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I love his job!

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    I love his job!

    Distance sucks but some things happen that just make it suck that little bit less

    My boyfriend works full time - it's pretty much the only way we've been able to afford such frequent visits so far - and I've always been the flexible one going to see him. Last semester in college I didn't have a job and had four-day weekends, which were awesome, so we could visit a lot.

    This semester I am really busy and I have a job so I am a lot less flexible... but we do try to make it work. I'll be seeing him in two weeks and he just told me his boss gave him Friday (I land there Thursday night) off.

    He works at a small company and IMO (biased, of course) has done SO MUCH for that company since he started there. He is the only one formally trained in computer science so he's been a huge asset to them. He's also the only one in the company who isn't engaged/married, so while they tease him a lot about his "imaginary girlfriend" they're all very happy for him when I get to visit. And I am so, so happy for the extra time!
    So, here you are
    too foreign for home
    too foreign for here.
    Never enough for both.

    Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues

    That's great!!! I think we're all a little biased when it comes to our SOs (I say mine is the best lawyer that ever walked the earth). It's really nice when you or your SO have that flexibility. It makes the distance somewhat easier. Good for you guys!

    a gente se completa neste abraço


      Aww, how sweet! That must be so amazing to have that option


        Definitely think we're all a little bias haha, as much as I sometimes worry so much about my SOs job, I'm also super, super proud of him. He's a volunteer ambo Although technically his real/full-time job is taking people's blood, ew, haha! I'm dating a vampire...

