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"It's not that big a deal..." "WE'RE TOGETHER, YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!"

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    Me and my boyfriend are really big on the whole honesty thing. We don't keep things from each other. Well, we've been together for 1 year and 8 months (practically), so we don't have anything to hide anymore. During the first few months of dating we learned more about each other every day. Which made it exciting.


      I really haven't kept something from him, so a long time. Of course when we started out, the insecurity things always were the last ones to be said. When something comes up, it might take a couple of hours or maybe a day to say something, but it is always talked about. I really love that about our relationship. That we can talk about everything..well mostly everything.


        Keeping things from your SO, do you think it's OK for certain things or nothing?
        You shouldn't feel like you have to hide things from your SO, but you do have the right to remain silent if you don't want to talk about it at the time. Sometimes, if not most of the time, what you think is "nothing" and you don't share, your SO could think is something BIG. They should want to hear everything about your day/week/life.

        Does your SO keep things from you? Do you, from them? Does it hurt your relationship?
        We have kept things to ourselves before, and it damaged our relationship greatly, but that was awhile ago and we're more open now.

        What's something you were scared to tell your SO?
        I can't think of anything right now, so I guess that hasn't happened since the beginning of our relationship when things weren't as strong and I was more shy.

