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Wont be able to see my SO until June.

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    Wont be able to see my SO until June.

    Ohh my god the amount of days we have to wait to see each other for the first time! It may just be me because this is our first time meeting, but is this a amount of time to be stressed out about? We talk about it every night I feel fine and ok with it when we talk be when we have to do our own things during the day I find myself stressing out about it. Any tips on how to overcome this or will it just take time?

    263 Days to be exact.

    Can I ask why it's going to take this long? It's impossible to say if this is an amount of time to be stressed about if we don't know the situation. I see you both live in the US, personally I would think that if you're living in the same country that's an INSANE amount of time to go unless the both of you really can't save up until then. I mean I just quickly looked up fares for Austin to San Diego and it came up to roughly ~$300. I understand not having that amount on hand but waiting 260+ days for the both of you to save $150 each seems preposterous... unless you both don't have jobs or something, which is why I say more details are needed.

    If the reasons why you have to wait so long to meet are out of your control, then take it one day at a time. Having a date to look forward to is better than having no date at all. Take time to build your relationship and getting to know each other, find things you can do online, send each other care packages... and try to think of every day that passes as a day closer to meeting.
    So, here you are
    too foreign for home
    too foreign for here.
    Never enough for both.

    Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


      Well for one, don't use days to count down. It always seems like forever when you use days. Use months and transition into weeks once it dwindles, then go on to days when you're under a month. It's going to seem like forever for as long as you use days.

      That being said, 8 months is still lengthy. It's weird to me that you feel more stressed out when you're doing your own thing during the day because keeping busy tends to help time pass by faster. I think since it's the beginning of your countdown you're feeling extra anxious about seeing him, but that feeling will eventually go away. By the time it's time for you to see each other you won't be able to believe 8 months have passed already. Don't think about it too much. Just know that it will happen and let that thought comfort you. Focus on current obligations and time will fly by, it always does when we aren't paying attention to it.

      Edit: Ejoriah, I was wondering the same thing.


        Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
        Can I ask why it's going to take this long? It's impossible to say if this is an amount of time to be stressed about if we don't know the situation. I see you both live in the US, personally I would think that if you're living in the same country that's an INSANE amount of time to go unless the both of you really can't save up until then. I mean I just quickly looked up fares for Austin to San Diego and it came up to roughly ~$300. I understand not having that amount on hand but waiting 260+ days for the both of you to save $150 each seems preposterous... unless you both don't have jobs or something, which is why I say more details are needed.

        If the reasons why you have to wait so long to meet are out of your control, then take it one day at a time. Having a date to look forward to is better than having no date at all. Take time to build your relationship and getting to know each other, find things you can do online, send each other care packages... and try to think of every day that passes as a day closer to meeting.
        To be honest here the situation is like this; I am 20 and she is 17. College semester is going to start for me in January which last until May 11. Neither of us have jobs and if I did I would have gone to see her before January although her birthday is in late January. Just to clarify I don't have a job because my parents simply wont let me get a job while I go to college, so they insisted on paying for my apartment and everything that comes with that. They are very controlling but I love em. She doesn't graduate until June 12th I believe.

        I want to try and convince my parents to let me go visit her before January just for a day or two for a couple of dates.
        Another question if you guys don't mind me asking is how would I come to my parents with this? They do know we are in a relationship and they have already said yes to the June 13th visit.


          Ah, that makes a lot more sense, if she's still a minor. Sorry for assuming things. In this situation waiting this long makes a lot of sense.

          I would give your parents some time now and maybe bring it up closer to Thanksgiving/Christmas, when I assume you'd both have breaks during which you could go visit her. I say let the time go so that they don't feel you're asking for a bunch of things all at once. You can tell them you really want to meet her to make sure it is real, or that you really miss her and would it be possible for you to visit her earlier than planned. Although I would be wary of visiting her before she's 18. As an adult, if the two of you get intimate, even if it is consensual, you could potentially be charged with statutory rape and have to register as a sex offender. So maybe waiting to meet is a blessing in disguise.
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
            Ah, that makes a lot more sense, if she's still a minor. Sorry for assuming things. In this situation waiting this long makes a lot of sense.

            I would give your parents some time now and maybe bring it up closer to Thanksgiving/Christmas, when I assume you'd both have breaks during which you could go visit her. I say let the time go so that they don't feel you're asking for a bunch of things all at once. You can tell them you really want to meet her to make sure it is real, or that you really miss her and would it be possible for you to visit her earlier than planned. Although I would be wary of visiting her before she's 18. As an adult, if the two of you get intimate, even if it is consensual, you could potentially be charged with statutory rape and have to register as a sex offender. So maybe waiting to meet is a blessing in disguise.
            Her birthday is on January 24 which is a Friday. I asked would it be ok if I came to visit her then and she was ok about it! Parents also agreed so it looks like the date to see each other has moved closer!


              Just to double check, her parents know about you too, right?
              So, here you are
              too foreign for home
              too foreign for here.
              Never enough for both.

              Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                Just to double check, her parents know about you too, right?
                Oh yes of course.


                  The feels. I won't meet my SO until early July. All because of no jobs, and college lol. I stress about it too. Mostly about what he will think of me when he sees me for the first the time... My point is, is there a particular reason you're stressed about it? You can message me if you want.


                    Yay to a closer date!


                      I'm glad you got your date moved up! I wont be able to see my boyfriend until May. Don't think about how many days away it is. Every night when I go to sleep I'm happy becaise that means it is one more day closer until I get to see him. Also, I think that all this time apart just gives me time to be the best version of me that I can be.

