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Would you be mad??
Last edited by Black_Halloween; December 3, 2013, 12:50 PM.Made it official: 12-01-10
First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
Closed the distance: 07-31-13
hahahahah to all the above!! Sorry for deleting, I realized that probably came off as suuuper weird lol.. its just been a bad week..
I'm writing to ask if you would be mad about the following situation....
Last year my best friend was tragically killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. This week is the anniversary of her death with Friday being the day she passed. my S/O and I have been together since before she died and he was very supportive when she passed away.... However, I wanted to be with him for the anniversary for support. He said that we could be. Then he just told me that he can't be with me because he has to unexpectedly work on Saturday all day. He said we could see each other maybe Sunday since I will be going to my family's house an hour away for the weekend since he won't be around.... He doesn't want me to be sitting at his apartment alone all day while he's at work because he says he would feel rude.
My issue is that just recently, very recently, he lost his uncle, someone he was particularly close to. I took off work to go to the funeral...
I dont even mind that he has to work, I get that those things come up (even tho Its kinda insulting because I just took off work for him) I"m more mad because it seems like he doesn't give a hoot if he's there for me or not. I feel like he totally doesn't care and that he was completely insensitive for taking the extra shift. Even if he forgot that the anniversary was this weekend, he still was insensitive enough to forget!!! UGH!!!
I'm extremely insecure ever since my friend passed so this all just translate into "break up imminent" in my brain. It just feels weird because in the same conversation we decided to spend Christmas with his family so its like.... does he care or not?
I'm just pissed and feel disrespected
I'm sorry about your friend. I feel that taking off work for a funeral is different then taking off work for the anniversary of a death though. I understand it is still hard on you but life goes on. It isn't like he didn't try to offer support, he did say he would see you the next day. Work sucks sometimes but understand he isn't working to get out of being with you. Is there anyone else you can be with on that day?
How long ago did he say you two could be together that day? If it was more than say, a week ago, then he probably forgot. My SO gets his work schedule a week prior. We bought plane tickets a month-ish ago to see his family this weekend - and we agreed we could leave early Friday morning. Well, he got scheduled to work on Friday. He said, "I thought I requested that day off..." Sigh. Men.
I realize the situation isn't the same, but if your SO gets paid hourly, chances are he's always trying to pick up extra shifts. He did say you could spend the next day together. Like snow_girl said, a funeral is one thing, but the anniversary of a death... yea, it's hard. It really is, I get that. But, life isn't always fair. I'm talking in the sense that you can't expect everything to be "even steven". Like, you may have been able to take off that day, but he got scheduled to work a day. It's probably not in your best interest to feel like he disrespected you. I really doubt he thought "Well I'll pick up this shift so I don't have to see her", it was probably more like, "Extra shift = extra money. Yes!" And who knows, he may not have even chosen to work that day, his boss could have just decided that he's needed.