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    So, My SO moved away for school Tuesday, and she's been busy aka we've been barely talking, which was fine..I understood, new city, apartment, college, etc.
    But it was okay cause Sunday she was gonna come back here to spend the week with me and then leave to permanently stay up to her new college town, she just called me saying she can't cause all this stuff happened with her transcirpts and she's gotta take the CPT again and she might not even be able to take classes until September so she's doing damage control and the person she was going to drive down with isn't coming back down, etc. Now I wasn't really sad about her leaving cause I was like oh well I'll see her in 4 days no biggie. Now, my heart is aching so bad and I'm so angry cause next week was her birthday, I just bought the cake, presents, derocrations, etc. Which I'm going to send to her but that isn't what I'm so angry about. I'm not really angry, well I am I'm just completely like just kinda like..WOW. It feels so strange knowing I'm not going to see her until late September (when I visit, I work 7 days a week, new job trying to work around it)..and I'm so scared. About everything. I'm hoping things will change maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll get a call saying "JK I'M COMING DOWN" but I'm not counting on it. I wanna cry but none of my friends understand how hard this is.
    Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
    Starting Dating: 5.22.09
    Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
    Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
    Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10

    It's one of the worst things about LDR. Your expectations, that you pin your hopes on, get dashed with things outside both your control. Is there any way you can talk to her, and just express how down you are about it. I'm sure she would have liked to see you again as well.


      help her im sure its hard for her, I know my bf bein stressed out as hell with college stuff not workin
      trust me you'll be fine, september is here soon


        You have to change your way of thinking then. Be happy that you will see her again in September! Which isn't that far away. Most people don't see their SO's for many months/years. Just try to stay in contact with emails or phone calls.


          Hey! Don't worry about it too much. I know it can be very difficult. When I went to college I didn't see my SO until November =[ So, I understand what you're going through. You just have to keep your mind away from the fact that you won't see your SO in a while. Just keep contact through video chat, texting, and talking on the phone. =]


            *hugs* Things change at a moment's notice. Try to look on the bright side. It's a month as opposed to 6 months. Yes, it sucks, yes you are upset, let your feelings out. Come here and vent, most of us have felt like this when plans change. You will get through this. Keep positive!


              I'm sorry that she wasn't able to come down to see you like you guys had originally planned. <3
              I had plans with my SO canceled on me, so I know that feeling. But you just gotta keep your chin up and remember that you're going to see her in a month and it's something to look forward to. Just keep in touch with her and support her when she's feeling guilty about her not visiting =]
              Don't worry! September is creeping up faster than a cheetah on an antelope =]


                I'm so sorry, but things change really quickly! That's how life works (which is good at times and bad). You will get through this, just relax and try to calm down. Everything will be okay


                  Thank you everyone! Yeah we talked for a little bit and she said she might be coming down on the 28th but everything is subject to change, my roommate and I are discussing hotel rooms and stuff now. It just sucks, I realllly out did myself this year for her birthday! I guess I should just shut up considering some people haven't even met their SO!!
                  Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                  Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                  Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                  Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                  Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                    Your feelings are valid were's ok to express that..I know that feeling....hang in there...
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Disappointment is sooo hard to deal with. This is what we are here for, because i think we all understand what you are going through. Really september isn't that far away at all. You can make it!


                        It's completely normal to feel like you do, if you wasn't frustrated and angry it would mean you don't care. Keep your chin up despite of this and try to look in the positive side of things, you are still going to see her even though it's not as soon as you both wanted!


                          Karring; yeah I know, I hate this feeling of disappointment and its worse if I express that to her I know it'll make things worse. My roommate and I are discussing me coming up end of september for 3 days/2 nights so hopefully that will go through
                          Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                          Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                          Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                          Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                          Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                            Thank you very much everyone, The past couple of days were tough she was in such a crappy mood about everything, but I've been writing her letters and today she's moving into her apartment and she got some of her stuff handled so she's in a lot better mood. and Today marks our "20th month of knowing each other" and in two days it'll be our annverisary, 15th month. And the weirdest thing happened, we both had a dream about winning scrathoff tickets but we didn't talk about it or anything. I woke up and I was like baby we won 60000 dollars and she was like really I bought a scrathoff in my dream and we won too! Yesterday I bought her a scrathoff ticket and mailed it to weird.
                            Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                            Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                            Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                            Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                            Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                              I hope that dream was a sign and you'll win something

