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Possible First New Love & LDR?

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    Possible First New Love & LDR?

    Alright , so I'm quite new to this in all honesty , but I recently started talking to a special guy that's in the coast guard . Well we have never met , but he plans on coming up for my birthday next week. He found out today actually that he's transferring from Jacksonville(which was 2 hours away from me) to North Carolina to begin his training. That's not a big deal because it's something he has been looking forward to and I'm honestly happy for him . Although I may not be his girlfriend yet , we still have talked about whether he could do a long distance relationship and he's always been very positive about it by saying ' I could do it just because in the end it brings you closer with that person' . I in the other hand have never done a long distance relationship , but I'm very laid back and a faithful girl . We both have mutual feelings towards each other and have talked about dating etc.
    I just would like some advice on, newly beginning LDR's , how to handle them , and donts .

    Welcome to the forum.

    You'll find lots of great people and excellent advice on this forum. The best advice is to start reading some of the threads here. Also check out this article which has wonderful ideas for activities to keep you connected. My SO and I have tried most of these and love them all. Even the silly ones have been good, because they keep us connected.

    You'll both need to be open with each other and communicate more than you would close together. When something bothers you, don't let it stay bottled up. However, talk calmly and rationally, when you do discuss any issues. Be open to hearing him out, too.

    An LDR isn't easy, but it can have its pros. You do have to talk more, so you'll get to know each other more. Friends and family might not understand, but someone always has to criticize no matter what you do.

    The best thing for my SO and me has been Skype. We enjoy all kinds of activities on it, so I hope you have a webcam. If not, please consider getting one soon.

    I'm glad you found the forum.


      What she said ^ Effective communication is key.
      I'm to tired to list off a bunch of advice but if you ever have any specific concerns or need advice on a situation this forum is amazing. So many very smart people on here.

      And welcome to the forum =]

