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Is LDR for me?

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    Is LDR for me?

    I just started an LDR with someone I meet online. He lives 2300 miles away. It's only been 2 months, but he has come out to visit me twice. We discussed that we would not be intimate with anyone else. Now I feel like we should have discussed if we're exclusive (will we be dating other people). After his 2nd trip out he hasn't been the same, e.i., he hasn't been as available as before. I'm starting to think that he is seeing someone else. He is coming back out to visit in 8 days. I would like to discuss how I'm feeling and why. Is it a good idea or do I wait it out for a couple of more months?

    Why would you wait? You're bothered by it and in a LDR it's crucial to have good communication. If you are suspicious you need to bring it up as soon as you can, don't let yourself walk around with it for longer than necessary. You could alternatively wait until he is there in person to have a good talk about it, so you can really see each others reactions. Good luck!


      What missbutterfly said. Don't wait. If you do it'll just end up making you crazy and you'll over think every thing. Lay it out there, say what's in your heart and how you feel. Waiting will do no good or either of you. *hugs* Good luck.

      "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
      Married April 18th, 2015!!
      Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


        I second what Miss B and Mims said. Talk about it. If I have a problem or issue, I go to my SO and we talk it out.
        Being in an LDR is hard. And worth it if it's the right person. Something else I would add is to really think about if the person you're with is someone you can see yourself being with long term. This sort of relationship takes a serious commitment and sacrifice.
        I wish you the best! And welcome to LFAD!


          Go talk to him! Everyone else said what I would have said so...

          Welcome to LFAD! :P


            First step is to find out what kind of relationship you are in. You stated you both agreed not to be intimate with anyone else, but if you havenet agreed to be exclussive, you cant get upset if he is seeing other people. if you are looking for an exclussive relationship, then put it out there. Tell him to be honest and if he isnt looking for the same, then you are better off finding out now.
            You have only been talking for two months. Dont rush things. Yes, you have seen each other twice in those 2 months, which is great for LDR, but 2 months is hardly enough time to really be judgemental about the situation.
            In LDR, communication is key. if you are not comfortable with something that has been said or done, or a lack thereof, to speak up. The other person cannot read your mind, and the longer you go without bringing it up for discussion, the more your mind works against it
            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


              Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your insight has been very helpful.


                you wont know if you dont ask!


                  Hi Everyone so I talked to him and we both want the same thing, and moving forward actions will speak louder than words.

