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Needing some encouragement and advice

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    Needing some encouragement and advice

    my girlfriend and I are have just started our 3rd year apart for over a month now and it feels much harder after 4 months being close together. There are also many changes in our lives that I'm trying to cope with. Basically my girlfriend was offered an internship from the company that she has always been eager to join. She was so happy and I was very happy for her. But after a while, the problem gradually turned up. She now has so much work to do, which means she has much less time to talk. In our first years, we talked to each other a lot since our schedules were quite convenient. But now we have about 1-2 hours everyday to talk. I wasn't happy about this but after realising this seems to be a decent amount of time to other LDR couples as well, I'm trying to get used to it but with a bit struggling.

    But from her side, the new job made her become really stressed and become aggressive. She become easily irritated and paranoid. The stress become more extreme when one of her colleagues messed up the work and she had to deal with it, and after that her computer just died. I tried to help her with the best I can and spend a whole day in front of my computer to guided her to reinstalling Windows through photos and teamviewer. But at some point I had to go out for a while and she sent a photo to ask me for helped. Due to the lack of sleep the night before, I couldn't concentrate and misguided her to installing another version of Windows that doesn't work in her pc. She then became really angry at me for messing up but I still try to help her fixing it. After talking about how bad her situation became, she said some thing that was kind of hurtful: "I'd rather ask the other IT guys at my office than asking you". I am undeniably at fault of messing up her pc and I tried to fix it but what she said just makes me sad since I tried to help her until 4 am and helped her the day after after a 4 hour sleep. I have tried to tell her before to calm down to try to solve any problems rather than focusing on how bad it is but it seems she doesn't take it very well. I would appreciate any of your help about this
    P/s: English is not my mother tongue and I haven't had much sleep since then so apologies if my writing sounds a bit silly.

    You're right with the 1-2 hours a day to talk being the norm for most ldr couples. Luckily when my SO and I were LD we talked for 5-6 hours a day (random texts, phone, IM ectect). It would have killed me to only get 1-2 hours a day.

    I think, when you get the time, you need to sit down and have a conversation with her about how shes been acting twards you. Not in an accusing way, just tell her that you understand that shes stressed out from her job (repeat that you're glad that she has it) but taking the stress out on you isn't fair when you try to do anything to help her. Maybe express your concern that shes stressing out might start effecting her health.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13

