different views on marriage. He wants to get married one day, I run from wedding related shops despite being handicap @_@. Fortunately we recently resolved this (which I will make public eventually...maybe :P).


              Time difference is one - he is in Tx and I'm in Australia.

              Times per year we will see each other - probably only once per year.


                His work...

                He works on a ship with bad internet connection, 12 hours a day, so it's hard for us to communicate the 5 weeks he is working.
                His work changes his schedules without a warning.
                Example: They added 3 weeks of training to his vacation in September. Making it impossible for him to come and see me, before November. Yesterday he told that they moved one week of training to November instead. Giving him two weeks in September he could have come to see me, but the two other weeks of training in September can also change.
                It's always like that. Change, change, change. I'm constantly worrying if our plans gets ruined.

                And of course the 7-8 hour time difference. (7 in the summer... soon 8 hours).


                  yeah time difference is bad for us, not a s much as some but it's still 5 hours. By the time he gets home from work it's already 10pm here, so I start to get sleepy through the conversation- not very good for communication. weekends are the only time we get to properly hang out like we used to when I was living with him =/ and also the fact I can text him from my computer, but he can't text back sucks, we used to text continuously during the day and now all I can do is wait till he gets home.

                  <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                  <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                  The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                  <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                  <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                  Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                  Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                    I don't have to deal with it right now. I say that because I will once he gets deployed again. The hardest thing used to be finding time to talk. He was working while I was asleep, and he was asleep while I was working.


                      1) The time difference. Australia/US is huge, and we're often not even on the same day. For example, 8 PM Monday here is 11 AM Tuesday there.

                      2) Jobs/Money: We're working on moving in together, but my boyfriend just finished school and is having problems getting a job. I make ok money here in the States, but it's going to take until next year easily until I have enough to move there, but we're in a holding lock until he can get established somewhere. Either I'm going to have to wait until later in 2011/2012 and come with a huge pile of money so we can set up house, or he has to get a job and be able to save up enough... it's just a mess. I hate money.

                      3) Visas: Because of the money situation, we don't know which visa I'll be coming in on, although we've narrowed it down to two options. I would just like to apply and get over there. blegh. -.-

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        Broadband usage. I have unlimited broadband, my SO doesn't. Which means that we can't do webcam and we also have to try to limit our talking time over Skype. We do still talk, thankfully, but not as often or as long as we would like. It's really frustrating sometimes. Also the time difference. Right now my SO is 10 hours ahead of me. Her evening is my morning. Being busy also sometimes gets in the way. My SO is going to uni and I will start school in September.


                          Money. Thats our only problem. And that he doesnt know German perfectly, because then he wont get easily a nice job. D:


                            The things that get in the way with me and my SO seeing each other are simply money, time, and age. We both don't have the money to be traveling to see each other all the time, he doesn't have time off his busy work schedule, and I'm still under age; meaning I can't see him until I'm 18 anyway. Those things always pisses me off all the time.....ugh

                            ♥Now on we go♥
                            ♥To where no one knows♥
                            ♥But I know, that I love you even more♥
                            ♥Tears we cry♥
                            ♥Asking myself why♥
                            ♥Did I let the only one that I love go♥
                            ♥You were meant for me♥
                            ♥Darling can't you see♥
                            ♥This is your song♥
                            Your song (For you) By Glenn Lewis

                            You'll be my hubby and I'll be your wifey, so let's be together in bliss for "lifey" lol
                            (I know it's cheesy, just bare with the siggy XP)


                              In my case time difference isnt that bad eventhough its 6hrs.
                              But our parents make it super difficult. If my parents wouldve let me I wouldve seen him last March already (when we werent even datin nor considerin it really)
                              Money is sorta kinda a problem... he does work (actually has 2 jobs) but the money he earns he has to spend on his car and college so theres nothin much left of it anymore, and on my side I could work like a month and have enough for the flight ticket but thats it :/ and considerin his parents dont even know about us yet and my parents not lettin me go this is impossible.
                              So I'd go with parents as number one problem and the biggest. The rest is still do-able

