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What To Do? Problems With Girlfriend and her Actions

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    I'm sorry about your situation, but you do not deserve this abuse.
    There are a lot of good people here, giving you a lot of brilliant advice. Please think carefully about your situation.
    I'd say you need to leave her too. Some people don't reflect on what they have done or what they have had until it's gone. It will be difficult, but if you are wanting to really help this girl, maybe you need to do this. Giving her the reason to act this way is just 'enabling' her. I mean, everyone gets mad at their other half at some point, but it should never get that bad. I understand she has had a bad past, but as others above me have said, it doesn't give her the right to act abusively towards someone who is meant to means so much to her.
    If you must stay with her, for whatever reason, I think you're doing the right thing by not speaking to her when she gets mad, but you NEED to stay strong. If you don't, as you've seen yourself, it just makes things worse. Her not getting professional help.. it'll be difficult for her to change without this stranger making her realise what she is doing and how she is acting is wrong. I strongly believe that some people don't realise certain aspects of themselves without someone from the outside saying there is something wrong. She is obviously not taking advice from those on the inside (you), and she is just abusing how nice you are to her.
    Just please be careful, and think about yourself in this. It shouldn't be about what she can handle, but what YOU can handle. You're not a professional psychologist, you're her partner. There is a very big difference.
    Best of luck to you


      Originally posted by LadyDaemon View Post

      -Another thing,I think as well that she's probably dealing with more then just bipolar. My ex girlfriend(not a friend,someone who I dated) has borderline personality disorder. She would be very mean,yell,talk down to her partner when she was angry but then on the flip side of that she couldn't stand the thought of losing her partner and when she would calm down she would apologize all over herself,but it was a repetitive thing. It happened all the time. I'm not a professional and don't claim to be,but I am saying that it's something she could be dealing with and it's just undiscovered. Also,and not trying to be offensive,but is she taking medication for her bipolar? Most people depending on the severity (Which hers sounds like it is) need to have medication to level out their moods. So maybe if she's not doing that then she needs to start.
      I'm usually against any kind of self-diagnosing but I think this is something you could look into. Has she really been diagnosed as bipolar? The mood swings in bipolar disorder are usually not very rapid, it takes days and sometimes weeks to go from manic to depressed. Borderline personality disorder however is characterized with rapid mood swings, much like the ones you described. Your girlfriend is also manifesting sings of going from hating you to idolizing you (much like: "I hate you, please don't leave me!" type of behaviour), which is very characteristic in borderline. It could stem out of deep fear of abandonment, which is common with those with very abusive and dysfunctional childhood. I am not trying in any way to defend her actions, because no matter the label she should be responsible for her behaviour, but just suggesting that she might need more help than you could possibly give.

      I've seen couples like that where the other partner goes from being sweet to abusive in matter of seconds, only to come crawling back with millions of apologizes soon after and threatens with suicide and self-harm, and the other partner being understanding, loving, intelligent like you.. but very codependent. It's very unlikely that she will change her behaviour without intense help (and possibly more than just talk therapy, look into types of cognitive therapies), but if you want to stay, please take care of yourself and don't give in to her abuse. If you decide to leave and she threatens you with suicide, call 911 and get them to come so she sees that threats like that come with serious consequences. Good luck to both of you.
      Last edited by roosie; December 9, 2013, 05:13 AM.


        I found this really scary

