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So. Its over.

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    So. Its over.

    In my last post. I talked about the Break.
    I texted him a few times. even left a voicemail. nothing.
    I haven't heard from him in about 3 weeks.

    I was curious to see if he was just ignoring my calls/txts/whatever else.
    I had my roommate call him earlier yesterday. He answered.

    So I called him a few minutes later. No answer. Left him a voicemail and Told him how nice it was to answer a complete stranger...but he couldn't at least give me an answer to what was going to happen after the break. So I wouldn't be left in the dark about this situation.

    So I'm just done with everything.
    If he does decide he wants "us" back. Then oh well. I gave him my heart. Which was really the first time I've ever done that. If he does want me back...he has to earn his way back.

    My trust is gone. I tried. I don't give up that easily. but...I can't do much....seeing as though he lives on the West Coast. and I live on the East Coast

    I just have to start living my life. I know someone is out there for me. Its just a matter of waiting.

    I'm sorry to hear this. It's unfair that he just chickened out and wouldn't even have the balls to tell you if he wanted to end things and just stopped keeping contact instead.
    Keep your head up, you will find that special someone who will never ignore you and loves you like you deserve *hugs*


      Yeah. I really thought it was going good. He was even planning on visiting me...told me he had his ticket already. who knows whats going to happen with that.
      I'm 19.....that special someone will come along someday.

      I've actually decided to move to the state he's from. but I had decided that way before I met him. It's still going to happen. I'm not going to let anything stop me from moving there.

      Thanks so much.


        i'm sorry things are taking this turn... it is very cowardly of him not to answer like that.. you deserve better treatment, no matter what! i hope your move will be taking place as planned, and will let you take further steps towards the life you want to have...
        courage *hugs*
        Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
        And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
        ~Richard Bach

        “Always,” said Snape.


          First of all, if he's too immature to have at least a small phone call or even a text with you, then you're a little too good for him in my opinion. I'm sorry about your loss though


            I really don't understand they way men think sometimes!!
            Something similar happened to me. When I decided I was gonna visit him to his city.... he got crazy, and said he didn't want any commitment...!!! That was hard to swallow!!!! I mean... I thought.... Is this the same person who said was getting in love??? That wanted to spend time with me...?? blah blah blah...

            Bottom line.... We ended, and I didn't hear of him in a week... Didn't answer my calls, or wrote back... A week later, he writes and says this was too much for him!!!! I know the powerless feeling you get when this happens! BUT... even though you feel sad.... everything passes... and you overcome sadness... believe me!

            Just find what to do with your time.... Don't stay home, sitting and thinking a lot about this.... Try to do activities that keep you busy, and you'll see!!!

            Best of lucks!


              Sorry to hear that, IMustbeDreaming.
              But i think it might be better for you to not accept him back if he decides to go that way. I know you gave him your heart, but look at the way he treated it and what's to say he won't do that again. From what i can understand your break was just a guise for him actually breaking up with you but in a cowardly way. Now you have to take you time and focus on yourself first and foremost and if you don't go chasing for love, love will come chasing for you.


                What he did was immature and unfair. I'm sorry he chose such an immature way of handling it. I know it hurts, but I hope oyu'll take some you time, let yourself be sad, and let yourself heal. *hugs*

                You're always welcome to stay around the forums if you want. Come back anytime.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  I am so sorry to hear this. But if he's not calling you back that shows a lot about him. This situation will make you a stronger person!


                    I'm sorry that you guys broke up<3
                    Keep yer head up, you'll find someone whose way better than him =]


                      I went through something like this with my SO not too long ago, On valentines she called it a break, next day her status on myspace.."I'M SINGLE AGAIN" andshe ingored me for 2 days..and it took us 2 months for us to get back together, I got excuse after excuse, my dad is sick, i'm stressed, i'm scared cause i'm moving to orlando and we'll be an ldr "etc". Breaks suck and they don't fix "stuff", being apart doesn't do anything, its a load of BS. I tell my so now that I'll never do another break and I won't stand for a lack of communication! Go you for standing up for yourself and not taking his crap!!
                      Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                      Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                      Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                      Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                      Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                        It's very frustrating that he hasn't 'closed' things properly. Best thing you can do as you mentioned is move on and focus on you.


                          Im sorry to hear that
                          thats really mean and honestly I dont think he deserves you if he treats you like this!
                          Stay strong! *hugs*


                            awwww.. I'm so sorry to hear that.. If a guys not willing to man up and atleast talk to you then hes not worth your time.
                            He just gets me... <3


                              3 Weeks is way too long. I'm sure you'll find someone that's just for you so keep looking :] he might even come to you.

