I'd totally date me. Hell yeah. And personally I think that it's healthy to remember that when I find myself putting my SO on a pedestal. A lot of people (guilty as charged) have a tendency to think that they don't deserve the phenomenal creature that is their partner.
Putting aside personal interests and gender preferences, would you date you? Why or why not? It's an interesting question to answer.
I'd date me because I write songs for my SO and send him baking in the mail. I hide little notes around his room after each visit, and I have the libeto of a beast. I bring him cups of tea and do my best to always make him happy while giving him the space he needs.
Putting aside personal interests and gender preferences, would you date you? Why or why not? It's an interesting question to answer.
I'd date me because I write songs for my SO and send him baking in the mail. I hide little notes around his room after each visit, and I have the libeto of a beast. I bring him cups of tea and do my best to always make him happy while giving him the space he needs.