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How things have changed in just two days!!

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    How things have changed in just two days!!

    Hey everyone, so much has changed between me and my SO in just two days. First of all, I have been keeping my SO a secret from my parents everysince we started talking because my parents are very protective when it comes to dating and I was afraid they were going to make me end my relationship with my SO. On Sunday afternoon, my SO sent me a 4 page text breaking up with me! Keep in mind my SO and I have been together for a year and two months. I was absolutely heated!! So I called him back to ask for closure and to explain why he was really breaking up with me. He told me it was because he got fed up with me keeping him as a secret from my parents. He mentioned that it bothered him once. My thinking is if it really bothered him, he should have pushed me, questioned me, and gave me a deadline when to tell my folks. That phone call with my SO was dreadful, we were shouting on the top of our lungs until we had nothing left to say to each other. So Sunday night I was absoulutely heartbrokened, could not eat, sleep, all I wanted to do was work things out with him. Then I started talking to my close friends about the situation and they gave me some great advice on what to do. So I called my SO back and talked to him in a calm voice and asking for another chance, I literally had to beg for another chance. Then he finally accepted. He gave me another chance and told me I needed to tell my parents asap! I wanted to tell them not just for him, but for me too. All night I prayed and prayed for God to give me the strength to talk to my parents. Monday morning I went to tell my parents everything and they didn't have time to talk because they were getting ready for work, so I had to wait until they got home from work. When my parents came home, they began asking me what I needed to talk to them about, so I told them EVERYTHING!! They flipped out because they were upset that I could've put myself in danger and that I've been keeping this for so long. Now I've visited with my SO 4 times and he's never put me in any kind of danger and he's always treated me like a princess At the same time, I can see why they were upset because you know they hardly knew him. So I stood my ground, spoke up, and told my parents I was going to keep talking to my SO whether they like it or not. I am a hardworking 21 year old female who deserves to live her life. After I had that huge talk with my parents, with tears and all, I called my SO and told him what happened. My SO was still pretty upset with me and kind of distant towards me, which I understand but I think he was still happy I finally stood up to my parents. My SO and I still really care about each other very much! So right now we are working things out, and I have to continue fighting for us and prove that I deserve him back!

    The best of luck
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Good luck!
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        good luck that must be so stressful but i hope it works out for you


          I'm confused - why would your SO be upset and distant after you've done precisely what he wanted you to do - which is tell your parents?
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            I know exactly how it is to have an overprotective parent. I didn't tell anyone about my SO for months, and when I did I got the same response as you did. No one can really understand the situation unless they go through it. I really hope your SO comes around and tries to see things your way. I understand he may be upset you didn't tell your parents, but it is very hard to tell your parents when you know they will not respond well. I hope everything works out for you!
            Met Online: 2009-10
            Started Talking: Jan 25, 2011
            Relationship Started: June 25, 2011
            First Meeting: June 9, 2014
            Engaged: June 12, 2014
            Second Visit and Road Trip: Sep 3, 2014


              Exactly its so irritating!! I'm going crazy!


                Thanks everyone for the comments I really appreciate it! I am just so stressed out right now! I've barely been eating, I can't sleep, and I've been crying so much I'm getting headaches


                  Drink plenty of water! You're getting the headaches because you're dehydrated (more than likely). Make sure you eat something! You don't want to get sick from not eating. I know it is probably difficult, but even if it's a small snack, eat! Now, I really hope everything works out for you!! I wish you the best of luck with both your parents and your SO!

                  To read our love story, click here.


                    Definitely try to keep it together. It will be very hard to continue to stand up to your parents for your relationship if they think it is detrimental to you. I'm not saying it isn't hard, but I speak from a lot of experience when I say you need to make sure you stay strong. I'm not sure how possible this is, but perhaps both your parents and your SO would feel more reassured if they could meet each other. It might be too soon for that now, but I think it would be good for your parents to see you taking initiative and showing them you're committed to staying in this relationship. Your SO would probably also like the fact that not only have you now told your parents, you're actively trying to involve him in the family. It might be the little step you need to get your relationship back on track. Good luck


                      Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
                      I'm confused - why would your SO be upset and distant after you've done precisely what he wanted you to do - which is tell your parents?
                      My thoughts exactly. He shouldn't still be punishing you.

