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Nerves and Common Sense

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    Nerves and Common Sense

    Let me preface this by saying I know things will be fine.

    Sean is on a bus at this moment, slowly (agonizingly slowly) getting down here to Kansas. My problem is two fold. I've been in LDR's before, no problem. My problem, I realized early on, I totally love this man, so the nerves are building to the breaking point. Normally when they rear their ugly head I have him to talk to and calm me. Right now, I do not have that luxury due to international cell phones not working in the States. More precisely, his plan doesn't work in the States. He will be here at 9:30 CST tomorrow but if anyone can give me some ideas on how to keep the nerves at bay I'll luv you forever.

    It also does not help that I have to work tonight, all night when most of you are sleeping (lucky ones). I detest asking for help but hey, help the old woman out will you? ^_^

    PM or AM? Goodness I'd be a nervous wreck, I know that much.

    The trick is not to think about it too much. I don't know about you, but I overthink things and can end up thinking out bad scenarios I know in reality will never happen but hey my brain does love me. Put the energy to good use. Do chores, go walking around, run errands, throw yourself into your work. So long as you have the jitters, keep busy because being idle's going to drive you up the wall, across the ceiling, and down another wall. Try and focus on other things, but allow yourself a giddy moment and think about how soon you two will be in the same room. If you feel overwhelmed, go splash come cold water on your face or take a big gulp of water/soda/whatever you're drinking and sort of just stand there for a second and focus on nothing, or focus on the wall.

    And hey, I won't be sleeping, I'm a night owl.


      When I first saw my boyfriend for the first few times, I was beyond nervous!!! It's good that you're working tonight, because it can keep you distracted. But when you get off of work, I recommend just relaxing and don't make it a big deal. Because when you start making something a big deal, your nerves will get worse. Just take deep breaths and relax.


        Distraction! Anything that will vaguely take your mind of it. Not quite sure how you do that at work - hopefully keeping super busy at work will help. If you are at home - few things I do when I'm in this spot - do my hair, nails, facial, feet, cull my makeup/bathroom, cull fridge, cull cupboards, rewrite my to do list, if I want to productively kill time or if not, trawl the internet googling/wikipediaing random things which pop into my head, go to '' has hours and hours of all sorts of funnies to go over when i need to kill time and have a giggle, phone a friend, join the LDR chat room, actually I think I'll start a what do you do to kill time thread.
        Last edited by Čternity; August 19, 2010, 07:56 PM.


          O.O that reminds me - we are going to be out of touch for the four days before I see him while I visit my brother in WA for similar reasons.


            Thanks gang.

            @LMH AM my dear so no sleep before he gets here an hour and a half after work

            @Paula I'd love to relax but no time in the morning. I'll be driving.

            @Eternity I've done all that today while we were out of contact. I'm pampered and ready to go. Unfortunately I sit on my butt at work. Thankfully the tv will distract me.


              Well at least the drive will keep your mind busy you'll have to focus on the road! lol


                This is why god created Apps for phones, nintendo DS's, and books/audiobooks. Sinking yourself into something that's a bit engaging (sudoku perhaps?) is what I do for those waiting times. It helps. Or sleep.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  He just missed a call in time, now I'm really going nuts!!




                      That's so exciting!!! I really liked Kansas when I went to visit my SO.

                      My SO came to me the first time around. I was super nervous. That day, I was lucky to have an exam and, oh yeah, a totally messed up room (nothing dirty, but papers and textbooks every where, trinkets on the floor, unfolded laundry that progressively got worse and worse when I was doing my internship and I had never had the energy to tidy) to clean up. Not that I am recommending demolishing the organization in your place, etc. Those things made me nervous, too, and I was still nervous, but it helped refocus that energy on to other things.

                      Maybe what would help as a distraction would be to do something for someone else (not your SO either). Maybe go help a friend sort her old clothes to donate to charity, like you have been promising, or cook dinner for an elderly neighbour. Perhaps, those were odd examples, but I find that when I put a deadline on something where I would be letting another person down if I didn't complete it, then it helps me to direct nervous energies to something productive. It might be the same for you?

                      I hope you have a great visit--I am looking forward to hearing about it! (P.S. Have you ever been to Toto's Tacoz in Wamego? My SO and I stopped in Wamego and wanted to go there, but it was closed! I have heard some really good things, though. Also, we were supposed to try Cafe Beautiful in Lawrence, but ended up going elsewhere (which was also delicious) since the Cafe had reservations booked two weeks in advance and my SO couldn't find out if they had vegetarian and/ or sushi options for the timid, like me! Hee hee! Kansas had some great places to eat, too! ).


                        Try to not think about it so much, and let us know how it goes. Good luck!


                          ok, update. The loveable fool almost missed his connection in Chi town to call me and say he loved me. I slept the rest of the day away and now I get ready to go to work. Thank you, each and every one for your words. It is nice to know I can come here when I act like we all do from time to time.
                          *hugs everyone and makes a massive amount of brownies*


                            We all understand!!! I can remember when Dan came for the 1st was a 7 hour drive and I was a nervous wreck..the second that man stood at my door...all fears and insecurities disappeared...making all my nerves and feelings all worth it....I am excited for you...and cant wait to hear how well it goes!!!
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              I detest greyhound, they made him miss a transfer so it won't be until 2:20 pm my time that he gets in. *goes to try to sleep*

