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What are your Christmas plans?

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    Originally posted by SmileyK View Post
    We're going to be lucky this year in that I am going over to Sweden to meet him and his family for the first time over Christmas/New Years for 6 weeks Really exciting. First white Christmas too, I think I'm in for a bit of a shock with the cold. It'll be one extreme to the next! Honestly I've been getting a bit bored of our own family Christmas traditions, as we always seem to have it at my brother's and they always do the same Jamie Oliver Christmas meal which I don't really like :P Of course, this year, I'm not going to be there, and they're planning to have it at my other brother's house for the first time *facepalm*. First Christmas away from home, but I know my SO and his family will make me feel very welcome and I can't wait.
    Sounds like you're going to have a great time, and I hope you do! ^^ If you don't mind me asking, where in Sweden does he live? I'm just curious

    As for me, back in July I had hoped to go to my SO over christmas and such, but our (I say our because she offered to help me pay for the ticket) economy doesn't allow for that to happen. So this year I guess it'll be over Skype...
    "The road to success is always under construction." - Lily Tomlin


      This will be our second christmas together. Last year we spent it in Colombia with my relatives.
      We are not sure where exactly will we spend christmas this year. First we planned on spending it with his parents and then driving back home late in the evening. When we visited her sister, she asked us if we wanted to spend christmas at their place (all together: his parents, his sister and her family, SO and I). I guess we'll make a decision soon. We will be together, that's for sure, so I will be happy in either place. :-)

      Days before christmas we are going to south Germany and we plan on visiting Germany's most famous christmas market in Nuremberg. I look forward to it!


        Last christmas was our first together. This year we will be apart. Not sure when I'm seeing him again


          Probably not going to be with him for Christmas. Maybe New Years, if I'm lucky.


            Originally posted by SmileyK View Post
            We're going to be lucky this year in that I am going over to Sweden to meet him and his family for the first time over Christmas/New Years for 6 weeks Really exciting. First white Christmas too, I think I'm in for a bit of a shock with the cold. It'll be one extreme to the next! Honestly I've been getting a bit bored of our own family Christmas traditions, as we always seem to have it at my brother's and they always do the same Jamie Oliver Christmas meal which I don't really like :P Of course, this year, I'm not going to be there, and they're planning to have it at my other brother's house for the first time *facepalm*. First Christmas away from home, but I know my SO and his family will make me feel very welcome and I can't wait.
            Nicee, I would stay in Uppsala for Christmas but it will be empty here because all of the Swedes will go home for Christmas.


              Last Christmas was the first we spent together in person and it was wonderful. We planned to spend this one together as well but we both had family situations that required us to stay home for the holidays. It's such a shame but then again, I know it's for greater good. I'm happy that my brother will be coming home for Christmas though, I haven't seen him since May last year.

              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                I discussed with him the posibillity to spend Xmas at his because who doesn't love spending the holidays with his/her love?
                As long as I wouldn't be the only gf around his family and he'd ask his mom (where he lives) if it was ok.
                He said he'd check if his brother was bringing his gf as well.
                Unfortunatly I never heard back from him on this matter and the prices of Xmas flights have gone up so much now that I can hardly afford it anymore...
                Little disappointed about that
                "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                  My SO and I had originally planned to spend Christmas/New Years together. However, life dosen't care if you have plans.
                  I got a job at Best Buy (retail) and Christmas is always crazy. Once
                  I'm done for the semester I'm gonna be working extra. So I can't fly to him.
                  And we don't think it'll be worth it for him to fly here and only see me a few hours a day.
                  So we'll be apart. And it really makes me sad. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I really wanted to spend it with my SO. He would be the best present of all. <3


                    We spent our first Christmas together last year, in England with my SO's family. This year, we will most likely be apart. He was suppose to come to the US for this year, but plans fell through with that, lol. We will probably skype a bit during Christmas though, maybe not voice, but iming each other, which is always pretty nice.


                      Will be with family like every year. My SO plans to visit for New Years and then I plan to fly back with him for another week if I can


                        Originally posted by Mcayon View Post
                        Sounds like you're going to have a great time, and I hope you do! ^^ If you don't mind me asking, where in Sweden does he live? I'm just curious
                        Thanks! He lives with his Dad near Mjölby, and his Mum lives in Stockholm, so we'll be spending about 3 weeks with each of them.

                        "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

                        Started Talking - October 2012
                        Started Dating - 08.11.12
                        First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
                        Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

                        Rosetta Stone Progress
                        22 / 60


                          Well we only just got together. We did talk for some time that he might be here for Christmas, but it would be a little strange for me with plans being made with family. Also he does not celebrate Christmas I guess, and he has got exams coming up both in December and January. I am not so sad about Christmas really but I am little sad he is not here for my Birthday and New year's eve. BUT he is almost definetely coming at the end of January, so that will be the best Christmas present

                          I hope next year if has not got exams we can be together at Christmas/New year. But the most important thing is spening time together no matter when
                          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                            We've spent every Christmas we've known each other apart. I've known him for 10 years, so that's a lot of Christmas's spent apart.
                            For the past 2 years we've been dating, we've spent Christmas on Skype for a couple minutes opening each other's gifts and what not. Then I wouldn't see him for the rest of the day since his family does a very traditional Christmas. My family doesn't have many traditions, just a big family dinner.
                            HOWEVERRR.. this year, I'm lucky enough to have been able to book a relatively cheap flight to New Orleans to spend Christmas with his family!! I'll be there for 1.5 weeks before Christmas and through the New Year. I'm super excited to finally experience a "real" Christmas: decorating a tree, Christmas Mass, traditional Christmas dinner, opening of gifts.. all that good stuff.

                            first met: ~10.03
                            became official: 28.03.11
                            first meeting: 08.06.12 - 24.06.12 (jason in vancouver)
                            second meeting: 18.07.13 - 30.07.13 (jason in vancouver)
                            our first vacation together: 30.07.13 - 20.08.13 (cynthia in new orleans)
                            third meeting: 14.12.13 - 03.01.14 (cynthia in new orleans)
                            fourth meeting: 21.05.14-02.06.14 (jason in vancouver)
                            surprise! 13.08.14-27.08.14 (cynthia surprises jason in new orleans)
                            viva las vegas: 21.12.14 - 24.12.14 (c+j vacation together in vegas!)
                            jason's 1st canadian christmas: 24.12.14-02.01.15
                            my first mardi gras: 12.02.15-20.02.15


                              I wasn't lucky enough to get a plane ticket for Christmas, but she is coming up to visit the week before, and then I am flying down for new years. Sadly this is our visit before I go to Basic Training. :/ Bittersweet


                                I won't see my SO for Christmas, but I will see her the following week for New Years! Well, I expect I'll be seeing her. She hasn't got her plane ticket yet. Also, I'm flying down to visit her and my mom in Florida tomorrow!!! Although, I'm visiting my mom first, so it'll still be a few more days until I see my SO.

