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Away for a Year ?

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    Away for a Year ?

    So I'm graduating uni in July 2011. My guy will have two years left (we're at the same uni for this coming year YAY). I'm planning on going away for a year and travelling - I'm going to go to Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand (about 8 months away) before coming home for a month and then leave for USA for another 3 months. I'm from UK btw - we both are.

    Basically, although for over a year we have been long distance, it was the kind that meant we could see each other once a month at least, sometimes twice. Just for a weekend, but still; enough. I'm really worried about going away for so long. I don't know what the internet situation will be everywhere other than Australia where I know I have it, and it's a really long time! I'll be travelling so he wont be able to send me letters, and although there are ways to make phone calls less expensive, they're still not cheap.

    Wasn't sure whether this should have been put in the travel section, but decided as it's more about the relationship and less about the travel it should go here. I guess I'm looking for some sort of encouragment that it will work out. He's being really suportive and encouraging - says we'll be fine and we can work it out. Already looked into a return flight for him to see me during a time when I know where I'll be and that I'll have accomadation he can share (£600 return, so we can save up and it'll be fine we hope). I'm just worried it wont be enough.

    Any opinions or advice is welcome

    You can always send him postcards from the locations your are at, you know, those silly "I wish you were here" cards that you can always find everywhere. Keep a journal while you are away and send it to him so he can see what you have spent your days doing. Try and save a bit extra money up so you can call him every once in a while, as he is probably worried about you and being able to hear your voice will be a nice comfort for him. Maybe there's an adress you can use where he can send a letter to depending on how long you are staying at the various locations.
    Don't worry, if you both want it to succeed it will, you just have to fight for it and trust each other.


      Well, you can always send him letters and postcards, even if you make them yourself. Or bring journals and mail them to him after you fill them about how you're doing, what you're doing, and so on. It wouldn't be internet but at least he'd know you're OK and have something to look forward to.

      Going through a LDR with limited contact is rough, but it isn't impossible. You just have to make sure when you go things are on good terms and opportunities to use more than pen and paper where you have only those are taken advantage of even if it's a bad time for him. I think it shows your confidence in the relationship to not back down from this traveling because of it.


        Thanks - love the journal idea. The problem is that I'll be travelling, and only have a few set days of 'this is when I'll be at this hostel'. So I can send him things, but he ca't send me stuff. I think I'm being a bit selfish, but sometimes you need to be in order to be practical... It's all very well to say that it's great I can send him stuff and he can hear from me... What about the other way round? If I have no net, no address and VERY limited phone for 5 weeks before a day with net and another 4 weeks of the same... etc etc. I'm worried about me, not him...

        I trust him completely, and I know he trusts me too. He pretty much flat out told me no to back out because of him, which made me love him all the more for it. I'm really just being selfish.. Is that bad?


          This is a wonderful opportunity for you - I wanted to say grats on such an awesome trip, I hope you'll take lots of photos.

          What I would suggest doing is setting a weekly 'date', if you can, to try to either voice chat or IM back and forth. Send the postcards and letters that you can. Also, many hostels/other places will hold mail for you, so if you make one place your central base in a region, he could still mail you.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            I agree with Silviar, this is a wonderful opportunity! You should definitely enjoy your time traveling.
            I think that sending him post cards would be a cute idea I also think that you should set up times that it would be convenient to talk to one another.


              Does anyone know how to set up a mail holding placey thingy...? Eg. Fiji is quite a small place (I'm only planning on going to three of the islands right now but it could all change), so if I set something up in one town, I might be able to take a trip there every couple of days - wherever you are it seems to be a day trip by bus.... Anyone who knows differently please correct me


                I'm sure you could rent a post box in a place for a month or so. You might want to look into backpacking forums and the like for the places you're going - they'll have suggestions on how to get mail as well.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

