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    Hey everyone, Tomorrow I am finally seeing my So after 7 months of being apart. I am already feeling extremely nervous but excited, it feels unreal. I can't believe it is finally happening. ^-^

    Thanks everyone for some motivation to keep staying strong and to keep at it. I am staying with him for quite a while, now this is when I am actually glad I don't have a job and am not in college yet. I am really lucky his parents don't mind me staying..I don't really have a date for when I will leave but I think I am going to spend Christmas with him. I do feel a bit bad since it's something you should do with your family but they have been treating me like complete shit for a while now. I would rather be happy on Christmas

    yay! hehe

    You're sooooo lucky to have that amount of time.

    I hope you both have a really good time and make the most of it


      Originally posted by oxytocinbite View Post
      I think I am going to spend Christmas with him. I do feel a bit bad since it's something you should do with your family
      Part of the compromise in an LDR is deciding who to spend a holiday with. For me the holidays aren't something that you should do with one person or another, it's about who you want to spend that time with.

      7 months is a long time to wait. Enjoy your time together!


        That's great! Have a nice time
        I would wish I could spend such a long time with my SO.


          Thanks hehe and yes I know I am lucky but after I leave I honestly don't know when I can see him again...probably be a while. :/


            I am so happy for you!!! Please enjoy your time together!


              Yay ! So happy for you I know what it feels like to wait forever. What an exciting day tomorrow.

