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    With this much resentment, the relationship will never right itself. If you can't handle what you perceive as a lack of effort, there's nothing wrong with that, but then you need to make your decision to break it off and stick to it. If talking to him numerous times hasn't made him change and only threatening to call it has, maybe it's not something he can do for yu and the break up is better for everyone.


      Originally posted by sweetdevil View Post
      No, he didnt make an effort.
      he barely spoke to me for a week after he got back home and only after I said I was done with that (for the third time!) he was suddenly able to text me in the morning.
      Dont make it sound like I am the bitch here. He is the one that kept texting like I didnt just said it was over.
      If you said it was over, then I'm confused why you're still with him. You said it was over once, do you really need to break up with him again? Unless you didn't actually mean it, and phrased it like "if you don't talk to me we're done". If you did that, yea, I can see why he'd reply. Though, I'm confused.. how is texting you every morning not making an effort?

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        If you told him that your relationship is over, you should cut all the contact with him or he will never take you seriously. I think you have right to break up with him, he is obviously lacking effort to communicate, which I personally find as a single most important aspect to keep LDR working. But you really should stick to your decision.


          Yep, cut contact. It really doesn't matter if anyone here thinks he's making an effort-you don't. I'm not fully aware of your situation, do you have any other ties? If you block and delete him from everything, will that work? Or is there more than needs to be settled?

          Met online: 1/30/11
          Met in person: 5/30/12
          Second visit: 9/12/12
          Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


            Agree with Dez.
            It sounds like his effort was "too little too late" for what you want and need in the relationship, and you had made that clear a few different times. For some, his effort might be fine, but it's not for you and that's perfectly okay. You broke up with him.. if he continues texting, I'd tell him you meant what you said and to please stop contacting you. And stick to it. Do whatever things you'd do to start moving on.
            Good luck.

