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Hard to do but worth it in the end

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    Hard to do but worth it in the end

    I know everybody here would recommend a LDR to anybody, and while it is hard especially after you meet them the first time and they go "home" its incredibility worth it in the end, especially when you know you are meant to be with that person the rest of your lives. Only for Denise would i continue going through all this pain until we are one roof, she's the one and only person i would and will continue to do so for. However i gotta say unless its for a few weeks or a month i never wanna go through this much pain after we are under one roof, not in this lifetime would i ever do this again. Denise is my soulmate for life, so i know i wont have to go through this again in this lifetime.

    I'm so happy to have found my SO, she is the only one for me, and totally worth the wait. And honestly, it's not all that hard if you both work for it.


      Originally posted by Casper View Post
      I'm so happy to have found my SO, she is the only one for me, and totally worth the wait. And honestly, it's not all that hard if you both work for it.
      Well, I do think that it's very hard. Especially when I'm lying in bed at night; alone. Knowing that it will be 9 months until I can see my SO again. It's horrible. Even though we're very happy and try to talk a lot. But it's still worth it.


        I completely understand where you're coming from. And while I half agree with Casper - it's not the communicating that's hard but rather, the letting go, the waiting, and the knowing you can't touch them after they've gone - that's what's hard. Seeing the blocks in your way you should be able to tumble but will takes months or years - that's frustrating.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Originally posted by NaNi View Post
          Well, I do think that it's very hard. Especially when I'm lying in bed at night; alone. Knowing that it will be 9 months until I can see my SO again. It's horrible. Even though we're very happy and try to talk a lot. But it's still worth it.
          Well, that may be true for you, but when I'm lying in bed at night I'm usually on cam with my SO, enjoying her company. I understand that a lot of people miss the physical contact, but I try not to get hung up on that because I know that we'll be living together soon enough. I'm in a great relationship right now, it just so happens to be long distance.


            Originally posted by Casper View Post
            Well, that may be true for you, but when I'm lying in bed at night I'm usually on cam with my SO, enjoying her company. I understand that a lot of people miss the physical contact, but I try not to get hung up on that because I know that we'll be living together soon enough. I'm in a great relationship right now, it just so happens to be long distance.
            Lucky you! We can't do webcam because of broadband usage.


              I wouldn't recommend an LDR to anybody but if they happen to be in a situation where it's an LDR then so be it. I take pride in being in a relationship with my SO i don't really care about the LD of it. Not all people are cut out for an LDR.
              That being said, i do not find it to be a pain nor hard work as long as me and my SO are completely on the same page about things. Sure there are moments where i feel sad but i don't focus on that because i don't feel like it would be productice and healthy for our relationship if i was sad and wallowed in it.


                I think that for me it's not all that hard. First off we spent 4 months away from each other now and those 4 months have been thought of as not being "together" even though it felt like we were but the only real hard part was that we both still loved each other and knew that we would end up together again but we were kinda dancing around it. It's only been about a week since we are officially back together again but we're still keeping our anniversary as Jan 1 just cause a) we didn't feel like we were broken up and b) Jan 1 is an awesome anniversary haha.

                I do think it's worth it though because you definitely learn to not take your SO for granted and it's made me love Delanie more in the end because even though it's been a lot of bullshit till now, we're still together.


                  Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                  Well, I do think that it's very hard. Especially when I'm lying in bed at night; alone. Knowing that it will be 9 months until I can see my SO again. It's horrible. Even though we're very happy and try to talk a lot. But it's still worth it.

                  i know i miss waking up at night or in the morning and seeing her laying next to me, i miss my arms around her and her arms around me, acting silly and laughing at something that wouldnt make anybody else laugh but us. I miss that the most


                    I honestly wouldnt recommend anyone an LDR lol expect if you know its THE one and if you know that its possible to see each other at some point.
                    I have sworn to myself after my first one that I dont wanna do it ever again, but it happened when I least expected it and didnt wanted a relationship at all.
                    But yea maybe its just me but knowin how hard it is, and how limited you are sometimes I really wouldnt recommend it to anyone and by this Im not sayin like "oh you love him/her fuck it, it wont last anyways" I mean more like "if it doesnt HAS to be a LDR than try to not have it" I hope you dont get me wrong lol :S
                    But yes for my bf I would go through it all again, cause I know he's the one and eventually I will be with him, married and with cute lil babies. Its just a matter of time


                      I am so happy in my LDR. I've been in local relationships and I've never been this happy with anyone. Ryan is my other half and the distance is something that I know we can overcome


                        I agree. It is really hard.
                        Being in this relationship, I've felt so much pain. From goodbyes and missing him.
                        Laying in bed at night, wishing I could feel his arm around me and waking up to his bright smile.

                        I've actually had a few moments after he left this time, where I was thinking that I couldn't do this anymore.
                        But then I came to my senses. Because he is worth the wait. Because I know that once I can look into his kind eyes again, the pain of waiting becomes a distant memory. Like it was just something I had to go through, to be able to feel this happy once again. And we love each other, no matter how far the distance is. And it's nice to know that there's someone out in this wold that misses me. That thinks I'm worth paying thousands of dollars to see, many times a year.

                        When he's not here, it feels like a piece of me is missing - but I guess that just means that he is the one that makes me feel whole.
                        That is what makes it worth it all.


                          Agreed. This is my SO's and I's first week apart and it's been tough, I'm having a hard time imagaing 4 years like this, I seriously just wanna end the distance cause I can't handle it but I'll wait as long as I have to cause I love her.
                          Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                          Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                          Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                          Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                          Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                            I know I wouldn't recommend a LDR, but if it's a situation where one has to move away/goes into the military you can't help it and that should never be grounds for a break up.

                            My best friend's gone through 4 and honestly I don't know how she did it, she only ever met one of them and it was months after they broke up and just in passing. My guy's gone through one before and the chick turned out to be insane (she wanted him to fly across the country to kill her, she was messed up) and even he didn't want to be in another. However as the saying goes, you can't help who you fall in love with. Despite the pain, despite the silence, uncertainty, empty feeling and longing, if I were given a chance to re-do the moment he asked me to be his, I'd still say yes. Love hurts, love sucks, and love's a general bitch but we all end up delightfully masochistic and endure the flogging for the sweet moments where we actually do get to kiss our SOs or hold them in both good times and bad. It's hell on the nerves but I think it makes us appreciate the good far more than if we were in the same room all the time. And when we do end the distance, we can appreciate the coals we walked on to get there. But if this one ends, I'm not entering another. In fact that's pretty much my whole dating 'career'.

                            But still I wouldn't say "Oh hey this is the greatest ever, find someone in another state/country and fall in love!"


                              Everything is worth it in the end for the one you love

