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PMS an excuse?

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    PMS an excuse?

    I really hate to be one of those people who blames irrational mood swings on PMS, but I get so easily irritated with my SO near my period. It's really terrible, and that's no exaggeration. I mean, it is awful. To demonstrate just how horrible it is - yesterday night I raged (silently) and cried (not so silently) because my SO forgot that we were supposed to get ice cream. Not only did I cry but I re-packed all of my things and very dramatically contemplated going to sleep outside in the snow because sleeping next to a monster who forgot about ice-cream time with his girlfriend would have been so unbearable and unfathomably inhumane for my fragile heart.

    It's not enough to say "Oh, I'm just pmsing" because I don't think that's a viable excuse. Suffice it to say my SO is understanding/calm enough not to have reacted badly to my behavior, and if I did say "oh, just pmsing" he would accept it. However, the burning hatred I have for that side of me won't allow it. My SO is a really gentle, patient person and what I did was so uncalled for.

    When I'm pmsing it's like there is this constant fire in my veins and I am going to explode at any minute, over the tiniest thing. I can't tolerate my SO's music, sometimes I can't tolerate the sound of him even breathing. It's like I'm crawling out of my skin and the whole world is this ball of annoyance.

    I know some girls will say that pms doesn't even exist, but I truly become this monster when nearing my period. It doesn't happen every time to this extent, but I always find myself a bit more irritable and impossible to be around. I really need someone to tell me I'm not alone in this so I don't feel so completely awful about myself.

    *I wasn't sure where to put this*

    I know how you feel Smallest things can annoy the shit out of me.


      Pms exit in some at least. I get crappy pains and crappy mood. Or i used to. Hope birth control will kill it.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        The days before my period my SO can annoy me to no end and I feel like scratching his eyes out when he opens his mouth. When I try to think of a reason why I suddenly find him so annoying and can find a valid one.
        Hormones are a bitch. Which is also why I'm glad to be off birth control, since they made me act like a had PMS pretty much all year. Poor my SO.

        I've also heard people say PMS doesn't exist, but seriously... those days before my period, but emotions are just a mess. I cry for no reason and I'm bitchy for no reason. So I believe no stories of "no such thing as PMS" - mostly I actually hear this from guess.
        I guess women just invented PMS to get an excuse to act unreasonable for several days each month - and since most men have no clue about cycles, the excuse can be used several times.


          If your getting mad that fast it might be something more then pms ugh I forgot the name of it but a ex friend if mine has it so it's like pms but stronger. I hated her so much durring those days lol all we did was fight cuz eveything made her mad lol it was Soo stressful hahah. Like we went to a one direction concert and she got mad cuz I screamed to loud for the 1D guy I find cute LOL
          I was like calm your self lol I paid 100 bucks I'm gonna scream all I want
          Then days later she would be fine -_- so I think it's just a normal girl thing


            Originally posted by itsjen516 View Post
            If your getting mad that fast it might be something more then pms ugh I forgot the name of it but a ex friend if mine has it so it's like pms but stronger. I hated her so much durring those days lol all we did was fight cuz eveything made her mad lol it was Soo stressful hahah. Like we went to a one direction concert and she got mad cuz I screamed to loud for the 1D guy I find cute LOL
            I was like calm your self lol I paid 100 bucks I'm gonna scream all I want
            Then days later she would be fine -_- so I think it's just a normal girl thing
            I think you're talking about PMDD. It's a thing, and if you think you have it you should talk to your doctor. There are some BC options that help with the symptoms.

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
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              Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
              I think you're talking about PMDD. It's a thing, and if you think you have it you should talk to your doctor. There are some BC options that help with the symptoms.
              It wasn't me it was a friend lol well we are no longer friends but yes that !!! lol she did r wanna talk to anyone she was to hard headed


                Originally posted by itsjen516 View Post
                It wasn't me it was a friend lol well we are no longer friends but yes that !!! lol she did r wanna talk to anyone she was to hard headed
                The 2nd part was directed towards the OP (and your friend).

                2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                Progress: Complete!

                2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                Progress: Working on it.


                  I don't know, maybe I should look into it and see a dr... At this point, I honestly feel so much animosity towards my SO that I've thought of breaking up with him several times over the course of two days. It's weird, though, because it's like someone is switching a light on and off. I feel the anger/sadness - it's intense and convincing enough to make me believe that it's not PMS or hormones, but instead how I "really" feel. After as short as a few mins, and as long as a overnight I'm like, what were you thinking? All of the love comes back and I get super clingy. I got upset the other night because he wouldn't hold me while I was sleeping, which is something normally I don't even like. I realize how silly it was now that I was laying there crying in the dark while he was snoring his head off, but at the time it was heartbreaking. Agh. It's awful, feels like I have no control over how I'm feeling or thinking at all. I am not myself...


                    Originally posted by princessmaria View Post
                    I don't know, maybe I should look into it and see a dr... At this point, I honestly feel so much animosity towards my SO that I've thought of breaking up with him several times over the course of two days. It's weird, though, because it's like someone is switching a light on and off. I feel the anger/sadness - it's intense and convincing enough to make me believe that it's not PMS or hormones, but instead how I "really" feel. After as short as a few mins, and as long as a overnight I'm like, what were you thinking? All of the love comes back and I get super clingy. I got upset the other night because he wouldn't hold me while I was sleeping, which is something normally I don't even like. I realize how silly it was now that I was laying there crying in the dark while he was snoring his head off, but at the time it was heartbreaking. Agh. It's awful, feels like I have no control over how I'm feeling or thinking at all. I am not myself...
                    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down
                    Could it also be a possibility that you're stressed out? I know you've mentioned that you had a really rough semester...could it be the after-effects of it, and that you're still learning to adjust to relaxing?
                    Or maybe the holidays? I think a lot of people start to feel weird around the holidays...I know I do at times.
                    Take care of yourself


                      I get the same thing. I have other mental issues as well, so that compounds it. For a while before and during "that time of the month", I feel depressed and anxious almost constantly. I get terribly angry over small things, and have a hard time feeling love or happiness towards anyone. I get really sudden mood swings. It's so convincing, I often feel like I genuinely dislike/don't love my family, friends, boyfriend, etc. Of course, when it's over and I'm feeling more "normal" again, I can't find any reason for how I felt and acted, and I usually feel incredibly guilty. I guess I've just accepted it as something that happens to me. Doesn't help that people say PMS doesn't exist, so I feel even crazier.



                        It definitely sounds like Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It's like PMS x 100. I know because I've had it since I was in high school. You should talk to your doctor for sure. It's really hard to go through it over and over.


                        I would also share this information with your partner. It will help him understand you a bit better and open up the conversation.

                        Good luck!


                          Thanks for making me feel less alone! I really appreciate all of the helpful advice. Once I'm back home I'm definitely going to talk to my doctor about it, as it seems to be getting worse and worse. I have an anxiety disorder which may be why, never thought it could be contributing. PMDD sounds like me spot on.


                            PMS is certainly real lol. I think you should talk to your doctor about how bad it is, though. with me, i get obnoxiously depressed. I mean, my depressive behavior and constant whining start to annoy me XD I get angry, but i dont think it's at any strange level. (for PMS) birth control helped A LOT. I get the depo shot, so now i just get moody once every three months. and when i get the shot, for a few days after i act really freaking pregnant lol. i THINK your doctor will recommend birth control. but take your time figuring out which one is best for you. one, its bad to switch BC too many times or too frequently and most doctors wont stop you. two, it needs to something that's better for your lifestyle. I get the shot because im irresponsible and there is no way im going to manage taking a pill at exactly the same time every day. and i dont want to take another pill every day anyway. just consider everything. :]


                              I feel you! I am terrible when I have PMS! I cry at everything from commercials to my SO forgetting to make me waffles in the morning. I get moody, I am just sucks being a lady sometimes. BTW I'm on birth control and my symptoms are still there. I guess it helps some people, but didn't do much for me. Then again I've been on the pill for so long I probably just forget what I was like before BC.
                              "You want for myself
                              You get me like no one else
                              I am beautiful with you

                              I am beautiful with you
                              Even in the darkest part of me
                              I am beautiful with you
                              Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                              You're here with me
                              Just show me this and I'll believe
                              I am beautiful with you"


