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Visa applcation was sent back

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    Visa applcation was sent back

    My partner's visa application was sent back today.
    We followed the information on the UK Border Agency site.
    A letter of sponsorship with contact details was written taking responsibility for the visit.

    They turned it down they never bothered to contact us.
    They asked for an employment contract, It could not be made more clear the my partner is self employed and it very good at what she does.

    Now they want us to provide a copy of all your communications on Skype, The most private things we have said to each other

    I wish I could punch the person that did not bother to read the application.

    Sorry this happened, visas can be really frustrating.

    For the skype thing, you can just print out your call records to show that you spoke (nothing personal). Or if you don't use video/voice and only do chats, print out various chat records from different time periods and then black out anything that's really personal and private.


      I agree, visas are a very frustrating issue...
      Be patient and most importantly be honest at all times. You have to show them that you are both law-abiding people.

      I'm not sure what kind of visa your partner is applying for...but either way, authorities worldwide have very specific guidelines that you'll have to comply with.
      If your partner is self employed she'll have to offer proof that she has an income derived from her profession, maybe she's got copies of receipts or bank statements to show.
      Skype or phone call records are important too, since they're proof that there is indeed a relationship between the two of you -especially since you haven't met in person yet.
      I would recommend that you simply submit everything you have at hand (no matter how personal those things are) actually the more personal the better. It's not like you know the people who will be reading them, so don't let that bother you.
      Have you considered traveling there yourself instead of having her visit you? That would make the whole process so much easier at the moment and in the future.

      Don't give up!!!

      Good luck and best wishes.


        Yes I'm going to be travelling to her, it's the better option now, were only doing it the other way because I have never travelled (except one bus trip at school) and she has flown to different places in the world.

        I only have a problem with people reading our communication history because it is so personnel and were very private people, It's a violation and not part of the strict requirements which we have followed very closely.
        It was a general visitor visa, we did explain that she was visiting to meet me but it still falls under the general visitor category.
        I'm certain the application has not been read in full, perhaps the embassy staff deal with a large number of applications but to ask for things that were already provided shows it was not read at all and many places, skimmed over at best.


          I'm happy to hear that the visa denial is not stopping you from meeting your girl!!!

          It does sound a little weird that her application wasn't accepted, especially if she has a long traveling history...
          For what I know immigration officers are not very keen on dealing with relationships that start online, but all in all it's really hard to say what they base their decisions on. I'm guessing it's mostly because she doesn't have a permanent job which would clearly show that she's going there only while on vacation. I'm not sure how that works in the UK, but in some countries you can actually request a more detailed explanation so that you can make sure to meet their requirements when she reapplies.
          By the way, while you're visiting with her you should try to get a lot of photographs together -and if possible, with her family and friends. If you haven't been using the phone to communicate you might want to try that too (make sure you request a phone call history from your phone company). All that might be very handy in the future...

          I hope you make it there soon and you both have a wonderful time!!!

          Good luck!!!


            Your problem is likely that it's because your SO is from a 'high-risk country', especially in regards to the possibility of illegal immigration.

            The visa may have also been declined not because your SO is self-employed but because the government believes that your SO may overstay her visa. It's low that they didn't give a reason though.

            *EDIT* It makes a lot of sense because you mentioned that you two have never met. That is going to draw a lot of negative attention.
            Last edited by Tooki; October 23, 2013, 11:56 AM.


              Yes it's actually weird if she got her visa denied which in another time she has travelled a lot, or she just has travelled around ASEAN countries that wouldn't even need visa?
              Jon Lawrence: I love you because you are succesful, intelligent, have a great nerdy personality.
              Jon Lawrence: Love me for all my faults
              Jon Lawrence: You have a good head on your head.
              Jon Lawrence: and you are FUCKING AMAZING LOOKING!



                Thank you for your responses they are helpful, I emailed the consulate to find out why they thought the details provided in the sponsorship letter was not enough ( proof of citizenship in the UK and employment )
                I'm going through the Skype history to find sections that show we have a relationship but are not too personnel to share.

                I still can't believe this we had followed the rules on the UK border agency site to the letter and the sponsorship should have all but guaranteed acceptance, I'm sure no one read the application considering that they asked for things that were provided on top of the Skype communications.

                I've never been angry at someone like that I'm a pacifist but whoever turned down the visa is perhaps the laziest ba****d in the FCO and I'm so pissed off at them.

                Yes Tooki we have not met in person yet perhaps they are closed minded about LDR's.


                  I know your pain, my SO had a visa declined one and it sucks. We've gotta get a spouse visa soon and for that we also have to send our letters, converstations, pictures to prove we've met, all sorts of stuff. It can be quite invasive but it worth it

                  It is strange she had it rejected though, just for a visit. If you follow the rules on the site it's hard to understand why they'd reject it. The border agency can be so damn strict sometimes. They tried to stop my SO entering the country when he come to visit after his visa rejection, and he's from Canada! Just dont give up all hope! And have fun when you visit your SO


                    Good luck! I know immigrations websites can be horrible to navigate. Luckily I don't need a visa to visit my SO but we are having troubles trying to find the best option for closing the distance because of various things which I won't get into since they are personal so we can't even begin to start a visa yet. But I seriously don't envy you having to apply for a visa just to meet her! Are you able to maybe talk to an immigrations lawyer to help with the visa issues? I hope you get to meet soon!!


                      Originally posted by ChrisJH View Post
                      Thank you for your responses they are helpful, I emailed the consulate to find out why they thought the details provided in the sponsorship letter was not enough ( proof of citizenship in the UK and employment )
                      I'm going through the Skype history to find sections that show we have a relationship but are not too personnel to share.

                      I still can't believe this we had followed the rules on the UK border agency site to the letter and the sponsorship should have all but guaranteed acceptance, I'm sure no one read the application considering that they asked for things that were provided on top of the Skype communications.

                      I've never been angry at someone like that I'm a pacifist but whoever turned down the visa is perhaps the laziest ba****d in the FCO and I'm so pissed off at them.

                      Yes Tooki we have not met in person yet perhaps they are closed minded about LDR's.

                      Ask for an administrative review. Then another person will re access the application and if they first person has made an error they can over turn the decision. It's a free process too.
                      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

