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Need Advice

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    Need Advice

    So, I just joined and I'll be rather honest, this post is the only reason I did. I need advice. But mostly I need to know if I am being irrational (which I know I am) or not.

    First of all, sorry if this is a bit incoherent, but I am still a bit upset about it.

    Me and my girlfriend have been together for 6 months now, I am a guy and she is a gall, and I have quite an issue with jealousy. We are both students and we have never met.
    There are several things I have had trouble with in the relationship:

    1- We talk on skype, and I see every time we videochat as a date. In the beginning, she would talk to other people while we were videochating too, and i can hear her type. Mostly guys, and that made me feel bad. I mean, i saw it as us being on a date and she talking to someone else, and to me, that meant that I wasnt having her full attention, so I voiced this and told her how much it bothered me, and that if she wanted to talk to someone else she could tell me she was busy and didnt want to call. She agreed on this, but ever since she has done it a few times more, even though she knows it bothers me.
    2-She has been meeting new people, which I think is great, her social life isnt that good. But, I am way too jealous. I think it's mostly because I have never had a female friend, so her having so many male friends is weird to me. I dont fear she is cheating, I trust her, I am just kinda afraid she will realize they are better than me and I will lose her. I'll give a few examples.
    a)She met a guy who contacted her on tumblr saying he wanted to meet her, so she asked my advice and I told her to go for it, after all, I do want her to be happy, and her social life isnt that good. So, they went for a coffee and a walk. I thought it would take like 2 hours or so, but they were together for 6 hours. And they had dinner together. Oh, and guess what, before the "date", it turns out the dude has moved in to her apartment. Coincidences! And after the date, guess what, he is single now! I guess it kinda bummed me off that they spent so much time together and had dinner together. I dunno.
    b)She went to a concert with a friend of her and arranged to meet a guy who makes webcomics of whom she is a great fan. Thing is, she was drunk and in a foreign city which apparently has a huge crime rate so I asked her to say something once in a while so I dont get worried, to which she agreed and did for most of the day. We were talking and she said that the girl she was with, who knew the layout of the place and the city had disappeared on her, last thing she said after that was "damn", and then nothing for one hour. I was worried sick, thinking she got lost or maybe something had happened, turns out no, she had met up with the guy and he apparently "doesn't like it when people use phones near him". I got mad and we argued, I told her that if the roles were inverted she would be worried too and she agreed, and I was kinda sad that she valued his feelings about using phones near him more than my feelings of worry. I did not want a long conversation, i understand she is with him so she should talk to him, but an "I'm fine" would do.
    For clarification, this whole thing bums me off. I feel like I am being paranoid, jealous and controlling. I have never told her not to hang out with someone, and it's usually me that pushes her towards it, since her social life isn't that good. I try not to voice my feelings towards it but apparently It's quite obvious, and i get worried sick that I'll lose her. She has said that if it bothers me then she will stop meeting up with them but I said no, I don't want to make her miss out on meeting new people.

    Now this leads us to this.
    Yesterday she started talking to an old friend, I first found out about it from a blog post from her saying that he was cool. I got to my room at around 22:00 and i called her on skype and she picked up and we talked for a bit. She moved to a new university and her timetables are hectic and she usually has to wake up at 06:40 in the mornings (04:40 my time) so I try my best to make sure she gets enough sleep, which isn't easy, since before she moved to this university we talked a lot more and would stay up watching shows and stuff, which I miss, but she needs her sleep so whatever. Since she was waking up at 6:40 the next day, I told her she should go to bed at 11:00PM, and since i didnt really have any classes that day, I decided to go out with some friends since she was going to bed soon anyway. I came back home at 02:00 (04:00) her time and she was still awake. Apparently they had been talking until almost bloody 4 AM her time. I got mad. I got mad because she told me she was going to sleep soon and didnt to talk to some dude, and I got mad because I miss those long nights until late with her and I try my best to get her to sleep early and I end up missing out on that, and first chance she gets, she stays up all night to talk to him. I wanted to be the one staying up late with her. She didnt get enough sleep so she missed that class (she can go again later that week). If I had known she was staying up I wouldnt have gone out since I much prefer to be with her.

    And today. I had a busy morning and as soon as i got that out of the way I came home and called her on skype and we mostly talked for the rest of the day, with some breaks when she had to go to the supermarket and to some classes. We did the usual routine of browsing the internet sharing cool links, talking and watching shows. Yet, she seemed distant. She kept looking at the corner of her screen, a billion times, which was weird since she never done that before. Turns out that I was right in feeling she was distant, she was looking at the skype icon to see if the dude had said something to her, and she talked to her a bit while we were skyping even though she knew it bothered me. I confronted her about the whole thing and now she started crying and feeling bad saying she is a terrible girlfriend.

    I feel terrible, I made her cry with my jealousy and made her feel bad and i feel like the worst boyfriend in the world.

    Oh yeah, and she and that dude are meeting up Thursday for the first time. Cool uh?

    So yeah, sorry for the lenghty post, sorry for all the rambling. I needed to vent and I just want to know what I should do, if i have any right to feel upset about all this or if I am overreacting about everything.

    Waaaaaaait. So some guy she knows from tumblr moved in with her? That right there would send a million red flags up for me.
    So, here you are
    too foreign for home
    too foreign for here.
    Never enough for both.

    Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


      Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
      Waaaaaaait. So some guy she knows from tumblr moved in with her? That right there would send a million red flags up for me.
      No, no, she lives in a pretty big apartment building, he moved in to the same floor. A coincidence really.


        Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
        Waaaaaaait. So some guy she knows from tumblr moved in with her? That right there would send a million red flags up for me.
        I second that. I saw many many red flags. Honestly, the post was confusing and hard to follow. But from what I got, I see major problems.


          Let me clarify this. He moved into the apartment without even knowing she lived there. It really was just a coincidence.

          Originally posted by sarahjane1992 View Post
          I second that. I saw many many red flags. Honestly, the post was confusing and hard to follow. But from what I got, I see major problems.
          Can you please tell me what the red flags are and how I can try to fix them? At the moment I feel like the only thing wrong with the relationship is me, and that all my jealousness and worry is causing a lot of sadness for her.

          Apologies for the confusing post, I am still a bit of a mess.
          Last edited by Turbopantsu; September 16, 2013, 06:37 PM.


            If I were you I know I wouldn't put up with any of that. Neither would my boyfriend. I don't care if he has friends who are girls and he doesn't care if I have guy friends, but we limit ourselves hanging out with them.
            Honestly I think you should have a serious talk to her about these guys. Tell her that it's not fair to you that she's giving these guys so much attention instead of you. If she doesn't change then I think you should break up with her. She should care that you're this stressed out. I'm very sorry for everything you're going through and I really hope it gets better. Good luck


              Originally posted by Turbopantsu View Post
              Let me clarify this. He moved into the apartment without even knowing she lived there. It really was just a coincidence.

              Can you please tell me what the red flags are and how I can try to fix them? At the moment I feel like the only thing wrong with the relationship is me, and that all my jealousness and worry is causing a lot of sadness for her.

              Apologies for the confusing post, I am still a bit of a mess.
              If I were in your position I wouldn't put up with that. It's good to have friends outside your relationship, but it sounds like they're more important to her than you are. Especially when they're of the opposite gender. I would have a serious talk with her. LDRS are all about communication. Talk with her. Let her know how you feel. If you can't come to some sort of compromise, then it might be best to break up with her.
              Just my thoughts. I hope it works out for you!


                Originally posted by sarahjane1992 View Post
                If I were in your position I wouldn't put up with that. It's good to have friends outside your relationship, but it sounds like they're more important to her than you are. Especially when they're of the opposite gender. I would have a serious talk with her. LDRS are all about communication. Talk with her. Let her know how you feel. If you can't come to some sort of compromise, then it might be best to break up with her.
                Just my thoughts. I hope it works out for you!
                Problem is, whenever i try to talk to her about it she starts crying and saying how much of a terrible girlfriend she is... Makes it a bit hard...


                  Errr the chances of some random dude finding her and talking to her on tumblr, and living in the same city, let alone the same BUILDING are like, nil. Nope. Total lie. She probably met him in the stairwell and told you she met him on tumblr to make you feel less worried.

                  Can I ask where you two live, or how far away you live from each other? What is stopping you two from meeting in person? Because rather than putting effort into meeting you, she's meeting all these other guys and going on dates with them instead. It honestly seems like she's just dating around. She doesn't take you or the relationship she has with you seriously.

                  You need to have a really big talk with her and define your relationship, because it seems like either she has no clue, or just doesn't care.


                    Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
                    Errr the chances of some random dude finding her and talking to her on tumblr, and living in the same city, let alone the same BUILDING are like, nil. Nope. Total lie. She probably met him in the stairwell and told you she met him on tumblr to make you feel less worried.

                    Can I ask where you two live, or how far away you live from each other? What is stopping you two from meeting in person? Because rather than putting effort into meeting you, she's meeting all these other guys and going on dates with them instead. It honestly seems like she's just dating around. She doesn't take you or the relationship she has with you seriously.

                    You need to have a really big talk with her and define your relationship, because it seems like either she has no clue, or just doesn't care.
                    I live in Portugal, she lives in Estonia. The only thing stopping us from meeting in person is money, we would need quite a lot and that's out of our budget. We both looked for summer jobs and had no luck.

                    I do believe it was a coincidence. It was the guy that talked to her and he talked to her exactly because they live in the same city.


                      Hello there and here's my opinions:

                      - Seems like you need to work out dealing with yourself, yeah, sorry to say this but you're insecure. If you think there is nothing wrong with you and how you've tried everything about making your relationship good, you don't need to worry every single thing about her. You mentioned that you're already scared about losing her? You even haven't met her yet, right now, you're working on your relationship fantasy with her, sort of- Been there done that, it's not worth it to do that seriously. It's fine that you think you will have a great relationship with her, but settling down and having your own rules about how you're both should do in your relationship doesn't look fair thought... Not yet.

                      -You talked about these guys around her and how you're afraid they may take her from you, for this point, it means you don't trust her. If she wants to be with you, no matter how many guys she has around, she will still stay with you. You can't blame her just because she feels happy for having guy friends or you're only going to manipulate her life.

                      -Once again, you've told her about how you feel while she's chatting with another people when you're both suppossed having this 'date time' together, trust me she heard you! You don't need to tell her over and over again, you've seen her reactions, she cries, would it solve your problem? Nope. Okay here's the trick, you only need to balance the power, you do not need to do anything more than she would do for you... If she looks busy and distracted while chatting with you, then leave. Make her approach you, if she thinks you're important for her, she would feel you're going to dissapear and she will try to make you stay by ignoring those guys eventually.

                      -Relationship itself is a very hard work to do, LDR has double of it. Instead of nag her because you feel jealous and are not fine about the way your partner spend her time with you, just try to find the best way to communcate better, you haven't met yet, don't rush for anything! Instead of label her as your exclusive property (Which is I do not agree) that possibly will cause more unimportant dramas, just please make a real meet up plan with her at first.

                      Aaand good luck!
                      Jon Lawrence: I love you because you are succesful, intelligent, have a great nerdy personality.
                      Jon Lawrence: Love me for all my faults
                      Jon Lawrence: You have a good head on your head.
                      Jon Lawrence: and you are FUCKING AMAZING LOOKING!



                        "doesn't like it when people use phones near him" -.-'

                        I wouldn't put up with ANY of that. Neither would my SO. Neither would any of my friends in relationships or their SOs. I agree with what others have posted, she doesn't take your relationship very seriously. If she did, she would be interested in communicating through the clear problems you two are having, instead of crying and self loathing. I think you deserve a lot better than how she's treating you now. I think you need to lay it all out on the table, how you feel; spend some time defining the boundaries in your relationship. If a compromise isn't met, then like I said, I think you deserve a lot better than how she's treating you.


                          She may or may not be technically cheating, but she's definitely not being respectful of your relationship. She's putting all these guys ahead of you. To be honest, sounds like she likes keeping you around to be the "boyfriend" while she dates other people. And you're buying in by letting her make you feel like it's your fault.

                          Don't be blind. Open your eyes and see she's treating you like crap and not even attempting to hide it. IMO I don't see this as a relationship worth saving.

                          Met online: 1/30/11
                          Met in person: 5/30/12
                          Second visit: 9/12/12
                          Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                            Originally posted by dem&ter View Post
                            Hello there and here's my opinions:

                            - Seems like you need to work out dealing with yourself, yeah, sorry to say this but you're insecure. If you think there is nothing wrong with you and how you've tried everything about making your relationship good, you don't need to worry every single thing about her. You mentioned that you're already scared about losing her? You even haven't met her yet, right now, you're working on your relationship fantasy with her, sort of- Been there done that, it's not worth it to do that seriously. It's fine that you think you will have a great relationship with her, but settling down and having your own rules about how you're both should do in your relationship doesn't look fair thought... Not yet.

                            -You talked about these guys around her and how you're afraid they may take her from you, for this point, it means you don't trust her. If she wants to be with you, no matter how many guys she has around, she will still stay with you. You can't blame her just because she feels happy for having guy friends or you're only going to manipulate her life.

                            -Once again, you've told her about how you feel while she's chatting with another people when you're both suppossed having this 'date time' together, trust me she heard you! You don't need to tell her over and over again, you've seen her reactions, she cries, would it solve your problem? Nope. Okay here's the trick, you only need to balance the power, you do not need to do anything more than she would do for you... If she looks busy and distracted while chatting with you, then leave. Make her approach you, if she thinks you're important for her, she would feel you're going to dissapear and she will try to make you stay by ignoring those guys eventually.

                            -Relationship itself is a very hard work to do, LDR has double of it. Instead of nag her because you feel jealous and are not fine about the way your partner spend her time with you, just try to find the best way to communcate better, you haven't met yet, don't rush for anything! Instead of label her as your exclusive property (Which is I do not agree) that possibly will cause more unimportant dramas, just please make a real meet up plan with her at first.

                            Aaand good luck!
                            While I agree with a lot of the things you have said, I dont think it is fair for you to say our relationship is any less real just because we havent met. Especially being this a Long Distance Relationship forum.


                              Originally posted by Turbopantsu View Post
                              While I agree with a lot of the things you have said, I dont think it is fair for you to say our relationship is any less real just because we havent met. Especially being this a Long Distance Relationship forum.
                              No one is saying its not real. A lot of us on here started out online. I did. And to be honest with you, it wasn't truly real until I met my SO in person. I had this idea of him in my head, but no tangible evidence to say to me that it was real. We both were unsure and it was so difficult for us concerning jealousy and insecurity, that it didn't fully fade away until I met him in person. In fact that didn't really go away until we spent a year living together.

                              It's a whole different ball game when you meet, which is why I asked whether you guys are planning on that soon. What you need to do right now, is communicate your thoughts with her as that all you have at this moment - communication. You also need to clarify where you stand with her. As does she. A talk about the future, a talk about boundaries and expectations. YOU NEED TO DO THIS. If you don't, you'll be back here again telling us that she's still meeting other guys and not taking you seriously.

                              Please don't disregard what we're saying. We've been there before, we've seen it before, and we know what is needed in these types of situations, which is why this board is one of the best places to come for advice. The opinions of LFAD users are valuable. We want your LDR to succeed as much as you do, but you need to understand that not everyone is cut out for an LDR.

                              You need to figure out whether this is worth all the hard work by talking to her.
                              Last edited by Zapookie; September 17, 2013, 06:46 AM.

