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Usa loves scotland

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    Usa loves scotland

    I started to talk to this guy from Scotland in June and we told each other we love one another in July. We email, write letters, and we talk on the phone. We havent meet yet bc im still separted and not yet divorced. I feel that my significant other is really the one. I constantly think of him, I dream of him, I dream of our future, I daydream of him quite alot, he makes me laugh, and etc. I am always smiling because of him. We have very similiar taste and have alot in common. He knows me so much that he can finish my sentence. I fele like we have a bond together and feel his presence wherever I go. He is always cheering me up and Im always cheering him up. I feel like we can talk for hours about anything and I feel like I can open up to him soo much. Im a closed book sometimes and its hard to open up once you are broken. With my love, I feel like I can tell him anything and everything.
    I am very new to long distance relationships expecially international ones. We plan on meeting as soon as my divorce is final and then talk about our future together. I have one son (who is 13) and he has 5 kids (all girls- 4, 13, 22, 16, 20). He is willing to wait for me however longs it takes. We have discussed me moving to Scotland in about 2 years once things are calm in the States. But I have doubts and Im scared. Need advice on what to do and how to cope with international dating.

    First thing first: meet up and see how you go together in real life (I have yet to see anyone who hasn't but important nonetheless ) and see how you like Scotland and if you could ever live there happily, before taking any stress over actually figuring out where to live, even if it does seem more logical for you to move to him, judging from your post.
    An international LDR isn't much different from any other LDR, except that the visits probably costs more and the distance is longer most of the time, as well as time difference. It might bring a bit more stressful situations, especially with visas and such, but any LDR will be stressing you out at some point...
    It's hard to give advice without a specific question, is there anything in particular you need advice about?
    We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


      Mostly how to cope with a LDR. First time in doing this and tickets are high right now. For one way ticket its 1200 I just wanna know if my emotions are going to be like this. I want to make this work so any advice would be great on LDR.


        I advocate taking things slow. But that's just because that's how my boyfriend and I worked and how we are working towards. International LDRs are harder especially because it's hard to disappoint family and you almost always have to disappoint someone, though some times it can work out better than others. The cost of plane tickets is huge, though worth it once you have met and know that that person is worth the distance. One thing with LDRs is that there will most likely always be high points and low points. Times when you just want to give up, but then remember you can't give up because you'd rather be in a LDR with your SO than not be with him at all. Hang in there, this forum is great because everyone has some sort of LDR experience, you aren't alone. You are in the first few months of your relationship, which tends to be the "honeymoon phase" as people like to say, so know that eventually you will get issues that come up that you will have to work through, and how you work through them will help you see whether you are good to be together or not. I think it's good to get the first visit out of the way before making serious closing the distance plans, to see what you are like in person. But try not to worry about it. The important things in an LDR is the important things in relationships in general: love, commitment, trust, honesty.. etc. And patience and not giving up just because it seems difficult. You can do this. Stay strong.


          On the topic of tickets, there's no other solution but to save and plan to try and get the off peak flights and book ages in advance. You can always use Kayak or some other site that's compares flights and prices.
          Otherwise I agree with squeeker, don't get ahead of yourself and browse around the forum
          We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay

