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Partner Injured - Advice

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    Partner Injured - Advice

    Hi all,

    Earlier this week my boyfriend was injured when a car hit him while he was on his motorcycle. All of the bones in both of his feet are broken; he currently cannot walk. He probably won't be able to walk for at least the next 3 months.

    I live in PA and am a full time third year law student. Unfortunately with class, extracurriculars, job search, etc. it isn't physically or financially feasible to be with him through what will ultimately be most of his recovery.

    Have any of you been in similar situations where your partner was hospitalized or sick? In advice on how we can get through this? I'd like to send him a care package monthly. Any ideas on what would be good for him?


    My partner got into a motorcycle accident when we first together. Although he wasn't injured near as badly as your boyfriend was, it was still a terrible time.

    I think the care package is a great idea. Maybe send him things he can do for distraction seeing as how he'll be off his feet? Games or books, whatever he's into really. Just let him know you're there for him constantly. Realize he may be grumpy and sad. Talk to him any way. Other than just showing you're supportive, I don't think there's much more you can do.

    Really sorry this happened to your guy-what a tough situation :/

    Met online: 1/30/11
    Met in person: 5/30/12
    Second visit: 9/12/12
    Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


      Oh my goodness! I'm sorry to hear that I really like the idea of care packages, maybe even more skype dates since he will be at home for a while?


        I was in a car crash and had both my feet shattered as well. My SO helped me just by sending me emails and keeping me upbeat. He'll probably get quite depressed because losing your independence is not easy. The forum: was a WONDERFUL resource. It has lots of people who can give him support, advice and guiding through his recovery. I cannot recommend MBL enough. Happy healing!


          I second Dez's idea of care packages with stuff for him to do!
          Made it official: 12-01-10
          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
          Closed the distance: 07-31-13

