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How to convince my bf to be a member

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    How to convince my bf to be a member

    I've been on this website a lot the last two days and it really helps me cope with my LDR and I think it would help my bf a lot too! He always says he will look at it eventually but he never gets around to it. Any thing I can say that might help him want to be a member of the LDR site? We all have bad days and he does to I think this will help but I don't want to force him. Advice?


    There is no way I'd want my SO to be a member. There will be times you will need advice or need to complain and this is an awesome place to do so. Having your SO here can make posts come off as passive aggressive when you choose to write something in "what do you want to say to your SO" then actually just telling them for example.


      I would just let him take the lead on that. You already told him about it, now it's up to him if he wants to join. These kinds of sites aren't for everyone, my SO never really "got" why I find talking to a bunch of strangers on the internet helpful.
      Plus, when you have problems, you'll be happy that you have this site all to yourself


        I think my SO would get banned from here pretty quickly!


          I'm with snow_girl & mlle on this one. I'll read him posts once in a while, but more often than not I'm grateful to have my own place to escape to on the internet.

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            Leave it for him to decide, and let him do it in his own time.
            We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


              Well, if it's really important to you, then you should tell him that it's important to you. You know, that he joins this site. I'm fortunate because my girl(she isn't really active on here.......yet) and I joined at the same time. But that's because she and I have always talked about this website. We got the "online movie date night" idea from this site, and we've since made that into a tradition of ours. So it was relatively smooth for us to join this community a while back. I say you and your guy just sit down, and talk about it. What my girl and I know is that we need to be creative when we can't be with each other physically. This website offers information that can help you become more creative in that sense, so that's something we find to be rather helpful. I hope your boyfriend sees that as well on this website.

              Communication is the key.


                I wouldn't force it upon your SO, let him decide for yourself.


                  I tried to do the same for my SO and he joined, but never really used the site ever. To be honest I can't say I mind lol. Like the others have said, it's a good place to retreat to, and sometimes I'll read him some posts, but this isn't really his kind of site. It probably isn't your SO's either. And that's ok! I'm not the type to rant about my problems between my SO and I, but I've done it once or twice in the past, and the privacy was kinda nice.


                    If he hasn't checked it out yet, even after you mentioned it, he probably isn't the type to cope this particular way. Technically, since the site helps you, he'll be benefiting indirectly anyways. It's also nice to have a place all to yourself!

                    Married: June 9th, 2015


                      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                      There is no way I'd want my SO to be a member. There will be times you will need advice or need to complain and this is an awesome place to do so. Having your SO here can make posts come off as passive aggressive when you choose to write something in "what do you want to say to your SO" then actually just telling them for example.
                      Made it official: 12-01-10
                      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
                      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                        I talk about this site to my boyfriend, but he doesn't really have an interest in joining and posting a lot. I have let him log onto my account to have a look around, and also to post once.. that was on both of our behalf and we were together, but he wrote it from his perspective (and said on the post). I tend to use this site mostly to comment on other people's post, and by doing so I talk about my relationship. I like to see other people in similar relationships to myself. I wouldn't mind if my boyfriend created an account but I also don't mind if he just looks at the site or if I just tell him about it. I just like being able to see other people in similar situations and how they deal with things.

