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self first

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    self first

    Trying to be sensitive and supportive and keeping hope alive when your significant other has soo much going on in his life is soo hard and emotional draining ..Sometimes i find myself putting others before me and trying to save everyone &reality is i just cant ! It would be nice to sometimes be able to talk to him about my day or my feelings and my thoughts. Or what happened with my friends and family this week. Sure he asks out of pure politeness but i feel uneasy about talking about me and my life when hes going through things ...But I know that its not far to always put my self on a back burner to accommodate peoples feelings ! I am human to!

    Maybe he is polite, maybe you are holding back, regardless you too must talk about what is imporant to you. And it is ok to say to someone that they must find others to support them beside oneself, one is only human.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      If he's asking, tell him. It's probably not out of "pure politeness" and that's just something you're reading into it.

      You can strike a middle ground with yourself, too.. tell him just the stuff that's important to you or was funny or interesting about your day, as opposed to a blow-by-blow of every detail.


        Yeah if he's asking, it's probably because he actually cares. Besides, when my SO has a good day it usually helps perk me up if I'm going through something rough and vice versa. These LDRs are all about amazing communication. It's what keeps us alive. As long as you're being there for him, you shouldn't have to keep what's going on in your mind bottled up. Don't think you have to.


          Yeah I agree with the others.. if he's asking it's probably because he cares. You are in a relationship, you should be able to tell him anything. I get the feeling that if he is going through a lot, you don't want to burden him more.. but then you don't say it necessarily when he is at his worst, but when he asks then you can say it too. If there's something bothering you a lot, you have just as much of a right to say it as him. And if you listen to him and respect him and do your best to support him through his worst times, he can also do his best during your worst times.

          My boyfriend is probably the first person I tell my problems and issues with. My boyfriend is more the type of person to hold things in until they get too much. It's mostly because he grew up going through a lot of emotional traumatic events and so he had to adapt to holding more in otherwise he would be constantly exploding, whereas I had a more sheltered upbringing. When he is low, depressed, or upset, I do my best and try to be so positive that it can annoy him which I feel bad about but understand because when someone is depressed it can be hard to hear someone just trying to be positive, it's more helpful just to know they are there I think. I also then explode sometimes and get emotional a lot of times, and my boyfriend usually does his best to calm me down. Though a lot of times that makes him upset but then in a way it makes me realize how emotional and upset I was and I start reasoning it out and how I shouldn't be upset, but then I turn and pick him up. It's a two way thing.

          Just try and communicate, it's essential to a good relationship. A relationship should be between best friends and best friends should be able to share everything they want to with each other. Though it looks like your relationship is still new so you are still figuring these things out and how you work best. Don't give up, stay strong, remember why you love your partner.

