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how did you guys meet ? tell me your magic story

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    how did you guys meet ? tell me your magic story

    how did you meet and how did it all start? for us was a few months back we were both working at Disney world down in Orlando as a college internship. Disney makes us take some safety class for all new cast member's and turns out he was in my table (everyone in the room were all attractions people he was the only custodial). i worked attactions he worked custodial and seeing how big magic kingdom is the chances of ever seeing him again was slim. Either way i thought he was cute that day but didnt think much of it. A few days later as i was working my attraction i saw him walking around and i was like "hey you were in my safety class a few weeks ago right. turns out he was custodial in fantasy land and thats were i worked. Since then we both would talk every time i would see him around. I soon started to like him but was to scared to say anything. fast forward 3 months i was seeing my time was running out i started showing him i liked him by flirting with him on the bus holding his hand on the way home (we lived 2 apartment complexes away) and he kinda got the idea i liked him but he didnt say anything. eventuality i saw i only had a little over a month before my internship was done and i knew i had to act fast, so i asked him if he wanted to hang out at hollywood studios. he agreed but didnt think much of it since he wasnt looking for a GF at the time but he said there was always something about me. Turns out we ended up having an amazing time and got along super well. On the way back to magic kingdom we were on the monorail and out of no where he kissed me i flelt like a little 13 year old getting her 1st kiss and since then we started to hang out more and more and finally talked about getting together. We said it never hurts to give it a try since we knew about the distance thing. its been 6 months now and this is the happiest i have EVER been in my life. I love this man more then anything in the world. we both stay up till god knows what times of the night texting or facetime or sending each other little videos back and forth.
    i truly feel i have found my prince at the most magical place in the world and i couldnt see my self with anyone elese
    im so thankful we have seen each other every 2 months and we will be spending the holidays with each other. i know this is the man im going to marry and i wouldnt change it for the world

    ok sorry this was long ;p how did you guys meet

    That was cute!!!
    Mine is totally about to be longer

    Our first encounter will forever and always be my favorite first, as I think it was one of those moments people wait their whole life to experience.

    It was a few days before halloween and I was in a new relationship with this VERY handsome and nice guy [like, super model hot]. I happened to need a break that afternoon, so I went to my local Starbucks to read. I got there pretty late, and I walk through the door and BOOM.
    I know this is so cheesy, but I can't describe to you what happened when I saw him. It wasn't exactly how he looked [I find him extremely hot, but he is definitely bald and older and not my usual type], but as soon as I saw him these was this pull inside of me to him... it was as if my body KNEW I had to be with him. So I get in line behind him, and I swear, the electricity between us was ridiculous, and we hadn't even acknowledged each other!
    He gets a coffee, I get a coffee. We both go and accidentally grab for the sugar at the same time, the tension is KILLING me. I am nervous as all get out, and then he walks outside and I do to.
    I sit at my normal spot, put in my headphones and start reading. The whole time, I am aware of the fact that he is sitting on the other sides. I can not tell you how many glances I took while he wasn't looking.
    This is where the story TRULY gets awesome though.
    He starts pacing. By this point, I am actually/pretending to read my book, he walks past me, I look up and he gives a smile... then he kept walking!
    My book is totally not doing it for me anymore, as instead, I sit and pretend to read while he walks past me not once, but 5 times or so! He would walk by, look at me, and then keep walking. I was trying so hard to not just blurt out the obvious. For a full 15 minutes this nonsense went on, and it was so entertaining!
    Then though... I looked up and he was gone. I waited about 5 minutes, the Starbucks was closing, and when I realized he had probably left. My heart sank. All I could think about was how I should write a missed connection as soon as I get home. :lol
    Instead of leaving though, I stayed a bit longer to read. Then, about 30 minutes late... HE COMES BACK!!!
    Yeah, that is right, he went home... and then came back just in case I was still there! ROFLMAO
    I see him and he walks by me again, and by this point I sort of want to crack up because this is turning out to be a great story.
    He walks to the starbucks [which is closed now] heads toward me, and FINALLY asks "are you waiting for someone?"
    I say no and then he goes "Well, I am ******, we should grab coffee sometime."
    I told him I would love to and the rest is history.

    Now, that super hottie I was dating? I dumped him that night. I know, I know, I am mean. The truth is though, I KNEW. I have no idea how, or what exactly was happening, but there was something about DB that made me need to know him.
    The coolest part though, is hearing us tell it together, because his side of the story proves that I wasn't crazy. He said that as soon as I walked in the Starbucks he had this yearn to know who I was. He came back JUST to see if I was there, and it is so cute hearing him talk about how if I hadn't of been there, he would have kept going back in the hopes of seeing me again.

    Best night of my life. We had our first date a week later, and it was magnificent. Our second date was the night after, and our third date which was the day after that ended up in a sleepover. After that third date, we spent every second possible together. We went a good few months without ever sleeping apart. I pretty much moved in after a few weeks, and officially got rid of my apartment after almost 4 months.

    He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and our relationship has been everything I have ever dreamed about. He is my best friend, and my world. We have been together a year now and I have to say, things just keep getting better and better, more and more fun. The love we have... I hope that every person experiences it. I am not entirely convinced on the whole "soul mate" situation, but if it does exist, I found mine. We are two peas in a pod and perfect for one another in every way shape and form.

    Sorry to be so mushy. I just absolutely LOVE sharing that story.


      Originally posted by miss_jaclynrae View Post
      That was cute!!!
      Mine is totally about to be longer

      Our first encounter will forever and always be my favorite first, as I think it was one of those moments people wait their whole life to experience.

      It was a few days before halloween and I was in a new relationship with this VERY handsome and nice guy [like, super model hot]. I happened to need a break that afternoon, so I went to my local Starbucks to read. I got there pretty late, and I walk through the door and BOOM.
      I know this is so cheesy, but I can't describe to you what happened when I saw him. It wasn't exactly how he looked [I find him extremely hot, but he is definitely bald and older and not my usual type], but as soon as I saw him these was this pull inside of me to him... it was as if my body KNEW I had to be with him. So I get in line behind him, and I swear, the electricity between us was ridiculous, and we hadn't even acknowledged each other!
      He gets a coffee, I get a coffee. We both go and accidentally grab for the sugar at the same time, the tension is KILLING me. I am nervous as all get out, and then he walks outside and I do to.
      I sit at my normal spot, put in my headphones and start reading. The whole time, I am aware of the fact that he is sitting on the other sides. I can not tell you how many glances I took while he wasn't looking.
      This is where the story TRULY gets awesome though.
      He starts pacing. By this point, I am actually/pretending to read my book, he walks past me, I look up and he gives a smile... then he kept walking!
      My book is totally not doing it for me anymore, as instead, I sit and pretend to read while he walks past me not once, but 5 times or so! He would walk by, look at me, and then keep walking. I was trying so hard to not just blurt out the obvious. For a full 15 minutes this nonsense went on, and it was so entertaining!
      Then though... I looked up and he was gone. I waited about 5 minutes, the Starbucks was closing, and when I realized he had probably left. My heart sank. All I could think about was how I should write a missed connection as soon as I get home. :lol
      Instead of leaving though, I stayed a bit longer to read. Then, about 30 minutes late... HE COMES BACK!!!
      Yeah, that is right, he went home... and then came back just in case I was still there! ROFLMAO
      I see him and he walks by me again, and by this point I sort of want to crack up because this is turning out to be a great story.
      He walks to the starbucks [which is closed now] heads toward me, and FINALLY asks "are you waiting for someone?"
      I say no and then he goes "Well, I am ******, we should grab coffee sometime."
      I told him I would love to and the rest is history.

      Now, that super hottie I was dating? I dumped him that night. I know, I know, I am mean. The truth is though, I KNEW. I have no idea how, or what exactly was happening, but there was something about DB that made me need to know him.
      The coolest part though, is hearing us tell it together, because his side of the story proves that I wasn't crazy. He said that as soon as I walked in the Starbucks he had this yearn to know who I was. He came back JUST to see if I was there, and it is so cute hearing him talk about how if I hadn't of been there, he would have kept going back in the hopes of seeing me again.

      Best night of my life. We had our first date a week later, and it was magnificent. Our second date was the night after, and our third date which was the day after that ended up in a sleepover. After that third date, we spent every second possible together. We went a good few months without ever sleeping apart. I pretty much moved in after a few weeks, and officially got rid of my apartment after almost 4 months.

      He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and our relationship has been everything I have ever dreamed about. He is my best friend, and my world. We have been together a year now and I have to say, things just keep getting better and better, more and more fun. The love we have... I hope that every person experiences it. I am not entirely convinced on the whole "soul mate" situation, but if it does exist, I found mine. We are two peas in a pod and perfect for one another in every way shape and form.

      Sorry to be so mushy. I just absolutely LOVE sharing that story.
      no thats how i am to im so mushy me and him make people sick everyone told us we wouldnt last cuz the "disney magic would go away" psh when you work there no magic hahaha just 14 hour shifts and seeing the 60 mickey mouse heads hanging upside down hahaha
      but with us we did the same hung out and like 3 days later he slept over he then called me sneaky cuz i told him to come over for a movie.. and we never got to that movie loll


        Me and my SO met on World Of Warcraft or WoW for short in 2010. Not many people know that WoW has privately run servers run by other individuals as well as there being their retail server. Anyway,My SO was the head US GM (Game Master) on a private server. I was there for 6 months and they had some open GM spots they wanted to fill so I applied for the job. That was when I met my SO who at the time went by the name Zaknerin. He interviewed me on vent (ventrillo) for the job and then soon after hired me. I remember thinking he sounded so hot LOL. Unfortunately though he was seeing someone and living with them at the time who was an administrator on the server. But things fell apart between them and they had been living more like room mates then a couple for a while and she was cheating on him with someone on the server before I even came along. Well,we communicated a lot through our job and through personal messages and after a while got really close. We began to develop feelings for each other and began talking on skype all of the time and spending time in game together. We then became a couple pretty much. We never declared it official or anything for the first 2 - 3 months and then came the big shocker,he told me he loved me. I had never had a guy tell me they loved me first before him. But soon after his live in girlfriend left abruptly and things got complicated so we broke up for a while so he could get over the shock of her up and leaving like she did. BUT,we always knew we loved each other and was never a matter of that,it was simply a matter of bad timing. So,I got lucky again in August of 2012 and we decided to get back together and try again. We had our first visit in Sept. of that year. Now we're living together and getting married this up coming year .

        ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

        We Met: June 9,2010
        Back Together: August 1,2012
        First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
        Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
        Engaged: January 17,2013
        Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
        Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
        We Got Married! - July 3,2014
        SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
        Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


          I was on holiday with friends, kind of trying to get over the unstable relationship to an ex and had actually started flirting/getting mutually interested in a guy in my hometown. I was playing this other guy's suggested songs on my laptop during the first days of the holiday, thinking something might come out of that and was anyway happy and actually proud for thinking about other guys. So I went with my friends on the beach 2nd day of the holidy, he worked at a restaurant by the beach and he knew one of my friends a bit. She described him actually before we went there and I was sceptical (well I think all she said was that he had a pony tail and was single, but for some reason I started to speculate). We went there, and as soon as I see him I am totally trying to avoid him, thinking he resembles my ex too much both in looks and manners. He takes my order and I am polite but a bit cold. When I am out swimming he goes around asking my friends for my name and tells them he fancies me! I hear this afterwards... Anyway he serves my drinks and very soon starts to ask me if I will go out with him later. He is not pushy like pushy guys exactly, but he is a very fast mover and I get a bit irritated. And it is almost like he does not pay attention to what I am saying, because he continues to ask me out even though 'i just said no. And he is telling my friends how beautiful I am and so on. I get a bit embarrassed, I also think it is a bit funny. I am not sure weather or not he is joking, or when he is. Anyway he pursues me whenever he has time off from serving. Again and again I reject him. He leaves, but then I start to think; should he not come back? and I miss the uppertunity at least. But I still think it is a bad idea and have no intention to go out with him.

          The next day I get at little impressed by him. Even for all the rejection I gave him the day before he still is very confident about pursuing me, and also kind, I feel he does respect my feelings. I can tell he really really fancies me. I admit to myself I get a little kick out of posing for him (which is easy because I am only wearing a bikini, on a beach, in sunshine). He has a way of looking at me that totally reminds me of my ex, he gets almost shy to watch me but still does it all the time, making up excuses to pass me by to look at me. He is talking more to my friends than me, telling them I should be with him and soon we will go out. My friends all think it is a great joke, assuming I am not after anything. The whole thing makes me laugh for real. I get more confidant about myself. Still I feel that it is a bad idea that I should date him, and tells him so, thinking it is final. It just seem too risky to meet up with this stranger somewhere, anyway I also have plans with my friends. It is like I hate that fact that I have to reject him, but I must do it now, before he gets his hopes up! The fact that he is into me is the the joke of the party, especially by those older among us who see both me and him (7 years younger than me) as really young. I laugh with them, hearing even more things he told them, I feel a bit caged because I AM interested, sort of, and this way of using my friends to get to me is slowly working, but I don't want to show that to my friends, or him.

          The following day I do not go to the beach in the morning, but I join my friends in the evening for a show at the restaurant I really want to se. I have evening make up and a dress on, it is casual but still more dressed up than beachwear. I sense it when we get there that he has been waiting for me the whole time and that there is a certain wow-factor. He pays me a lot of compliments and I really like his attention. But I am not used to dating right in front of my friends, it is embaressing and I am extremely ambivalent. He must sense that he is getting somewhere because he starts saying things like; "We will get a drink when I get off from work, right?". And I am like no, he pushes and I say maybe. All of a sudden I have said yes, but I will not leave with him in front of all my friends! Finally, 1 1/2 hours after his shift is over and most of my friends have gone back to the hotel, I leave with him. He is like super anchious and not understanding my need to be discreet, but when I tell him he does seem to get it.

          He gets me something to drink nearby (which calms me, because I have no sense of direction and tend to get nervous when going new places with new people). I realize he is really very handsome and charming, but also I do not trust him completely. We talk about work and "innocent stuff" for a while. Then all of a sudden he says; "That was nice, but why don't you kiss me?" I can't really explain why I don't want to kiss him, because I am smitten with him. Still, he is very patient about rejection, it does not seem to affect him much and he seems very much to know what he is doing (he later told me he is never usually that bold with women!). Somehow he manages to relax me more. I sort of just slip into the realization that I am attracted to him for much the same reasons as I did my ex, but suddenly that does not seem such a bad idea after all. And then he asks if I want to sit beside him, I sit halfway with my back to him and then I sort of fall into his lap. All I can think of is how good it feels, and the sound from the ocean and the quieted sounds around us. He touches my hair which for some reason feels very special. When he leans over to kiss me there I accept and I make up my mind to trust him, just like that. I got a couple of days with him before I had to go back, have been on skype ever since and is planning both him coming here and I going back there. Everyday I like him a little more... In a way, he is like I always wished my ex would be. Certainly no drama. And of course he is also his very own self, with stuff that surprise me and delights me all the time. And he told me afterwards that I too look very much like his ex (he had been more or less single for 6 years when we met); only of course I love him better than she ever did, appreciate him more etc. I am not sure if that sounds romantic at all, and it is not like we are talking about this a lot (in fact we are both hurt from those relationships and prefer to keep it to a minium), but I really do feel like we are healing each other a bit. And becoming each other's Better Version And very upfront and honest with each other from the start, and more or less planning a future before we even got out of bed!

          And well we did not really date; we just were together from the moment I let him kiss me and that was it really. Just like: yes. this is it.

          And my husband (who knew it all from the beginning) thinks the world of him, the two of them really dig each other and tells each other on the phone that they are lucky to have me, which I think is super cute and I feel so very loved.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            I was on OkCupid for a while, just to make some international friends, nothing romantic. My SO messaged me and began talking for a bit. After a while he added me on FB. Like I said, it wasn't anything romantic. He got in a serious relationship with a very nice girl but then things got bad and he broke up with her. I guess he needed someone to talk to and that way we began to talk more and more. After a few months of talking non-stop he told me he loved me and made it official Did not expect that...
            The first visit was in June '12. It was me who had to visit, because he was in the police academy at that time. I visited him for a month. My second visit was during Christmas and he proposed the day before Christmas I spent the entire summer (2013) with him and last October he finally visited me and got to meet my family!
            We're getting married in September '14 in the Netherlands and I'll move to the US after that. We only need to wait for his documents and hopefully the Dutch government approves them so we can get married here I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem..
            Aaand hopefully I'll get to visit again during Christmas this year


              My SO and I met in an online chatroom called Teenspot.

              A little over two years ago I got bored and decided to see if there was anything interesting going on on the site (I had made an account years ago) and I joined a room were there were a bunch of people fooling around (not sexually :P) so I joined into the conversation. Daniel was one of the people in that chatroom, though he was in RP mode and was very quiet. A few weeks go by and we all really get to know each other and one night Daniel and I start private messaging each other (mostly about the trolls on the room and we were the only people who hadn't left). Well, one thing lead to another (if you get my drift) and we ended up staying up all night for the next week with each other.

              One day I log on with a bunch of "Congratulations!" from some of my friends on there. Turns out, some girl was flirting with him earlier that day and he blurted out that he and I were dating! So I waited until he usually logged on at night and I said "So, we're dating huh? Thanks for asking me first! :P" and he kind of laughed and that's when we made it official.
              Made it official: 12-01-10
              First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
              Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                Originally posted by Karlijn92 View Post
                I was on OkCupid for a while, just to make some international friends, nothing romantic. My SO messaged me and began talking for a bit. After a while he added me on FB. Like I said, it wasn't anything romantic. He got in a serious relationship with a very nice girl but then things got bad and he broke up with her. I guess he needed someone to talk to and that way we began to talk more and more. After a few months of talking non-stop he told me he loved me and made it official Did not expect that...
                The first visit was in June '12. It was me who had to visit, because he was in the police academy at that time. I visited him for a month. My second visit was during Christmas and he proposed the day before Christmas I spent the entire summer (2013) with him and last October he finally visited me and got to meet my family!
                We're getting married in September '14 in the Netherlands and I'll move to the US after that. We only need to wait for his documents and hopefully the Dutch government approves them so we can get married here I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem..
                Aaand hopefully I'll get to visit again during Christmas this year
                That's a sweet story! I met my SO on OkCupid too! I was going to sign up on another website, but it had a fee. I didn't want to pay. Thank god I was cheap, LOL. After reading all of these stories, I'll have to write ours as well. It's not as cheesy and sweet as some of these, but it's my favorite <3


                  Aww all these are nice can't wait to read more


                    On an online game when I was 13 and he was 14 lol. He thought I was somebody else and mistakingly started talking to me. After that, we've been talking every day for 7 years. We didn't meet for the first time until I was 18 and he was 19


                      This might turn out to be fairly long... we shall see :P

                      Last August a couple weeks before school our class (of only about 20) got news that we had a new student arriving! As you can imagine this doesn't happen very often so everyone was pretty excited to have a new friend join us for our senior year. At the end of August when we started school, there was this boy who showed up, with SO MUCH hair you couldn't see most of his face (I have picture proof of this, ahah). I helped him the first day to find which class he was going to, being friendly, etc. He was quiet, I'm not even sure he talked much. A few days later I offered to help him in french, because I was top of the class in our french class, and he couldn't speak a word. I thought he was cute (although it was hard to tell) but didn't think much of it because I was in a LDR at the time with my ex. Joe and I talked every so often, even though he was still pretty shy and I did most of the talking.

                      Around October-November my relationship started to fall apart. It was a long time coming and I knew it was time to end things. At the very end of November after I had finally ended things with my ex, my best friend, and Joe's best friend were having some sort of fling, so we decided to spend some time all together one friday night. Now, I just have to mention, because we joke about this all the time, that in early November Joe cut his hair and you could finally see his face, and that's when we finally noticed each other. It's kind of funny. :P Anyway, we were just hanging out the four of us and at one point Joe and I walked off alone, we were exploring the Olympic Stadium that we didnt know if we were allowed to or not, turns out we were but felt like rebels, ahah. It was really cold out and the ice was everywhere and we were just slipping and sliding and laughing and it was fun. Afterwards we went to a movie and since our best friends were busy with each other, and I turned towards Joe and we talked till the movie started.

                      That night I texted him thanking him for driving us around and stuff. He texted back saying no problem, etc. Then the next day he just texted me asking what's up, which is the first time that had happened, and we haven't really stopped talking since
                      started dating: 12/08/12
                      "i love you": 04/12/13
                      el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
                      montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
                      el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
                      montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
                      el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
                      el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
                      el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
                      san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
                      san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


                        Love your story!


                          On an atheist forum over a year ago now, he suggested dipping fig newtons into scotch whiskey and I was the only one dumb enough to try it, we have been in contact every day since. It started with PMs on the forum at least daily and one day I crashed my car and ended up drinking too much Pimm's (after the crash not before!) and demanded that he married me in an English Castle. When I'd recovered the next day we had a long chat about trying to make this work as relationship. Luckily for me he didn't run away from my crazy idea and we met up finally. Who knows if we will end up married in a castle.....unlikely!
                          Last edited by 80anthea; November 3, 2013, 02:31 PM.


                            I love to tell my story, so here we go (sorry, but it's going to be very long )

                            I just had finish a very bad relationshio 6 months before I met him and I still wasn't done with him. So, I decided to go with some friends to Cuba (beautiful conutry btw). The first night we were in Cuba, we decided to go to a club. The place was so crowded, of course it was spring break, and the whole island was full with foreigners (thanks god for english!) I met this beautiful canadian boy, but I just didn't feel ready to hang out with another boy, I missed my ex so much. Soon the night was over and the in the next day I spend a beautiful afternoon with my friends in the beach.

                            In our second night in Cuba we went to the same club again. I was in the main door to get into the club, and suddenly I heard some words in language that I don't know, but realized that this words were for me, so I asked: what? And the boy that spoke in a strange language answer me in english: "I told you that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and that you are the love of my life" OMG!! he melted me hahaha, but I just answered thank you very much and I left. He followed me to the dance floor and asked me if I wanted something to drink, that was the time when I really looked at him, he was so handsome, such a man, and before I knew it we were having drinks. We spend all the night talking about everything and nothing at the same time. He was russian (such an exciting country for me!). He asked if he could see me again at 11 AM in the lobby of mi hotel, I answered yes. The rest is history. Three days after we met I had to go back to La Habana (3 hours driving from the beach we were at) He told that he had to stay in Varadero (the beach) because he had all included in there until he go back home, and I had all included in La Habana until my return to Mexico. We exchange phone numbers, mails, etc. I went to La Habana and he stayed in Varadero, or so I thought! That same night I received a call from my hotel lobby, he was waiting me!! He left everything behind in Varadero, his friends, his money, everything! I was on a cloud! In total we got to spend 6 days in Cuba. He went back to Russia and I came back to Mexico. We skype and talk by the phone every day since then. He came to Mexico last month and stayed 2 weeks, I'll go to Russia in december and I am going to stay there for a month!
                            He really is the love of my life, everything I want and more.

                            This was shorter than I thought it was going to be.. I want to read all your beautiful love stories!


                              My SO and I met on a members only chat that was linked to a game we played called Reign of Blood (RoB). RoB is a forum based vampire RPG. Anyway, in the game you can marry whomever you want. When I met my SO (late August '09) he was married to my in game sister. He and I would talk every now and then, but it wasn't an every day thing. Around March of '10, we began to talk a lot more via private chat or private messages through the actual game; however, this was only a few times a week, if that. During the middle of May, he ended the in game marriage with my in game sister (hope this isn't confusing), and we began to talk everyday. By the beginning of July, he wanted me to marry him in the game. Both of my in game sisters tried to talk me out of it, saying he was immature and a few other things. I ignored their warnings and married him in RoB. We continued to talk everyday, and, eventually, began to talk on Yahoo Messenger before moving on to Skype around the New Year of '11.

                              Once I started talking to him and getting to know him, I just had this feeling. I can't explain it, but I KNEW we would fit so well together. I KNEW that we were perfect for one another. I had told him this in November of '10 (and other times), but he always replied that he only liked me as a friend. So, we continued to talk on Skype and on the game related chat until some drama occurred on the game in May of 2011. It was awful. I thought I was going to lose him, and I knew I couldn't allow that to happen. I sobbed many nights at the thought of him no longer being in my life, and, later, he told me that he had done the same (not sobbed but definitely cried). On the morning of May 25, 2011, he informed me that he realized throughout all of this crazy drama that he loved me and couldn't see his life without me in it. I was in pure bliss. It felt like a dream!! I had such a huge smile on my face. That evening the drama ended, and we have been in total happiness since then. Of course, we have had disagreements, but we haven't really been in an argument yet.

                              We weren't officially together though until December 26, 2011 because he wanted me to meet his parents before we made it official. He had already met mine the summer of '11. Each of our families seem to really love who we have chosen to be with and are already asking us when we are going to get engaged, married, and have kids. I usually reply with, "A few years down the road"; although, I do hope we get engaged soon. Shhh!

                              I hope my story isn't too confusing. I'm not the greatest at explaining things. :P

                              To read our love story, click here.

