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Long Distance Relationship Help: Please read.

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    Long Distance Relationship Help: Please read.

    Hello, thanks for clicking on to this thread.
    Me and my girlfriend have now been in a long distance relationship now for nearly 9 months and i need some advise/help.
    Unlike a majority of couples on here, i'm not an adult, Me and my girlfriend are only 16 years old and this distance is becoming very difficult and in many ways unhealthy. The distance is 152 miles, which i understand isn't that big compared to alot of users on this website but it's still difficult, especially at our age. The problem is all we do is seem to argue loads, we argue over stupid things, things that don't need to be argued over, it happens mostly every day and it really affects us both. We don't know why it happens but at times i feel like i'm really struggling because of the arguements, but i don't know what to do to stop it. When i'm with her, everything is perfect, i love her to bits, she's perfect and i don't want to let her go, but i feel like at the moment this relationship is only going in one direction and that's that we'll split up eventually. I'm fighting hard for that not to happen, but it's starting to feel like the only option i have as the arguements just won't end. It's frustrating, because i know we both love each other a hell of alot, and i want to be with her for a very long time but it seems like it's going nowhere right now. Any help would be grateful, thankyou for reading.

    I think at any age when you are arguing most of the time it means there is a problem. I suggest trying to take a few days away for both of you to decide how much you miss the contact or don't. Sometimes just the thought of losing someone makes you realize where your heart really lies. You also might try to start keep track of what your fights are about and try to see what the underlying reasons for them are so that you can address them.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin


      Oh boy I thought I would never actually write this.

      Try to take a bit of a break, I'm not saying break up and date other people. Just try to get some time away from eachother and return to it later. It's very possible you've hit a point where all you really need is some time alone.
      It's not easy and I'm going through a similar thing but with a friend of mine. It might just help, who knows.


        It takes two to argue, be strong and don't give into it. Stay calm and unemotional, speak logically and don't get upset, or say things you'll regret. Eventually, she'll get tired of arguing with herself. Most importantly, don't sweat the small stuff! Not every perceived slight is worth the argument, think about it and decide if it's really something that's gonna matter a month from now, and if it's not, let it go. Sometimes, especially at 16, it's hard to swallow your pride when you're so sure your right, but as you mature, you'll find it's less important Good luck, and btw, no need to add "Please read" to your threads, it is why we're here
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

