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That moment when....

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    That moment when.... come so close to closing the distance, you can taste it. I applied for a job minutes walking from where he lives. The employer seemed to really like me, no exageration. She kept in contact with me and even called me the afternoon before the day she made a decision to see if I was still interested in the job. Of course I felt like I was going to get it. I looked into apartments close to work and finally started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...then the next day when she told me I'd hear back, I get an email saying the position has been filled...and not by me. You can imagine how heart broken I was...I've been down since I got news and now today I'm going back home with no hope of closing the distance anytime soon . Life is rather unfair at times. It's rather difficult not to feel discouraged, especially when all your friends around you who were long distance managed to close it already.

    Oh wow. That's really tough. I'm sorry you didn't get the job. Take care of yourself.
    So, here you are
    too foreign for home
    too foreign for here.
    Never enough for both.

    Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


      I am really sorry that sounds like a really crappy situation! Is it possible to call the employer and ask what made her decide against you? Maybe she can keep you in mind if they have another opening? I have been job-hunting for months and a personal connection is always the best way to get your foot in!


        If I were you I'd definitely ask for feedback and why she rejected you. That way, you can use the feedback for future interviews
        I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but hey, every loss is a new victory. There will be more jobs around in the future, until then stay strong with the Distance! Don't give up. And you can always ask if there are any other positions available at that place.


          I did email her after I found out I didn't get it...but she never replied back ;(. This was Thursday night...and I assumed that maybe she was out on Friday, and then the weekend...maybe she will this week :/.. I don't know what happened, I was literally ready to move, I'm so glad I waited to make sure 100% that I had it or not before signing a lease. At least that's a plus lol


            I think you should definitely give this woman a call, let her know you are VERY interested in working there. Be very polite and positive, say you want to improve your CV and application and ask very nicely to be considered if any vacancies are to arise.
            Job-hunting is hard, I sympathize very much, but you have to keep trying! Good luck.

