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How do you miss each other?

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    How do you miss each other?

    I'm just curious: How do you guys miss your SOs?

    Is it a constant feeling of "I wish they were here"? Are you more sad or looking forward to seeing them again or is it just a feeling of longing?

    For me, for example, my boyfriend is on my mind a lot of the time. Not 24/7, of course, but quite frequently. I don't necesarily miss him then, I just think about him and am glad to have him... But then, sometimes, I get these random bouts of missing him that seem to hurt almost physically (but luckily don't last very long). That usually happens right after we've ended a Skype conversation or late at night when I'm going to bed all by myself. During the day, however, my moments of missing him are triggered by the most random things. Talking to people about him may cause it, but it can be something as small as having a conversation with a friend about right- and left-handed people and remembering the fact that my SO is left-handed I'm weird.
    first met in 2008 -- started talking online again in 2011 -- decided to go on a date in 2012 -- actually started dating on our first visit in August 2013 --
    second visit in February 2014 -- third visit in June 2014 -- fourth visit in September 2014

    For me, I think it's a combination of all those things! At times, I'll think, "I wish he was here". Especially if I'm out doing something that I know he would enjoy. Other times, I get really sad at certain moments when I remember how much the distance sucks and how much I just want to be with him. Random moments also make me think of him, like hearing a certain song or watching a scene in a movie, etc. At those times, I'm not exactly sad, but it makes me think of him and the times we've spent together


      I miss my SO constantly. I always wish he was here with me. Even when I'm doing simple things like cooking or shopping.
      I miss his physical presence immensely. He's always on my mind. I feel extremely blessed to have him. <3

      Post visit blues are always the worst. We said goodbye for the 3rd time just 5 days ago. it always hurts to think about him being so upset that I was leaving.

      I hate sleeping in my bed all alone. I miss him most at night. That's always the hardest time of the day for me.


        I think about him quite frequently throughout the day too and I'll just think "I wish he was here with me." I also miss the most after a Skype or phone conversation and when I have a long moment to myself to think.


          When I was LD, I didn't miss my SO constantly. I mostly missed him at night, after we would stop talking or when I was going to bed.

          Now, I feel like I miss him more! We're both so busy I feel like we never see each other.


            I miss him most when there's long pauses between our texts-- It makes me think about how I'd much rather be standing next to him and talking to him in person. It seems a lot of people miss their SO most at night, but that's actually when I least miss him o: Usually at night we have a skype call before we sleep. It helps me go to sleep with a nice, safe feeling. Hearing his voice before I sleep reminds me of how much he loves me and how much I love him.


              I miss my SO most, when I am just about to head to bed. My mind wanders to thinking about him, and how I wish that he was physically here. I also miss him when we don't get the chance to communicate much, like if we happen to both just be very busy during the week. At the moment, I pretty much work 4-5 days a week; mostly closing shifts. By the time I get home, he is already asleep, lol.

              I guess I also miss him at random moments too. I agree that if I watch a certain movie, or listen to a certain song, it triggers memories of the visits of where we would watch that particular movie, or listen to that song. I also miss him during holidays, like Christmas, or even Halloween.


                When I'm at work I don't really have time to miss him as I have a very busy job with very few moments to actually think about anything else. Plus even if he lived here I wouldn't actually see him during the day anyway. This week I've been on vacation from work and I've found it far tougher as I've had more time on my hands.

                On a regular day the worst times are first thing in a morning, when I just get in from work and bedtime. Then on special occasions like birthdays or just visiting places that I know he'd like. I usually send him a massive email when I just get in from work to tell him about my day in the same way I'd tell him all about it over dinner if he were here. Mornings I usually wake up to a message from him which helps and we try and chat before bed if we can.


                  I miss my SO the most during the night when I'm going to sleep. It helps a little if we Skype just before going to bed and I see his face... but talking on Skype you can't have the physical closeness, which always makes me a little sad. Somehow sleeping alone just reminds me that someone is definitely missing from my side :/

                  I don't necessarily miss him during the day that much, it's more about just thinking about him constantly, like "oh he would enjoy this TV show" or "he would definitely not like this dinner.." haha We Whatsapp each other all the time, the first thing in the morning and during the whole day.. of course we have a few hour pauses but as we are both students and we are not working, we can message each other often

                  The worst moments are of course when we have to say good bye to each other, like in the airport, after a long weekend together. Then I usually cry and wish that we wouldn't need to do it... one day after saying good bye is always the worst and it's hard to get used to being "alone" again.


                    In my mornings when he would either be still in bed or off to work I like to think of him and look forward to talking to him. It's when he's really gone, like on sundays when he's out playing D&D with the boys, that I miss him a lot and then I just wish I was with him and could share the fun with him.
                    And nights.. yeah they are pretty bad without him

                    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                    Married: 1/24/2015
                    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                      I miss him when I feel like we haven't talked as much. Also when I go somewhere or do something that we used to go/do together often. When I'm out with my friends I wish he was there with me.


                        I usually miss my SO mostly when she's unavailable. I mean, she needs to sleep and so on, and we get opportunities to talk for small periods of time when she's in school, so I don't have any issues with that. But what sometimes bother me, is when she's with her friends, which often means that she'll be unavailable. I'm not saying that I don't think she should have any friends or anything like that, I'm happy that she has friends and so on. I often suggest that we have a Skype call so that I can participate in whatever they're doing, but most of the time it's not feasible... which makes me feel a bit sad and unenthusiastic for some time, but it doesn't take long before I'm in a better mood though. It's also when that happens that I really wish that I could be with her.
                        Last edited by Mcayon; October 27, 2013, 12:25 PM.
                        "The road to success is always under construction." - Lily Tomlin


                          *Cries* I constantly miss my love, More than he knows. I'm bad at extending myself and I'm more selfish than I realize--I try to prioritize him, but I get so sidetracked, it pisses me off... ;-; but I love him so much, I miss him wherever I go: when I'm in school, when im lying in bed feeling his spirit holding me close, When im making things--i get excired to be able to do this stuff for and with him someday soon, and when I'm with my friends. i want him to join us, but my friends are kind of iffy about having another person, because we don't want him to feel like a third wheel with some of the activities we're doing... I never mean to make him feel left out, but I feel like he'd feel more so if he Was Skyping us.

                          I'm excited to be able to see him some day, He's been working so hard to have us be together , and I really appreciate him so much.

                          I want to spend the rest of my life with him. <3 I love you, Sebastian. <3


                            For me, missing him is a constant nagging feeling. It isn't always in the forefront of my mind, but there are times where it all of a sudden hits me and I miss him terribly.
                            I get so lonely, he is my best friend, my everything, my world, and life just isn't the same without him here with me.

                            Nights are the worst, sleeping alone isn't getting any easier. Luckily I have Ragner, my stuffed fox he got me, I get a panic attack if I can't find him.

                            Luckily, we talk all the time, and while at school I tend to stay distracted enough. Sleep time is definitely the hardest for me.
                            I just miss our life together, I miss cooking dinner together, doing laundry together, to go from spending every day and almost every moment together to being apart... it just sucks.


                              It was sader in the beginning, because I did not know how to deal with it or if everyday life would work out with the distance. Now that we made a deal to skype or talk on the phone every day (or, on very busy days, at least text to say good night) I relax more. It is good to have things to do, like work and friends, to keep myself busy. Sometimes I just wish we could do simple things together, like cooking a meal or watching a movie... And I wonder why should I be with other people that I love, but not him? It is tough to not be able to just relax and hang out, but it helps every time to know that he feels the same way about me. It is also a sexual longing, that we cannot be physically together can be frustrating. I alway feel better when he manages to flirt with me and make me feel desireable. I also miss simple joys like sleeping side by side or having him run his fingers through my hair, but having him say the words conforts me. The feeling I have is that he is with me constantly; sometimes that is a happy feeling, sometimes more sad, anyhow he is always with me somehow. When we say good night and I hear his voice and I tell him that I kiss him I feel so close and happy. I guess I feel it must really be something if we bother to prioritize it as much as we do. I could never say that it is not good, because I never expected to meet anyone like him at all, I just feel so lucky and appreciative that I should meet him and still have him in my life.
                              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

