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When it's TOO perfect... O.o

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    I sometimes get scared that mine is too perfect too. We disagree on shit and he annoys the crap out of me (often deliberately, because I'm cute when I'm angry ) and like Duzi a lot of the stuff that gets us is living-together related. But we're so... functional.. and calm, and balanced compared to everything I've ever known.

    In the beginning, that scared me, and I'd go looking for trouble. Now I just count my blessings. And OMG did he just fart into the fan?! Excuse me while I rip him a new one...
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I don't think a relationship can stay "perfect". After two or so years, things will slightly change (my experience in past relationships/observations) but if you love each other and look past faults and struggles that you'll encounter later on, it can be in your eyes, perfect. Right now, my nearly 1 year relationship is perfect (all except him not being near). I too am afraid something will happen and constantly think he'll die soon because my life has been such a struggle with every aspect and all my past relationships ended on a horrible note but sometimes you get lucky and it stays great and nothing bad happens. Let's just take it as it is and relax!


        Originally posted by Fretboard_Magic View Post
        I relate to that. My relationship is actually pretty easy for the most part, too. No real fights, we get along and communicate super well. My girl and have been together for 8 months as well, and many might say that's still pretty new, sure... But hey, I don't believe that's necessarily the only reason why we think our relationships are super good, you know? I do believe in compatibility, and I think that's what's at work here. I can only say that for my relationship with certainty, though. But if you feel like you and your guy are totally compatible, then that's great. :-) Some people may think it's just the honeymoon phase and it's all going to turn to shit once it's over, but I don't believe all relationships have to be like that.

        Just concentrate on your relationship. Don't worry about what others tell you. Certainly don't worry about it becoming more troublesome in the future because no one knows what the future might hold. Maybe you'll find yourselves feeling like you're still in the honeymoon phase 15 years from now, who knows? I certainly hope mine will me like that, and there's nothing wrong with hoping. But fear will cause all kinds of trouble because it plays tricks on your mind.
        I agree with this. Well said!


          I also relate to this. I feel like my relationship is so perfect for us (we have our faults, but we can work with them and talk things out etc) that something terrible is going to happen - like he is going to get into a car crash or I'm going to get kicked out of the country or something.
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            Originally posted by Zephii View Post
            And OMG did he just fart into the fan?! Excuse me while I rip him a new one...

            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
            Progress: Complete!

            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
            Progress: Working on it.


              I didn't post this to try to compare relationships, I was just curious We have had one fight, it was resolved pretty quickly though. I know things will change when we move in together, but we're both the kind of people who just talk things out and come to agreements. so i don't think there will be too much fighting when the time comes. I know the worst of it will be his tidiness habits.. or lack there of... lol. It's going to kill me if i have to keep cleaning our room. I keep mine pretty clean, and his is.. not so much haha.

              the kind of person I am, eight months is pretty good. I get annoyed with people in relationships pretty quickly. my longest standing one has been nine months. normally they only last a month or so (sometimes less) before I can't stand the sound of their voice or their existence at all lol.


                Perfect relationships can still have "fights" just as long as the "fights" get worked out. The "fights" or disagreements actually are good for your relationship because it lets you know how you work it out. If you are the type of person that runs away as soon as things get ugly than a long term relationship is not for you! :P Because guaranteed you will run into things that you have to work through, especially if you plan to be together for a long time/forever!

                I have been together with my boyfriend for a little over 3 years and we've known each other for over 4 years. We have had a few disagreements over the course of time. Though we talk things over and realize why the other person said what they said and then it's back to good. Though it's been tough knowing we can't close the distance for a few years yet, but we get through it. We want to be together, and it doesn't matter that it's going to be awhile til we are together in person permanently, but we are going to do it the right way even if it takes a long time. But we are together still and we will make it through.

                Stay happy in your relationship, and it's good to know you weren't comparing yourself to other relationships, but I know it's an easy thing to get caught up in doing. I've done it a few times, with couples from this forum, but then that lead me to becoming a bit jealous sometimes because that couple was visiting more than we were able to, so I have stopped doing that. I do my best to turn that jealousy into happiness for them and usually it works.

                Just know that even if you do get into a fight, it is not the end of the world. Just take a deep breath, and try and be as understanding as possible. Don't think your relationship can't possibly have a fight. It's how you deal with the disagreements and fights that happen.

                Relationships are perfect when they are founded on love and friendship. All relationships are different.

                Good luck. Enjoy being in love! It's a great feeling to have someone to love who loves you too.


                  Originally posted by squeeker View Post
                  Relationships are perfect when they are founded on love and friendship. All relationships are different.

                  Good luck. Enjoy being in love! It's a great feeling to have someone to love who loves you too.


                    Originally posted by lilcupcake View Post
                    the kind of person I am, eight months is pretty good. I get annoyed with people in relationships pretty quickly. my longest standing one has been nine months. normally they only last a month or so (sometimes less) before I can't stand the sound of their voice or their existence at all lol.
                    Distance makes it harder to get bored of someone's voice or existence so soon I know for me it'll be harder to get used to living together than getting used to long distance. It's just the way I am, I need lots of alone time and space.

                    Oh and fights are of course distressing as they happen but they actually kickstart our progress. Sometimes you need an alarm bell to get you to focus again.

                    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                      Him and I go through patches of perfection and rockiness. In the beginning it was pretty rocky, we were arguing and fighting a few times a week. We eventually realized it was because we were still getting used to each other and figuring things out. We had to find common ground. For about 3 months everything was fine and perfect and we didn't fight and we agreed on everything. Then there were a few weeks in there where arguments were happening, again, just about everyday. We've been together 8 months now and we go through patches. There are times that we don't always agree and we fight over petty things, but I think most of it is because we're both new to LDR's and we're still trying to work this stuff out. But like others have said, every relationship is different and comparing them isn't worth it.


                        For me the long distance was in between fights here and here, When we moved in together (on the first day we met ever) we didn't argue when we lived together just learning new stuff about together, Which is always fun, It is perfect but not too perfect, between us we think its amazing and perfect in our eyes :3 that's all what matters.

                        We spent two christmas together <3


                          Well daym it would be nice if me and my SO never had any fights lmfao. But then we wouldn't have hot afterargument make-up sex LOL
                          I don't think any relationship is perfect and it would be kind of weird if there were absolutely zero fights or times of friction in any relationship. I mean no two people are EXACTLY going to have the same opinions, or perspectives on certain things. And no person is going to be perfect. We mess up sometimes like saying or doing something stupid to make the other person annoyed loooll xD.
                          I guess people saying that it's not healthy to have no fights in a relationship assume that the one person in the relationship is just agreeing to whatever the other person in the relationship wants just to keep them together. They assume that they're just being fake to one another and hiding their true emotions and opinions.


                            Or then it's just a perfect match
                            My uncle and his late wife had a perfect relationship and they never argued.
                            I believe it exists and is possible, but perhaps more than been "perfect" it is a case of relaxed personalities, liking the same things and being perfect for each other.

