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Help! Want sweetheart to move in with me and family!

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    Help! Want sweetheart to move in with me and family!

    Ok, so I've found the man of my best sweetheart..and absolute love of my life...we both want to be together terribly and pretty much cry every day on the phone together because all we want is to be together and start our life together as one....There are just a few problems in our way....For starters, the way we met was through Facebook, through a support group for people with a chronic pain disease that we both share....we ended up talking and becoming really close as best friends and then falling in love....we both struggle with our condition daily and have both had to file for disability....we both currently live with our parents and are hoping to change that soon; however, me and my family are moving to Orlando soon and my parents have invited him to move in with us...and have even said they would look into getting a home with an attached apartment for him and I to live in, so that we could live together and start our life together while we get things started with disability while we wait and money, etc.,....well he also has a savings which he's been using to pay for his medications monthly and's the problem....he doesn't want to come here and move in because he feels it would be wrong to move in without having an income....and while I understand and respect that, I also don't see how things would be any different whether he's living with me and using his money to buy his meds, or living with his parents and doing the same....he says his concern is when his savings runs out, then what? He says if he isn't living at home, his parents won't help him...but I know he has enough savings to last him a while and I kind of wish he would just trust that all will be ok, and that we will just take things as they come since he may have his disability by time he would ever run out of his savings....but I also respect and understand where he's coming from...but I just want to be with him so bad and it's killing me knowing we finally have a way to be together and he isn't wanting to do it....I just feel like it's the same whether he's with me or his parents as far as spending his if I get my disability, I plan to try to work a little part time if I can to help him out anyway and I've told him sick as I am, I'm about ready to just cancel all the years I've been fighting for disability and work no matter how hard it is for me, because that how bad I want to be with him...because I love him that much....I'm at a loss...please help! Am I wrong for wanting him to come? I just want us to be together...if he waits on disability or the "right time"...I feel like that could be years...I'll wait forever for him...but it's hard when I know we don't have to.....

    sounds like he is thinking of the future. i cant blame him for wanting to wait and make sure his finances are straight. if it is meant to be, then it will be. just hang in there and when things are ready it will happen.
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


      Thank you...he is...and he says he's trying to get his health in order so we can be together too...I guess it's just hard because I miss him so much...I just love him so much you know? It's hard missing him so much and wishing we could see that other person every day...but it's worth it when you know you've found the one. Thank you for your words.


        To be honest, I probably would be like him. If I was him I wouldn't want to feel like im mooching off your parents. Assuming he doesn't have to pay rent. I would at least want a job in order to do at least that much and show that im saving up to buy a house and get out of their hair.

