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5380 miles

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    5380 miles

    Hey guys! I met a girl from Italy a few months back that i'm crazy about! We talk everyday, have started to have skype days where we spend all day and night with each other. She is coming to see me here in February and it will be the first time we have ever met in person. When we talk on skype it seems hard sometimes to think of things to talk about. She says that once she meets me it should be easier for her to talk to me and be weird and ramble on like i do. I;m nervous that after we meet it wont change anything but thats why I am here. Any advice for a newbie to LDR would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi and welcome!

    It's rather common to run out of things to talk about in a LDR at times since talking is pretty much the only thing we do where you in CDRs can replace talking with cuddling, a movie night, a walk together or whatever. You could try watching a tv series together, watch movies simultaneously, google questions (100 questions to ask your partner kind of thing). Check out the things to do part of the forum, great advice and ideas on there.

    Congrats of having a date to meet and good luck!
    We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


      Welcome to the forum.

      I can't imagine talking on Skype being difficult. I love talking with my SO on Skype, and I never want those calls to end. Maybe you two are spending too much time on it, though.

      Be sure to read the article 100+ Activities for LDR Couple and try out as many of those as you can. You find the article by clicking Go to Main Site at top of forum page, then look at links at the bottom of that page. Anything you can do to keep connected is good. My SO and I have tried many of these, and they are all great. We have watched movies together several different ways. One was watching on our separate tv's and talking on the phone at the same time. Another one is to watch on Skype using their screen share feature. We play online games together in private rooms. I've used many different sets of questions geared for couples to start discussions. You can google questions for date nights or questions for couples and get tons of ideas. I always keep a list of new questions to ask for times the conversation gets slow or I just want to get to know my Honey better. You can join Tumblr and search for subjects she likes or you like and check out the search results there. For example, if she loves horses, you can search horses on Tumblr and get tons of pics and articles on them. If you do that while Skyping and using screen share, you can look and talk about those things together.

      Keep searching this forum, too. This is the greatest group of people and they often have lots of ideas.


        Greetings and welcome to the forum.

        My husband and I did the long-distance relationship for Skype for over five years. Actually, when Skype used to have SkypeMe mode, that's officially how we met.

        You will run out of things to talk about and that's OK. Sometimes you just have to take a break or find something else to do where you can continue to use Skype but not necessarily have to communicate, for example as piratemama mentions playing online games together or watching movies and YouTube videos together. You won't have to talk but having reactions to stuff happening may spur further conversation.

        Sometimes I had Skype on while I was cooking and went over a recipe with instructions so my husband could guess what I was cooking, just for fun.

        Whenever I came to visit him or vice versa, we ended up not talking as much as we did over Skype because we ended up becoming more used to each other's physical presence, which said a lot more to us than our conversations on Skype.. lol. Good luck on your first meeting and hope all goes well!


          I talk far more to my so on Skype than when we meet. What I like the most is to just have him there and don't having to say much.I did the 100 questions with my so and even though it was a bit strange at first, it was interesting to share the info and it made him think I was very into him for asking questions no one had ever asked him! Also, make sure to live some time apparat from the computer and each other, to get other inputs.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            ITALY!? that's been my number one "must go to one day" place since i was like, four! I always get excited when i hear about Italian stuff :3

            Any who, It sounds like you guys are doing pretty while. As the others said, don't worry about being stumped for words, it happens to us all. just like Pink Elephant said, you can do others things. Share videos, articles, any common interest. Once I ended up knitting on the porch with my SO sitting next to me (on Skype, i mean) while he was drawing. it was actually a little freaky when i realized we just jumped into our 70's haha. but it was fun, and nice to just sit together. even if we were acting like old people.


              Welcome to LFAD!


                Welcome to LFAD forums

                On New Years Eve I talked to my SO for 8 straight hours! on Skype with just a very little silent time The thing is, we don´t really do Skype very often. I would say you also try different kinds of communication and get even bit more precious to each other. Also, as others suggest, try some other activities than just talking. Me and my bf got quite caught by those question books, though it was bit weird at the beginning, now we really like it. It may even bring some new topics. Also, when we Skype, we don´t only talk, but we would like sing to each other, or dance together , or I play a piano sometimes etc. Good luck with everything


                  Thanks a lot guys! I knew this was going to be something different when I started but I'm determined to make it work.


                    Originally posted by bradleyshred View Post
                    Thanks a lot guys! I knew this was going to be something different when I started but I'm determined to make it work.
                    I had never been in an LDR before
                    I met my SO and I wasn't sure what to expect. But like yourself, my SO and I were determined to make it work. Close to 9 months later and we're going strong!
                    We talked so much in the beginning! Now that we're out of the honeymoon phase, it's different but in a good way. FaceTime is the best. We cook together, watch TV together and just hang out together. There were times where I felt the need to fill up our time with words but I realized that just having that time with him was enough. You and your SO will figure out what works best for you.
                    Having the determination will help you a lot. Because you will have some really hard days. And I say that because I've been there. My SO and I both. The distance is really hard and it takes a lot of commitment and work but it is so worth it I'll be flying to see my SO in less than 2 weeks after close to 3 months apart. The moment I see him it will be worth it. It always is!

