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Funny Moments with your SO

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    Funny Moments with your SO

    So we were both fairly sure there was already a pretty similar thread, but we couldn't find it and thought it couldn't hurt to start a new one. A place to list the funny non-sexual moments you've had with your SO.

    This morning, there we were sharing a nice big bag of lollies and I held some "hot lips" lolly between my teeth and called it to my SO's attention. Naturally he went to take it off me, but instead of grabbing the lolly with his teeth, he grabbed my real lip instead and drew blood! XD Ouch xD tears ensued, but mostly laughter, and my SO couldn't stop apologising. Poor thing Now he's scared to do it again. I love him.

    "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

    Started Talking - October 2012
    Started Dating - 08.11.12
    First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
    Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

    Rosetta Stone Progress
    22 / 60

    We made our first and only real meal together the night before I left Turkey; a home-made pizza. My SO can not cook, and for pizza sauce he found some chily paste. Very strong chili paste... I thought he had mixed it with tomatos, but he did not. AND... we added chilis on top of the pizza. Then we topped it all with alcohol.

    Needless to say, our stomacks were a bit upset on the big departure day. Now we joke that we will open our own restaurant, serving only "very strong pizza"
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Aw, am glad you guys are having a great time !

      For me there seems to be a reoccurring thing. A few days after we met, we were chatting outside. All of a sudden, a bird pooed in mid flight and it landed on my boob
      It happened again during my first visit back to him. We were walking to town and a bird pooed on my shoulder...
      Now after my last visit, I know these birds are waiting for me. We were on his motorbike and this bird aimed like a champ and pooed on my head.
      It's so ridiculous ! I seriously never get pooed on. Only when I'm with him and once every visit. It's just too funny now though
      And hey isn't it considered good luck ?


        We have many funny moments together. Here is one:

        We were at my mom's house in Colombia. My SO and I were on the first floor. My mother was upstairs with the cleaning lady, well, cleaning duh! all of a sudden I heard a weird loud noise coming from upstairs, so I shouted in Spanish: qué es eso?, which means "what is that". Where I come from we tend to speak quite fast and to eat some letters. So what I said was more like "qué 'e 'so"?. My SO doesn't speak Spanish, but knows some words. After he heard me shouting, he asked me all innocent: "why are you shouting cheese?" Lol I couldn't stop laughing. Cheese in Spanish is queso hahaha, he totally misunderstood what I shouted, but I don't blame him, it was all my fault. It was cute and super funny when he asked. To this day, he sometimes also says qué 'e 'so? When he asks me something. Just to make me laugh.
        Last edited by Schlafmütze; December 12, 2013, 06:20 AM.


          My girlfriend really likes it when I pick hold her up to kiss me. However, I didn't realize how low her basement ceiling was, and I guess she forgot too. So i grabbed right under her butt to hold her up and she pushed off a little and i picked her up and her head slammed right into the ceiling. I felt so bad and immediately set her back down and put my hand on the top of her head and frantically asked if she was ok. She lifted her head up and she was laughing hysterically and then kissed me.


            He is a bit preoccupied with his hair. A few weeks after i met him he cut it and now since it got shorter he loves to play with it and show me his "wild hair ", when he tosses his hair around and makes a goofy face until i laugh.

            It used to be hard for me to end our Skype calls. One time i used a whole 45 min to end (flirting with him all the time and the both of us having a good time ). Now i can end Skype in seconds. Still we joke that stuff will "take only 45 minutes ".
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Originally posted by Schlafmütze View Post
              Where I come from we tend to speak quite fast and to eat some letters. So what I said was more like "qué 'e 'so"?. My SO doesn't speak Spanish, but knows some words. After he heard me shouting, he asked me all innocent: "why are you shouting cheese?" Lol I couldn't stop laughing. Cheese in Spanish is queso hahaha, he totally misunderstood what I shouted, but I don't blame him, it was all my fault. It was cute and super funny when he asked. To this day, he sometimes also says qué 'e 'so? When he asks me something. Just to make me laugh.
              I think hispanics just do this in general. When I say that, it always sounds like "ques eso?" lols


                We were having a depressing conversation. Not close to funny at all, actually. But anyway, I tried spelling a word but kept typing it wrong, and it took an appalling number of tries. I then tried to type 'Oh my fucking god' but got corrected to 'Oh my fumigate god'. Then I managed to spell the word 'right' wrong in my next sentence. Smh.

                Damn you autocorrect.


                  While working at Disney we had a day off so we went to magic kingdom to play in the parks. We were on the people mover in tomrrow land and in some parts it gets really dark while the ride is passing threw space mountain. The ride ended up getting stuck in the dark part so we start to make out since we didn't wanna PDA while Infornt if people. I guess they have some security cameras that work in the dark cuz the lights turned on in the ride flashing right at us hahahahh we were so embeassed cuz all the people in the other carts around us saw everything as soon as the lights went on loll we looked at each other laughed and went soo were still stuck on this ride huh ? lol what's new ... Cool hahhaha
                  We laugh at it now hahah buy it was pretty bad then


                    We're currently Skyping, and a few minutes ago he was watching or playing something, idk. But I couldn't get his attention. I was making all sorts of noises and he wouldn't look at me, so I started growling and barking... And then proceeding to continue even after he looked at me.

                    And last night I had left my room for a minute and when I came back I told him I could smell his ass all the way from here, and told him he has a smelly butt, and various other things along those lines. He made the funniest face in the world. I think if he had scrunched his eyebrows anymore they would've merged into one. And the whole time, he didn't say a world, just glared at me with that look for like 3 minutes. I could barely breath I was laughing so hard.
                    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


                      Today actually me and my SO were texting..and apparently I was responding to a lot of his messages like "Mhm mkay" and I didn't realize it until he said "Is that all you can say? XD" and then on purpose (and he could tell) I said "mkay" and he just thought it was the funniest thing ever..which made me laugh because I only thought it was slightly humorous xD


                        Oh no!
                        During our first visit we were getting out of the car and opening the truck to get out our towels and stuff for the beach. Me being a silly loser, decided to scare him by pretending to kick him. He reacted by holding out his phone and i ended up kicking it and the screen shattered when it hit the floor. He had to get it fixed later that day and I was horrified but he didn't think it was a big deal. Now it's a story we tell everyone -_- and I always feel bad haha but it was kinda funny.


                          One time I said 'dog' instead of 'dick' on Skype-- he still won't stop making fun of me for it


                            This may seem REALLYYY weird but my SO was on Skype late into the AM one night and we were just talking our brains out/getting sleepy/dopey and something hilarious happened. He had a bunch of bananas on the table where he was sitting and I think he went to pick them up to move them. The stem broke and it revealed some of the inside and he isn't into wasting food at all so he said something like , "ugh, I can't believe I did that. Now I'm going to have to eat this entire banana!" Then he started chowing down on the banana live on Skype and I was laughing my bum off. There he was at 3am on Skype forcefully eating this banana while sighing about it and I found it to be absolutely hilarious haha.


                              I have so many funny stories...

                              The first time myself and my girl met in Arizona she took my shopping in the local mall. Out of no where we started playing hide and seek (shes short so she has a way better advantage over me, im 6ft!), halfway through I thought i'd 'flush her out' as I couldn't find her, so putting on my best Arnie voice I started running around shouting "HEY YOU, YOUUU, VHERE ARE YOUUU" she pops her head around the corner and I put on this gross swagger and walk over saying again quite loudly "YOU NEVA RETURNED MY PHONECALLS, HOW ARE VEE SUPPOSED TO MAKE THE BABEHS IF YOU KEEP WANTING TO TAKE BREAKS, COME ON, GET IN DA CHOPPA" poor girl ran away in a mixture of laughter and horror hahaha.

                              Then after that she got revenge on me when she tried to tickle me in our hotel room, I tried to jump from one bed to another (there were two king sized ones in our room oddly) and I bounced, went head first down the crack between the wall and the bed and was stuck head first between the two, all I could hear was my girlfriend dying of laughter between asking if I was ok, then after finding out I was she took pictures and made me say that I loved her and she was the best girlfriend ever before letting me out lol!

