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Problem Sharing

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    Problem Sharing

    I'm really open to my SO so much that sometimes i tell her even my anxiety and problems.. But which of my problem can I tell or share to her? is it alright to tell about my personal problem like family issue and financial problems?

    I think it's fine to share problems with one another...that's how your relationship grows. Sometimes you find that you share the same problems and can help each other through them. When my SO and I talk on video chat, he knows already before I tell him that something is bothering me. My SO and I share everything with each other, and it has made us feel closer and the love grows with it


      I agree with leahmango. Sharing problems with one another is part of a relationship. It should help the two of you feel closer, and if you feel comfortable enough with this person, you should want to share things with her


        I agree with both RachelAnne and leahmango. It's good to share your problems with your SO, It brings you closer plus if something is bothering you and you dont let your SO know, She may think its a problem between the both of you.

        My SO knows as soon as i get on facetime or even text him that something is wrong, He also knows when im lying to try and cover it up too.

        Be Honest

