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MY moodiness is driving ME crazy

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    MY moodiness is driving ME crazy

    I am a moody bi^^%$ moods are all over the place and for me it is driving me crazy. It is the uncertainity of it all...I know that he will be moving here as soon as that stupid house sells...but when?! When?! Do I start working on the house here with the possibility we arent going to buy this I keep things in I wait. My God when I heard his voice today when I called him to wake up...I almost friggin is so deep and sexy and he is all mine. I want to be able to have that man right here in bed with I can hear him breathing...

    I feel like I am going crazy without him being here...

    I am a grown woman acting like a teenager. But I am so in love and so emotional...

    And soo lonely.

    I want to scream outloud to everyone....STAY AWAY...moody woman here...I cant sleep at nights...yet I want to sleep all the time...I crave sleep...I crave the escape from thinking too much...overanalyzing too much...
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    I experience it every day, but that's namely because I'm bipolar. Lately all I've gotten is 3 hours of sleep at night that's been causing me frustration and I snap at the smallest things. Of course, like you, a lot of it is because I want my baby here with me or to be there with him. I think this is where the term "madly in love" originates. It drives us mad, yet they have the phrase "delightfully mad" and you never hear someone say they're "delightfully sane", so I guess it can't be all that bad. :P

    That aside it is terribly frustrating. Might try some good ol' fashioned relaxing methods like lavender scented stuff, chamomile tea, warm baths with bath salts, and forcefully re-directing your mind. The last is hard, but if you can force yourself to just close your eyes and focus solely on breathing in and out and even saying "in, out, in, out" in your head for a few minutes you may feel better. Form of meditation.


      Great ideas.....

      I think I have overscheduled myself to make myself busy so I don't sit and think and that has caused me so much stress...My kids want a piece of job friends do...and I feel like I am being pulled in 100 different directions...

      thanks for your ideas hon..
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        If you like therapeutic/aromatherapy massages, schedule one. I used to have one every Friday night without fail and I would literally float into the weekend. But alas no longer, my masseuse now does aromatic massages for race horses, no kidding and makes a bomb, has written a book and travels the world.


          That's really interesting about the massages... I don't know if I have the money for that, but I thought as I started reading that you were going to talk about aromatherapy baths and candles and such. I think that the moody thing is something that tends to happen a lot in LDR, I definitely catch myself getting moody, I like to call it the "Belvy emotional roller coaster" because I talk to him once every week usually, and it never fails that the day I talk to him, I'm on top of the world, going into day 5, I switch from Jekyll to Hyde. I might try my rendition of Eternity's advice.



            I understand what you are going through, emotionally.
            I'm right now a semi-grown man feeling like a teenage girl :P
            But just hold out. rescue is on it's way!
            Patience dear!


              I would recommend just breathing, writing down your emotions, trying to relax and just go with the flow


                Listen to music that makes you relax and just lay back and dream away ^__^
                Im moody as hell as well and it helps


                  It seems like a lot of people are getting really stressed of late. It must be something in the LDR water. XD

                  You know, when you're apart from someone you love so much, I think it's easy to start focusing on all of the negatives than the positives, and it's easy to give yourself more stress because it's a problem you see a solution to and you want to resolve. And it's frustrating to see the things out of our control. I think the above suggestions are great, but I also think giving yourself the chance to shift your thinking will help. Concentrate on all of the positives - phrase it positively aloud and mentally instead of "When is that stupid house going to sell?" something like "When his house sells in the near future, our distance will end." It's hard, and it requires a lot of work.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    thank you alll sooo much.

                    I need to work on the whole stress thing...because seriously it is wearing me out.

                    this is a beautiful time in my life and I am wasting time stressing...and precious energy...
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Maybe you could try to do some yoga or light workouts like jogging or just going for a walk or pilates. At first it may seem like another thing on the 'to do' list but the pay off is great it can send you into an edorphin-frenzy.


                        My SO and I went through this when he was struggling to find a job post-college. He was working dawn to dusk farming for his family, applying for jobs and hearing nothing. He was frustrated, I was frustrated. It was terrible. It took 9 months.

                        Just try your best to be patient. I know it's easier said than done. But it'll work out eventually, and when it does, you'll barely remember how crappy you felt having to wait and do nothing. I took up tae-kwon-do, if you're into athletics, or even if you're not. It's not too hard, and man does it feel good kicking the crap out of a weight bag. Yoga is also great for stress. Just get out of the house, do something physical, try not to discuss it when you do talk to him. That's the worst thing you could do. Enjoy your conversations without rehashing all your worries and wasting your time with him. If there's a change, he'll bring it up and you can celebrate it. Until then just try and be patient and wait it out best you can.
                        "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


                          I think is totally normal for all of us to act differently when we are under stress. It is good that you know the source of your stress, so you can work on it. There is a Tibetan saying that has been really helpful to me: 'If a problem can be solved there is no use worrying about it. If it can't be solved, worrying will do no good' Hope you feel better soon and that you can have your man forever with you!

