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amount of communication and other advice

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    amount of communication and other advice

    So back in July I 'met' this great guy on a Christian dating site and he lives in Australia. At first sight, I was unusually intrigued and paid a subscription so i can message him, cause i just had to talk to him, something compelled me. luckily he responded and we hit it off real quickly. In the months following we talked a lot as good friends. i liked him a little more the whole time but he kinda still has a girlfriend and at the time it really saddened me along with him being on the other side of the earth. After a few months of really getting to know each other, out of the blue he told me he wants to be with me and only me. I thought that was really flattering but i don't want kids and he does. He said that's fine he doesn't want them anymore which still shocks me even a month after he told me that. We have kinda decided to commit to each other as good friends with a little extra something until he can come to the U.S to be with me...and to help him become a citizen we would probly eventually get married if it works out.

    I want advice about how much should talk. Lately it has been everyday, but with the time change its only for an hour or so. Should we pace ourselves a little more? or is everyday fine. I don't want to screw this up like i have in the past with online relationships, so i try not to be really flirty and romantic and let it wait until real life. Unfortunately the only way we can talk is through facebook messaging cause his parents wont let him have Skype, i did a few times and really enjoyed hearing him and seeing him.i really want to talk thru the camera with him again but it seems the gmail video chat as well as facebook video chat doesn't work (he only has an iphone). i even tried to exchange videos of us and email it to him, i did several and he liked then but he never sends me any...only one short one. Does anyone know of a way to video chat from my laptop to his iphone that wouldn't appear as a program like Skype and that's easy to figure out? And any other advice about keeping this fresh for the next few years until we can meet and really figure things out. Thanks!
    Last edited by agreig07; October 25, 2013, 03:51 PM.

    The question of how often to communicate has been asked about a thousand times, the answer is always the same - there is no "right" amount. Its up to the couple as to what works for them, some talk continuously all day long, some talk a couple of hours a day, some just an hour. Many people only talk a few times a week, due to time constraints and commitments. You have to just work out what you're both comfortable with, but still allows you to live your lives. Also, if your relationship continues, and life needs to happen, you'll probably talk less a year from now, than you do now. It happens to many of us.

    An online forum can't give you this answer, only you and your SO can figure it out, so keep the lines of communication open and talk about it.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

