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Staying with partner's family over the holidays

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    Staying with partner's family over the holidays

    Wasn't sure where to put this because I'm not in a LDR anymore, but my boyfriend lives on the other end of the country from his family. Because my family is now all over the globe, I'd probably be alone at Christmas, so Tom invited me down to spend Christmas with him and his family. I am really happy and excited about this but I have never done this sort of thing before so I'm starting to overthink it and worry!

    First of all, he's got a big family, and from what I gather they're pretty wealthy. I assume I'll be staying at the big family home too, with my boyfriend. We'll be eating a huge Christmas lunch/dinner as you do, and hopefully they will let us borrow a car or something so we can go do stuff. This is for about 4 days before we fly out to Sydney and Melbourne for a little new year's holiday.

    My main question is - since they'll be feeding me and such - I should really get them a thank-you gift right?? I have only met Tom's dad but they seem very 'proper' and well-to-do whereas I'm very chilled and relaxed so I'm a little nervous. Aaaaand I have absolutely no idea what sort of gift would be appropriate. Help me!!

    Here are some ideas I have so far:
    - A bottle of wine, mid-range pricewise as I'm not going to go broke buying them a super expensive one... I was thinking, since I used to live on a little island with lots of world-famous vineyards, I could get them a wine from there. But I'm worried they a) might not like wine, b) might think it's too cheap!! or c) think it might be a little presumptuous seeing as they don't know me?
    - or - again, from my island home, there is a woman there who makes the most intensely delicious jams, sauces and chutneys. I was thinking I could get a few jars of this stuff all packaged nicely - they are really 'gourmet' and a bit posh looking, even though they are made by a lovely little old lady in her kitchen at home. And they are delicious.

    Any other tips? Keep in mind, I have never met any of them (besides his dad, briefly) before! What if they think me getting them a gift is awkward? Wahhh I'm a worry-wort indeed.

    A gift is not required-but could be fun. I'd go with the jams and things over wine. I mean, I'm all about wine as gifts, but some people aren't. (I'm also all about delicious jams. Mmmmmmmm yum!) especially when they're home made. Talk to your SO about it, try to "feel out" his parents. I've stayed with my SOS family a bunch, and haven't ever gotten them a "thanks for letting me crash at your place" gift. However, I've brought them things like, Belly Flops and homemade muffins because I wanted to. (Belly Flops are the reject Jelly Belly jelly beans. They're amazing.) the thought of the gift is more important than the price of it. Guaranteed.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Oh that sounds like fun!!!
      I think wine is always a SAFE choice.
      I definitely agree with feeling his parents out by talking to him. My DB doesn't drink, and his parents don't either, so I never brought a gift. I did however always send a thank you card!

      One thing, just be you, and help out as much as you can! My boyfriends parents fell in love with me simply because I helped out as much as possible! It allows his family to grill the two of you separately [don't freak out, I mean good grilling!] Have fun btw, it can be nerve wracking, but if he loves you, they will love you!


        I think it's nice to bring a gift and the jams/sauces sound really lovely. Nothing awkward about bringing people presents!


          Get them something a bit 'Australian'!


            I would have brought a gift to (I always do, anyway) and I think the jars of jam/sauce is a fantastic and very thoughtful idea And so much more original than wine. Do it!
            I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


              Originally posted by Tooki View Post
              Get them something a bit 'Australian'!
              Haha Tooki, anything 'Australian' here is usually not considered a good thing (hopefully that doesn't include me). Besides, I think he's got Australian family coming so I imagine they'll bring the Aussie gifts :P


                The jams seem like a really cool and delicious idea, I'd definitely choose that


                  Jams sound nice! And just for future generic gifts for whole households, I'm a big fan of wind chimes. They're pretty, everyone likes them, and they sound nice


                    I'm with most of the others - Bring a gift, and the jams sound really nice
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

